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271 phenomena - "animals, human beings,details of scenery, and other workings of nature." For example, when the rain falls after the gruesome battle at Albuera, "It is not, with the gentleness of its fall, making any comment, ironic_or tender, upon the hideous result of violence lying beneath it; for it is totally unaware of what it is touching." Here, Hardy does not use the rain as a symbol of an indifferent nature, as he often does elsewhere, but.leaves "nature's neutrality neutral." In a passage like this, where, interestingly enough, Dean has in a sense freed herself from the constraints of her dioramic scheme, she has set aside metaphorical hovering for close reading, and the result is that she enriches our understanding of a moment in a great and neglected poem. University of Kansas Peter Casagrande BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. Bayley, John. The Uses of Division, Unity & Disharmony in Literature (NY; Viking P, 1976). $10.95· Cassill, R. V. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction (NY: W. W. Norton, 1977). Paper: $5.95. Dickens, Charles. Bleak House, ed by George Ford and Sylvère Monod (NY: W. W. Norton, 1977). Paper: $5-95Eliot , George. Middlemarch, ed by Bert G. Hornbeck (NY: W. W. Norton, I977). Paper: $4.95. Furbank, P. N. E. M. Forster, A Life, Volume II (Lond: Seeker & Warburg, 1978). f7.50. Gissing, George. La Nouvelle Boheme (New Grub Street), traduit de l'anglais par Suzanne Cabris et Pierre Coustilias (Publications de l'Université de Lille, 1978). Paper: F48. Hardy, Thomas. Jude the Obscure, ed by Norman Page (NY; W. W. Norton, I978). Paperl $4.95. Hardy, Thomas. The Mayor of Casterbridge, ed by James K. Robinson (NY: W. W. Norton, 1978). Piper: $4.45. Pinsker, Sanford. The Languages of Joseph Conrad (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1978T7 Paper: $11.75. Simon, Myron. The Georgian Poetic (Berkeley: University of California P, 1975; 1978). Paper (1975); hardcover (1978): $9.75. ...

