In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

243 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. The Portable Kipling: Harold Orel Is preparing a volume of Kipling In the Viking Portable Library Series. The anthology will Include KIm, fifty poems, and seven short stories, as well as a thirty-page Introduction and bibliographical aids. The text Is that of the Burwash Edition, the same as that of the Surrey Edition printed In England, and the last text revised by Kipling before his death. 2. The Hardy Summer School: We have learned that a Thomas Hardy Summer School, sponsored by The College of Education, Weymouth, Dorset, Is being planned for July 15-21, 1973. The theme Is "Hardy and the Modern World." We shall give further details as they become final. 3. Studies In the Novel (Hardy Number): The Journal, Studies In the Novel, announces a special Thomas Hardy number for Winter 1972. Regrettably, we could not announce this Issue before the deadline for submissions, October 15. The Journal is published at North Texas State University, Denton, Texas (76203). James W. Lee Is the editor. 4. ELT Courses: Professor Thomas R. Whissen (Wright State University) writes that he taught a course in Decadence during the Spring Term, 1971. In tracing the influence of decadence through the twentieth century, the class used works by Huysmans, Dowson, Beardsley, Wilde, Beerbohm, Forster, Firbank, Waugh, Huxley, Murdoch, and Greene. This Fall Professor Whissen Is teaching a course on Symbolism which examines English poetry of the transition period and books by Conrad, Forster, Lawrence, Joyce, and Woolf. 5. More on Robert C. Schwelk: Professor Schwelk (State University College, Fredonia) will be serving for one year as Ordentlicher UnIversltats Professor in Anglistik at Universität Trler-Kalserslautern. He will be teaching a Hauptseminar In the Victorian novel and a course in bibliography and research. We suspect Thomas Hardy is still much on Professor Schwelk*s mind. 6· The Canadian Association for Irish Studies: After five successful Seminars in Irish Studies held at St. Michael's College, Toronto, since I968, the founding of the Canadian Association for Irish Studies has been announced. The Association will sponsor annual conferences, the next in early March 1973 at McGiIl University; an annual volume of Yeats Studies; and a newsletter. Membership subscription of 06.00 per annum may be sent to Professor Norman MacKenzie, Department of Fngllsh, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. 7· J. O. Bailey in Japan: Professor Bailey will be in Japan for a month to give lectures before the Hardy Society of Japan and at several of the Japanese universities. We hope he will have a well-deserved rest after completing revisions and corrections for the recently printed second edition of his The Poetry of Thomas Hardy. ...

