In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Correction

Correction for Richard A. Shweder, "Intellectuals and 'Humanity as a Whole,'" Common Knowledge 16 (2010): 1-6.

On pages 4-5, Richard Shweder writes of an e-mail exchange that he had with Melvin Ember on February 17, 2009, and a telephone conversation that he and Ember had the next day. The topic of discussion was David Price's book Anthropological Intelligence and the evidence presented in it of CIA involvement with the Human Relations Area Files, of which Ember was president (and Shweder a member of its board) "during the relevant period." "Ember wrote me," Shweder states in his Common Knowledge piece, "that he did tell Price by phone that the CIA was briefly an associate member of the HRAF and then resigned. But Ember disputed the accuracy of Price's quotation." However, David Price, in correspondence with Shweder and the editors, has confirmed the accuracy of the quotation, which came not from a telephone conversation with Ember but from a hardcopy, signed letter from Ember to Price dated July 18, 1995. If there are reasons or causes for the differences in Ember's comments to Price and to Shweder about CIA involvement with the HRAF, we do not know them. Ember died on September 27, 2009. [End Page 365]


