In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

242 THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1· ELT Seminar (MLA, New York, 1972): The SHoort Story: With Wendell V. Harris as Discussion Leader, the sixteenth consecutive ELT Seminar will be held In New York this December. Panelists directing the traffic of Ideas will be the followings Lionel Stevenson ("The Short Story In Embryo"), Wendell V. Harris ("Beginnings of and for the True Short Story In England"), Karl Beckson (Moore's The Untllled Field and Joyce's Dubllners: The Short Story's Intricate Maze"), Jan Gordon ("'Wilde Child·: Structure and Origin In the Fln-de-Slecle Short Story"), and John A. Lester ("Joyce, Yeats, and the sTiort Story"). Their papers appear In this Issue of ELT and will not be formally presented at the meeting. Those wishing to attend should write W. V. Harris, Associate Provost, Northern Illinois University, DeKaIb, Illinois (6OII5). Attendance Is limited by MLA policy. 2. ELT Seminar (MLA, Chicago, 1973): The seventeenth FLT Seminar Is being planned for the Chicago MLA meetings In 1973· The subject will be E. M. Forster. Anyone wishing to offer a paper for consideration should write Frederick P. W. McDowell, Department of English, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa (52240). 3. New Rates for 1973: We again remind our subscribers that we have had to Increase subscription rates slightly In order to meet the higher costs of materials, production, and postage and In order to remain independent and self-supporting. U. S.: Subscrlplons for 1973 $3,00 (4 nos) U. S.: Single Issues and back orders 1.00 (each no) Foreign: Subscriptions (lncl Canada) for 1973 4.00 (4 nos) Foreign: Single Issues and back orders I.50 (each no) We can supply Issues In volumes 12 (I969) through I5 (1972) as long as the supply lasts. Volumes 1-11 (I957/58-I968) must be ordered from Kraus Reprint Corporation. 4. Replacement Copies; We can no longer supply free replacement copies. If we have a subscriber's address on file, our mailing system precludes any error - every envelope Is checked against our file as It Is mailed. We cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage, misdelivery or non-delivery. Replacements can be supplied at the singlecopy rate as long as the supply lasts. Foreign subscribers must make payments by International Money Order, through a subscription agency, or by check drawn on an American bank and payable In U. S. dollars to the full U. S. amount. 5. Foreign Language Abstracters: We have urgent need for readers of Russian, Polish, Hungarian, and Japanese willing to prepare abstracts on various authors from writings In those languages. Abstracters will receive acknowledgments for their contributions. Those contributing significantly to volumes in the N. I. U. Press A. S. B. Series will be listed on the contributor's page ...

