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  • Notes on Contributors

Jacqueline Fabre-Serris is professor of Roman literature at the University Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3. A member of the Center of Research Halma-Ipel (UMR 8164, CNRS, Lille 3, MCC), she is in charge of the international electronic review Dictynna and co-editor of the series “Mythographes.” She has put in place three European networks on “Augustan poetry,” “Mythography,” and “Gender Studies in Antiquity” (EuGeStA). She is the author of numerous papers on Latin literature and of three books: Mythe et poésie dans les Métamorphoses d’Ovide (Paris 1995); Mythologie et littérature à Rome: La réécriture des mythes aux 1ers siècles avant et après J.-C. (Payot-Lausanne 1998); and Rome, l’Arcadie et la mer des Argonautes: Essai sur la naissance d’une mythologie des origines en Occident (Villeneuve d’Ascq 2008).

Amanda Krauss is assistant professor at Vanderbilt University and Jess Miner is assistant professor at the College of Charleston. They have a joint interest in Greek and Roman comedy and have published separately on Plautus and Greek prostitution. They are currently co-authoring a book on Aristophanes’ Ekklesiazousai.

Dana L. Munteanu is assistant professor of classics at the Ohio State University. In addition to published articles on Greek tragedy, Aristotle, and New Comedy, she has recently written a book examining the tragic emotions in classical Greece (under contract at Cambridge University Press) and is editing a collection of essays, Emotion, Genre, and Gender in Antiquity (under contract).

Vanda Zajko is senior lecturer in classics at the University of Bristol. She has wide-ranging interests in the reception of classical literature and myth, particularly in the twentieth century. Recent publications include articles on women and Greek myth, and feminist models of reception. She is co-editor (with Miriam Leonard) of Laughing with Medusa: Classical Myth and Feminist Thought (Oxford 2006), and (with Alexandra Lianeri) of Translation and the Classic: Identity as Change in the History of Culture (Oxford 2008). [End Page 203]


