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Appendix 1 Biblical References in Herbert's Golden Harpe Numbers in boldface refer to the numbered entries of the text. Biblical references that are known to be incorrect are followed by the correct reference in brackets. Repetition of the same entry number indicates that there is more than one marginal reference to the same biblical verse for that entry. All books of the Bible are listed, even when there is no reference in the text. Old Testament Genesis 6:5-28, 156; 6:8-83; 6:22-83; 8:21-52; 18:19-205; 19:19-36; 21:22-89; 24:35-113; 32:10-167, 230; 35:3-78; 39:3-112; 50:20-100. Exodus 18:9-218; 33:13-169; 34:7-26; 34:9-25, 169; 35:5-70; 36:2-70. Leviticus 22:55-130; 26:41-171. Numbers 11:11-164; 12:11-25; 12:13-30; 14:17-169; 14:18-169; 14:19-170; 23:19-20. Deuteronomy 4:9-196; 5:29-225; 6:2-192; 8:13-109; 8:14-109; 8:17-109 8:18-109; 9:27-30; 10:12-219; 10:20-192; 12:7-113; 12:15-113 12:18-69, 113; 15:10-112; 16:15-112; 21:8-130; 26:15-61 28:47-112; 29:9-180; 30:6-84; 31:6-148. Joshua 1:8-69; 23:6-178; 24:14-178; 24:19-24. Judges Ruth 2:10-230; 2:12-54; 2:19-230. 90Appenddc 1 1 Samuel 1:16-217; 2:25-165; 3:10-226; 3:18-140; 12:24-178, 229; 18:14-116; 18:15-223; 25:29-149; 26:24-82; 30:6-120. 2 Samuel 7:14-231; 7:18-230; 7:20-168, 229; 7:27-236; 7:28-231; 7:29-231; 24:14-153. 1 Kings 1:29-151; 3:6-47; 3:9-47; 3:12-47; 4:29-199; 8:36-186; 8:43-47; 8:46-24, 163; 8:47-26; 8:48-26; 8:52-189; 8:58-189; 8:61-40; 9:4-122; 17:36-70; 17:37-70. 2 Kings 10:31-180; 17:9-198; 17:14-57; 19:16-166; 23:3-187; 24:10-26 [19:9]; 24:17-26 [19:9]. 1 Chronicles 4:10-44; 5:20-217; 28:9-40, 70; 29:17-67; 29:18-41. 2 Chronicles 1:8-218; 2:5-230; 5:13-53; 6:2-58; 6:37-63; 7:14-63; 9:8-74; 15:15-196; 16:9-62; 17:6-185; 30:9-53; 31:20-38; 31:21-38; 34:27-209; 39:29-66 [erroneous]; 39:34-66 [erroneous]. Ezra 1:2-230; 5:11-103; 7:10-49; 7:18-49; 7:28-49; 8:21-171; 8:22-50; 9:6-52; 9:10-52; 9:15-51. Nehemiah 1:11-171; 2:12-171; 7:4-224; 9:17-53, 127; 9:20-127, 234; 9:25-127; 9:27-153; 9:31-15, 37, 128. Esther Job 1:1-40; 1:21-108; 7:20-3; 7:21-29; 8:5-121; 9:2-156; 9:3-25 9:20-157; 9:21-157; 10:3-153; 10:4-157; 10:6-157; 10:7-157 10:8-158; 10:9-158; 10:12-158; 10:14-158; 10:15-157; 11:6-152 13:15-153; 13:16-153; 13:18-161; 13:24-161; 13:26-62; 14:3-156 14:4-156; 15:14-155; 15:16-155; 22:22-187; 23:10-79; 25:4-155, 156; 33:26-160; 34:9-202. Psalms 1:2-69, 224; 3:7-162; 4:1-36, 162; 4:6-51; 5:2-162; 5:7-54; 5:8-89 6:2-54; 6:4-51, 139, 145; 6:9-217; 7:1-50; 7:8-55; 7:10-40, 50 8:4-167; 9:3-145; 9:10-51; 10:14-100; 10:17-100; 13:5-5, 151 16:1-56; 16:7-57; 16:8-57; 16:11-58, 58...

