In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

American Annals of the Deaf Index to Volume 131 1986 Issue 1 2 3 4 5 Key to Pagination Month March April July October December Pages 1-56 57-1% 197-256 257-312 313-372 Subject Index" American Annals of the Deaf —Advertising, 2 —Editorial Board, 1 —Editors, 1 —Information for Authors, 2 —Joint Administrative Committee, 1 —Management Information, 2 —"New Look," Letter to Editor, 199 —Subscription Information, 2 Announcements —Conventions, congresses, workshops, etc. 6, 7, 59, 60, 61, 202, 318 Career Search Information -CQA, 3 Cochlear Implants -CQA, 3 Communication —Assessing the Total Communication Skills of Students in Training, 33 —Communication Mode as a Factor in the Performance of Hearing-Impaired Children on a Standardized Receptive Vocabulary Test, 356 Competency Conflicts —Editorial, 201 Current Events —News Capsules, 8 Deafness —Alienation and the Mid-Nineteenth Century American Deaf Community: A Response, 322 —Deaf Mutia: Responses to Alienation by the Deaf in the MidNineteenth Century, 29 —Hearing-Impaired Children Under Age 6: 1977 & 1984, 85 Department of Education —Editorial, 5 Doctoral Dissertations, Education of the Deaf —Author Index, 191 —State, College, and University Index, 193 *CQA = Comments, Questions, Answers section A.A.D. / December 1986 Education of the Hearing Impaired —Alternative View of Education for Deaf Children: Part I, An, 21 —Alternative View of Education for Deaf Children, Part II, An, 229 —Deaf Heritage: A Student Text and Workbook, 204 —Educational Interpreting for Elementary- and SecondaryLevel Hearing-Impaired Students, 26 —Elementary Algebra Series, Vol. 1-13, 203 —Framework for Appropriate Programs for Deaf Children, 65 —Gaining Methodological Insight Through the Use of SingleSubject Designs in Hearing-Impaired Classrooms, 349 —Hemispheric Specialization and Implications for the Education of the Hearing Impaired, 238 —Math Masters, 203 —Sex Education and Drug Abuse, 203 —Student Health Manual, 203 —Using the Known to Teach the Unknown, 51 Educational Programs and Services for the Deaf —Postsecondary Programs, 140 —Programs Excluded from Tabular Summary, 136 —Programs for the Deaf-Blind, 151 —Programs for Professional Specialists, 148 —Programs for Training Interpreters, 149 —Programs for Training Teachers, 153 —Schools and Classes in Canada, 137 —Schools and Classes in the United States, 94 —Survey of Teacher Preparation Programs in Education of the Hearing Impaired, A, 232 —Tabular Summary of Schools and Classes in the United States, 134 English —Island of the Blue Dolphins, A Novel, 204 —Keep Quiet, "Reword" Game, 8 Interpreting —Marketing of Interpreter Services for the Deaf, The, 365 —Two Factors Related to Effective Voice Interpreting, 248 Language —Building a Language Base in Hearing-Impaired Students, 220 367 Index to Volume 131 Mainstreaming —Completing Education for Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Students in a Mainstreaming Environment, CQA, 199 —Dimensions of Mainstreaming, 325 —Instructional Patterns of Two Fourth-Grade Spelling Classes: A Mainstreaming Issue, The, 325 —Mainstreaming from a Residential Setting, 48 Nursing Training -CQA, 3 Plaudits —Editorial, 201 Professional Committee Membership —Conference of Educational Administrators Serving the Deaf, 177 —Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, 180 Psychology —Diagnostic Overshadowing Among School Psychologists Working with Hearing-Impaired Learners, 288 Public Speaking —Speaking by Doing, 8 Reading —Beginning Reading and Deaf Children, 14 —Case for the Semantic Processing of the Deaf Reader, A, 243 —How Do Deaf Children Learn About Prereading?, 210 —Language-Experience Approach to Facilitating Reading and Writing for Hearing-Impaired Students, The, 271 —Performance of Deaf College Students on a CriterionReferenced Modified Cloze Test of Reading Comprehension, 361 —Reading Habits and Preferences of Deaf Students Beginning Postsecondary Programs, 253 —Using Closed-Captioned Television in the Teaching of Reading to Deaf Students, 43 Research —Research and/or Demonstration Projects in Schools and Classes for the Deaf, 184 —Single-Subject Research Methodology: An Underutilized Tool in the Field of Deafness, 344 Residential Schools —Legal Necessity for Residential Schools Serving Deaf, Blind, and Multi-Handicapped Sensory-Impaired Children, The, 78 Reviews —Balentine, M.A., & Balentine, CJ., The Story of Anne, 259 —Bruininks, H., & Lakin, K.C. (Eds.), Living and Learning in the Least Restrictive Environment, 200 —Calvert, D.R., Parents' Guide to Speech and Deafness, 316 —Cherow, E., Matkin, N., & Trybas, R., Hearing-Impaired Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities, 3 —Fant, L., The American Sign Language Phrase Book, 4 —Gallaudet College Press, Another Handful of Stories, 200 —Geers, A.E., & Lane, H...
