In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editor's Note
  • Ian Storey

The editorial committee is proud to announce Mr Kuik Cheng-Chwee as the winner of the 2009 Michael Leifer Memorial Prize. Mr Kuik was awarded the prize for his article "The Essence of Hedging: Malaysia and Singapore's Response to a Rising China" which appeared in the August 2008 issue of Contemporary Southeast Asia.The award, established in memory of the late Michael Leifer, Professor Emeritus in International Relations at the London School of Economics, is given biennially for the best article to appear in one of the three ISEAS journals, namely ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Contemporary Southeast Asia and SOJOURN. Its selection, by ISEAS' International Advisory Panel, is based on originality, conceptual clarity and soundness, as well as its contribution to Southeast Asian scholarship. The award was presented to Mr Kuik at ISEAS on 26 February 2010. [End Page iv]

Ian Storey
Editor, Contemporary Southeast Asia,
15 March 2010

