In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

178 THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. ELT Special Session on English Fiction (1880-1920) - Critical Approaches (MlA, Chicago, Dec 1977)¡ The twenty-first consecutive meeting of the seminar, with H. E. Gerber (Arizona State University) as Discussion Leader, will be held as follows! Date Time Place December 29 9:00-10:15 p.m. Room 72^, Palmer House The four position statements by Bruce Bashford, John Halperin, Charles Burkhart, and Robert C. Schweik are printed in this issue, The papers will not be read in full at the meeting. Single copies of this issue may be purchased from the editor for $1.50 each in the U. S., $2.00 each in Canada and abroad. 2. Future Meetings! The Editor of ELT welcomes suggestions of topics for future meetings of the Special Session: New York (1978), San Francisco (1979), and New Orleans (198O). ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Colloquium on the Editing of Nineteenth-Century Fiction: The annual Toronto Conference on Editorial Problems will take place in Toronto on November k~S> 1977· This year's topic is "Editing Nineteenth-Century Fiction," and authors discussed will include Dickens, Thackeray, Hardy, Melville, Crane and Zola. The main speakers will be Sylvère Monod, Peter Shillingsburg, Michael Millgate, Hershel Parker, and Clive Thomson. Further information about the programme and the conference arrangements may be optained by writing to: Conference on Editorial Problems, c/o Professor J. R. de J. Jackson, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K7. 2. J. M. Synge Criticism: Professor- Kopper is compiling a G. K. Hall Reference Guide to secondary criticism of John M. Synge, and for this annotated bibliography, which must be completed during the summer of 1978, he would appreciate receiving offprints, notices of materials in journals and newspapers not usually indexed, word of forthcoming publications, suggestions for inclusion and exclusion, and any other assistance. Please write to Edward A. Kopper, Jr., Editor, Modern British Literature , 108 Fà rmington Drive, Butler, Pa. 16001 U.S. A. 3. Thomas Hardy in VP: Victorian Poetry announces that a special issue on Thomas Hardy will appear as a combined Summer/ Autumn issue in 1978. Professor Frank R. Giordano, Jr., will serve as special editor. He would like to include substantial articles, written from any critical perspective, which illuminate the art and meaning of Hardy's poems, including The Dynasts. Illustrations - separate or accompanying articles - are welcome. Material for the regular feature Refocillations also will be ...

