In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

146 THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. ELT Seminan The Aesthetic Movement (MLA. New York. Dec 1974)ι Contributions to be considered for discussion at the Seminar and prior publication in ELT must be submitted to the Discussion Leaden Karl Beckson, Department of English, Brooklyn College (CUNY), N. Y. (11210). For details see ELT, XVII: 2 (1974), 74. 2. ELT Seminan H. G. Wells (MLA. San Francisco. Dec 1975)ι Contributions to be considered for discussion at the Seminar and prior publication in ELT must be submitted to the Discussion Leaden William J. Scheick, Department of English, University of Texas at Austin, Texas (78712). For details see ELT. XVIIi 2 (1974), 74. 3. ELT Seminar« The Novel and Society» 1880-1920 (MLA. New York. Dec 1976)ι Discussion Leader to be announced in a later issue of ELT. For details about the tentative plans for this Seminar see ElT, XVII« 2 (1974), 74. 4. Ratesi 1975: Many of our readers have urged us not to reduce the number of pages in each issue of ELT. Instead, they have urged that we increase our rates to meet the higher costs of postage , paper, and printing. They point out that ELT will still be one of the most inexpensive scholarly journals. For the remainder of this year we shall economize by reducing the number of pages and by mailing Numbers 2 and 3 together. For Volume 18 (1975) subscriptions, effective immediately, rates will be as follows ι U. S. - $4.00 per year: $1.50 single copies — Foreign - $5.00 per years $2.00 single copies. Most issues will be about 72 pp. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Critical Inquiry! This new journal, the first number scheduled for September, 1974, is published by University of Chicago Press. The Editor is Sheldon Sacks and the Co-Editors are Wayne C. Booth and Arthur Heisermann, aided by a distinguished Editorial Board. Charter subscriptions, at reduced rates, are now available ι Institutions: $10.50 for 1 yri $19.50 for 2 yrs Individuals : 7.50 for 1 yri 13·50 for 2 yrs Regular subscriptions will be 25# higher. 2. D. H. Lawrence Letters: Heinemann and Viking Press propose to publish simultaneously a multi-volume edition of the letters of Lawrence. Under the general editorship of James T. Boulton, the first volume will appear in 1977· Some 5,000 letters have been located.Anyone knowing of letters in private hands should write to Professor Boulton, Department of English Studies, University of Nottingham, or Warren Roberts, Director of the Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin, Texas (78701). ...

