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BOOK REVIEWS they reach a dull and dissatisfied middle age while women characters such as Kitty and Eleanor, "the strongest avatar of goddess spirit," not only thrive but experience exaltation, as exemplifying the death of patriarchy. "Waking and sleeping, Eleanor symbolizes the buried goddess or creative vision in all women, which Woolf attempts to awaken by means of a woman-centered symbolic code." Whüe Cramer takes her frame from Jane Ellen Harrison, she, luce essayists such as Judith Lee, finds Woolfs center in relations among women as opposed to male values and practices of individualism, competition, and domination. Cramer aptly quotes Harrison herself writing that "she most enjoyed great works of literature when behind their bright splendors I see moving darker and older shapes." Woolf understood the relation of domestic tyranny to public tyranny and had a firm grasp on the causes of war which she set forth not only in Three Guineas but throughout her fiction. As readers we are in her debt as we are in the debt of Mark Hussey and the contributors to his urgently important volume. Evelyn Haller Doane College ♦ Books Received ♦ Atkins, G. Douglas. Estranging the Familiar: Toward a Revitalized Critical Writing. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1992. xiv + 203pp. $30.00 Beene, Lynndianne. John Le Carré. New York: Twayne, 1992. xiii + 179 pp. $22.95 Bennington, Geoffrey, and Jacques Derrida. Jacques Derrida. Trans. Geoffrey Bennington. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. 417 pp. $27.50 Bird, Benedetta. L'Incanto Delia Distanza: Ritratti Immaginari NelL· Cultura Del Decadentismo. Bari: Adriatica Editrice, 1992. 199 pp. No Price Given. Bokenham's Osbern. A Legend of Holy Women. Trans. Sheila Delany. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1992. 240 pp. Cloth $29.95 Paper $14.95 Breton, André. Conversations: The Autobiography of Surrealism. Trans. Mark Polizzotti. New York: Paragon House, 1993. xvii + 264 pp. $24.95 Carlyle, Thomas. On Heroes and Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History. Intro, and Notes, Michael K. Goldberg. Charlotte and Norman Stouse Edition of the Writings of Thomas Carlyle, !.Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. ciii + 519pp. $45.00 407 ...

