In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • From the Editor
  • Steven Franks

In these pages you will find three articles, two dealing with syntax and one addressing problems of phonology, as well as four reviews. Coincidentally, the papers by Bethin, Fitzgibbons, and Lavine all deal with East Slavic. The books reviewed, on the other hand, reflect the diversity of the field, ranging from Polish phonology to Czech syntax to diachronic morphology to Ukrainian sociolinguistics. The attentive reader will notice that a different review of Bilaniuk's book already appeared in volume 17; these were accidentally commissioned independently but complement each other nicely. An additional feature of this issue is a short In Memoriam piece reflecting on the life and work of recently deceased Croatian linguist Dalibor Brozović. I invite readers to contribute such memorial columns, which we will print to serve the profession, to highlight the achievements of our deceased colleagues, and to provide an enduring record of the field's inevitable transitions. In the same spirit, I once again call upon our readership to consider submitting to JSL a topical Reflections piece. If you would like the opportunity to publish an editorial of general professional interest, please contact me directly with your proposal.

As this issue of JSL goes to press, plans are underway to hold the fifth annual meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, to take place 29–31 October 2010 at the University of Chicago. I encourage you to submit abstracts and to attend this meeting. The first deadline for abstract submission, 30 April 2010, is fast approaching, but it has just been decided to add a second deadline of 15 June 2010. Those who require earlier notification of acceptance should submit by the first deadline and will be informed by 1 June 2010; those who submit by 15 July will be informed by 1 September 2010. Please consult or send email to for additional information. I hope to see you all there!

Slavic linguistics is an increasingly vibrant field. We owe this to the organizers, speakers, and other participants of the various meetings which have flourished in Europe, the U.S., and Canada, and of course [End Page 1] to our JSL authors and reviewers. I am very grateful to our dedicated group of Associate Editors, the diverse members of our Editorial Board, and to Managing/Technical Editor Rosemarie Connolly especially, for putting so much time and energy into JSL.

A final note: JSL as always is interested in new manuscripts for consideration. However, we remind you that, as the journal of SLS, we require all authors of published papers to be paid members of the Society, just as all presenters at the annual meetings must be. We ask that potential authors who are not members of SLS join. [End Page 2]

Steven Franks

