In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

5 Ibid, pp. 67, 72. See also John Gould Fletcher, Life Is. Mv. Song (NY: Farrar & Rinehart, 1937), pp. 62-63. 6 Lidderdale and Nicholson, p. 74. 7 K. L. Goodwin, The Influence of Ezra Pound (Lond: Oxford UP, I966), p. 15. 8 James Joyce, Finnegans Wake (NY: Viking P, 1959), p. II6. 9 D. D. Paige (ed), The. Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941 (NY: Harcourt, Brace, I950), pp. 25-26. 10 See Ezra Pound, AB Çof Reading (Lond: Faber & Faber, 1951), p. 96. 11 Lidderdale and Nicholson, p. 77. Aldington's role with the Egoist was not to be that of Pound's creature; he instead capitalized on the opportunity to escape the other's influence and edit in his own right. Pound shortly became Foreign Editor of the Little Review. 12 Ibid, pp. 69, 79, 460. P.O. Box 4229 Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 79409 Telephone: (806) 742-6258 198 (NY 4 Lond: Harper's, 1929). PP. 7-9. Her novels deal In timetime things (soil, rivers, etc.) and timeless themes (maternity, friendship, patience, etc.). She creates her own world. Is an excellent storyteller, portrays genuine characters and makes her England "immortal." Weygandt, Cornelius. A Century of the English Novel (NY: Century, I925), PP. 434-35 and passim. SKS is a disciple of Hardy In technique and subject matter, but he gives a more complete understanding and interpretation of community life. She Is also always really an outsider although a sympathetic one. She possesses considerable writing ability and her books have Intensity. She tends to follow a formula - "a man with the choice between happiness and a dream that it is almost imperative for him to follow. This man generally wobbles and Is wrecked." Wyatt, Euphemia Van Rensselaer. "Rather Sombre," Commonweal, XXV (29 Jan 1937). 392. Rose Deeprose is excessively tragic and Improbable. SKS handles psychological analysis well, but needs some gaiety. JOSEPH CONRAD An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him Compiled and edited by Bruce E. Teets and Helmut E. Gerber Joseph Conrad seems to be at the height of his second great period of recognition, and the sheer bulk of writings about him makes him both noticeable and notable. The bibliography on Conrad, 1895 to 1966, may be divided into three convenient periods. The first—1895 to 1913 — includes his gradual rise to fame, bringing first international recognition and finally financial success; the second-191 3 to 1940-marks a high point in popularity followed by a long decline in reputation; the third —1940 to 1966 —inaugurates a revival of interest in him and his achievement, an appreciation which grows each year. The singular quality of many articles and books about him surpasses the effectiveness of the aggregate. Today Conrad stands unchallenged as a major author in the great tradition of the English novel and he has earned a secure place in world literature. xii/672 pages, 1,977 entries, 5 indexes LC 70-146639/lSBN 0-87580-020-3/$20.00s O NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PRESS · DEKALB, ILLINOIS 60115 ^Virginia ^ŒJoolJ \¿¿uarlerly Drawing by Francis Dodd, 1908 Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery, London. Taken by B. Matthews (Photo Printer), Ltd. Brighouse, England. EDITORIAL POLICY Virginia Woolf Quarterly is published for the purpose of studying, documenting, appreciating, and perpetuating the memory of Virginia Woolf, one of the major writers of tfie twentieth century, the Bloomsbury Group, their friends, associates, acquaintances and the times in which they lived. To this end, the editors hope to bring before you the finest in literary scholarship, criticism, memoirs, Bloomsbury-related literature whatever will best forward our aim. Articles and other contributions should be sent to the Managing Editor, Su2anne Henig, Virginia Woolf Quarterly, Department of English, San Diego State, San Diego, California 92115, (The materials will be forwarded to the appropriate members of the editorial and consulting boards.) The MLA Style Sheet must be observed. All manuscripts should be sent in a se If-ad dressed envelope with return postage enclosed. The editors are not responsible for materials lost in transit. All material to be published will be protected by copyright and becomes the property of the Virginia Woolf Quarterly unless prior arrangements have been made with the...

