In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The volume on John Galsworthy, compiled and edited by Earl E. Stevens and H. Ray Stevens, is expected to be in the general editor 's hands in the Fall of 1974 and will hopefully see print in 1975· In addition, volumes on D. H. Lawrence, Walter Pater, Ford Madox Ford, Oscar Wilde, H. G. Wells, and G. B. Shaw (in three volumes) are in progress. Second editions and/or supplements of the previously published volumes on W. S. Maugham, Conrad, and Hardy are under consideration. Finally, further volumes will be announced as they are contracted. 6. ELT and the Economics of Publishing; Because of soaring costs of paper and printing and a threatened increase of postal rates, we were faced with three options this Fall: to cease publication, to increase our rates, to reduce the number of pages we produce in a calendar-year volume. Since our subscriptions have increased in number, we immediately eliminated the first option, the editor 's appreciation of the condition of subscribers* wallets precluded the second option. We will not increase our rates this year (1974)ι we hope we will not have to increase them for 1975t but we are no better at predicting the economic future than the experts. Our immediate response to increased costs has been to reduce the number of pages per issue from about 80-100 to a still healthy 60-64. This will still provide an annual volume of some 250 pages at a reasonable cost to our subscribers. Our subscribers can help us a great deal to keep costs down by sending in their renewals well before each new year. This saves us considerable money in billing costs and it helps us to budget ourselves well in advance of mid-volume crises. We shall try to mail numbers two and three together in order to reduce costs of postage and envelopes. In any event, we are off and printing for another year. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. The Thomas Hardy Society of Japan; The sixteenth general meeting of this very active group was held at Kanazawa College of Art on 21 October 1973· The meeting was jointly sponsored by The Thomas Hardy Society of Japan, University of Kanazawa, Kanazawa College of Art, and Commissions on Education of Ishikawa Prefecture and The City of Kanazawa. Professor Mamoru Osawa, President of the Thomas Hardy Society of Japan, kindly supplied a translation of the program, which is partly represented by the following list of events: On Structure of Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Tomoko Mochizuki Structure of Tess and Its Fatalism - Shigeruki O'enoki (Chairman; Tetsuro Maekawa) Similes in Scenic Description in The Dynasts - Sigeru Fujii On Under the Greenwood Tree - Yasushi Kamiyama (Chairman; Tomio Suzuki) About Finishing A Hardy Glossary and Its Co-editoriships of Professors J. 0. Bailey and Roy Morrell - Yoshinoshin Goto A Defense of Thomas Hardy to Lina Wright Berle's Criticism: With Special Reference to Tess - Yutaka Kikuchi (Chairman: Chujiro Shimizu) Symposium on The Dynasts - Hideo Kano (Chairman), Heihachiro Okuda , Suguru Fukazawa, Shigeru Fujita Thomas Hardy's Countryside Today - H. E. Sir Fred Warner 2. The Francis Thompson Society was formed in I963 with the aim of bringing admirers of the work of Francis Thompson into association . Since April 1972 the Society has widened its scope to include the works of all the writers and artists of the 1890s. The Society has as one of its subsidiary functions the responsibility of collating research done on the life and work of Francis Thompson in various parts of the world. A review of such material is published from time to time in the Society's own journal, The Journal of the Francis Thompson Society. In addition, this periodical contains articles specially contributed by scholars and other serious students of Thompson. The Journal of the Francis Thompson Society is issued free to members. Life Membership; £10.50¡ Annual Sub. £1.50; Students: ?5p p.a. Address: Hon. Secretary, The Francis Thompson Society, 3 Kemplay Road, Hampstead, London. N.W.3. 3. Twentieth-Century Literature Conference: The Second Annual Conference on 20th-century Literature will be held on Feb 28, March 1-2, 1974, at University of Louisville. The theme is Alfred Kazin: Love...

