Johns Hopkins University Press

Searching, in patios and cloistersin patios owned by aristosand cloisters owned by monks,I, that would gladly be rich butcontemn pride of line,who doubt God and the tonsured doctorswho keep him lingering alivein his iron lung,but might not find it easy to refuseif offered deification,searching in patios and cloistersfor beauty like a tourist for things about whichto say to his wife: 'C'est joli, ça!'found, in the end, what I needed,when from the red flowers toward the palm-treesI saw butting upin squat white stonethe unsparing likeness of an ugly man.

Palma de Mallorca [End Page 8]

Buscando, en patios y claustros,en patios, propiedad de aristócratasy claustros, propiedad de monjes,yo, que con gusto aceptaría ser rico peroque desprecio el orgullo del linaje,que dudo de Dios y de los doctores tonsuradosque lo mantienen vivoen su pulmón de hierro,pero que con dificultad rechazaríala deificación si ella me fuera ofrecida,buscando en patios y claustrostratando de hallar belleza como el turista busca cosasde las que decirle a su esposa: 'C'est joli, ça!'encontré, al final, lo que necesitaba,cuando de entre las flores rojas que conducen hacialas palmeras, vi asomándosede una blanca roca rechonchael generoso retrato de un feo hombre.

Palma de Mallorca [End Page 9]

Pearse Hutchinson

Pearse Hutchinson nació en Glasgow en 1927, de padres irlandeses. Se mudó a Dublín en 1932 y se educó en Synage Street y en el University College de Dublín. La Dolmen Press publicó sus primeras colecciones, Tongue without Hands (1963) y Expansions (1969). Por los pasados treinta años su obra es editada por la The Gallery Press. Su obra incluye Watching the Morning Grow (1972), The Frost is All Over (1975), Selected Poems (1980), Climbing the Light (1985), The Soul that Kissed the Body (1990), Barnsley main Seam (1995), Collected Poems (2002), Done into English (2003) y At Least For A While (2008). Pearse Hutchinson vive en Dublín, es co-editor de la revista Cyphers y es miembro de Aosdána.

Jorge R. G. Sagastume

Jorge R. G. Sagastume es profesor de literatura hispano americana en Dickinson College, y fue el fundador de esta revista literaria.

Jorge R. G. Sagastume is professor of Latin American literature at Dickinson College and the founding editor of this literary journal.

Pearse Hutchinson

Pearse Hutchinson was born in Glasgow in 1927 to Irish parents. He moved to Dublin in 1932 and was educated at Synge Street and University College, Dublin. The Dolmen Press published his first collections, Tongue without Hands (1963) and Expansions (1969). For the past thirty years his work has been published by The Gallery Press; his work includes, Watching the Morninn Grow (1972), The Frost is All Over (1975), Selected Poems (1980), Climbing the Light (1985), The Soul that Kissed the Body (1990), Barnsley main Seam (1995), Collected Poems (2002), Done into English (2003) and At Least For A While (2008). Pearse Hutchinson lives in Dublin. He is co-editor of Cyphers and a member of Aosdána.

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