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19 FORD MADOX FORD;· AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ABOUT HIM: SUPPLEMENT Compiled and Annotated by Frank MacShane, with Additions and Emendations by Helmut E<, and Helga Sc Gerber The basis of the following bibliography is a compilation submitted by Frank MacShane (University of California, Berkeley), It has been supplemented and in seme ways emended by Helmut E» and Helga S, Gerber„ This bibliography supplements the one published in EFT, I, Mo. 2 (Spring-Summer 1958)3 2-3 9 o as well as i terns about Ford published in various numbers of EFT since then, Annotations, except for minor editorial additions, are by Professor MacShane unless otherwise identified by bracketed initials at the end of an annotation» Action, Harold. MEMOiRS OF AN AESTHETE. Lond: Methuen, 1948. Mentions F. in Paris during 1920s; considers F0 as a member of the tough "cowboy" school of American writers then living in Paris. "Adventurous Imaginings," OUTLOOK (Lond), XXXlM (6 Dec 1913), 794. Review of F's collected poems praising F. for his concern with "new things." Aldington, Richard. PINORMAN. Lond: Heinemann, 1954. Account of the relationship of Norman Douglas and Pino Oriolo contains brief mention of F. Douglas was another of F's "discoveries." .......... PORTRAIT OF A GENIUS, BUT.... Lond: Heinemann, 1950. Biography of D. H. Lawrence mentions F. as "discoverer" of Lawrence for ENGLISH REVIEV/. "An Australian-born Painter; Stella Bowen's Reminiscences," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 16 Aug 1941, p. 398. Review of DRAWN FROM LIFE. By Stella Bowen. The "complex figure of Ford which finally emerges is impressive and touching, both in its tenderness and its unsentimental compassion." "Authors from the Life," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 26 Feb 1938, p. 136. On the whole favorable review of MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD, which has "magnificent" episodes in it, which is superbly entertaining and which also "abounds in critical comment and discriminations." [HEG] Baines, Jocelyn. JOSEPH CONRAD: A CRITICAL BIOGRAPHY. Lond: Weidenfeld & Nicolson; NY: McGrawHill, I960. Full critical biography has long sections on the F.-Conrad collaboration and uses much hitherto unpublished material. Also concerns the two writers' relationship during ENGLISH REVIEW period and afterwards. Baker, Carlos. HEMINGWAY, THE WRITER AS ARTIST. Princeton: Princeton U P, 1952. Mentions F. in connection with Hemingway's years in Paris during 1920s. Hemingway acted as an unofficial sub-editor of F's TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW and was responsible for one issue published during F's absence. 20 Barney, Ã-.'atalie Clifford. ADVEh1TURES D'ESPRIT. Paris: Émile-Paul Frères, 1923. Reminiscences largely of Valéry and other French writers, but F. is mentioned as a discoverer of the young in Paris during 1920s. Miss 3arney was a stockholder of F's TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW. Beach, Sylvia. SHAKESPEARE AhD COMPANY. NY: Harcourt, Brace, 1953. Gives a brief description of F. as he was in Paris during the 1920s, and has a photograph of F., Joyce, Pound and John Quinn seated together. Benet, '.'ill ¡am Rose. "Uncle Ford," SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE (HY), X (21 Oct 1933), 199. Reviewof IT WAS THE NIGHTINGALE. A general biographical essay on F., but little on book except that "it is an honest book about a writer....1 Bertram, Anthony. MENADRIFT. Lond: Chapman & Hal 1, 1935« Dedication (only) to F. "Bibliography of Modern Authors, No. 24; Ford Madox Hueffer," NEW AGE, VII» ns (5 May 1910), 23. A list of F's publications from THE BROWN OWL to SONGS FROM LONDON. Brande, Dorothea. "Mr. Ford and American Fiction," AMERICAN REVIEW, Il (Nov 1933), 101-04. Very complimentary review of IT VJAS THE NIGHTINGALE, thanking F. for his high opinion of American writers. Brendan, Gill. "One Yes, Two Maybes," NEWYORKER, XXVII (13 Oct 1950, 141-42. Review of THE GOOD SOLDIER considers Dowel 1 an unperceptive narrator and the ironies implicit in that concept; calls the book a masterpiece. Brîckell, Herschell. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Cole, Margaret. "Inside the Whale," TRI8UNE (Lond), 15 Mar 1340, pp. 20-21. Sympathetic review of THE MARCH OF LITERATURE, urging readers immediately to buy book as a tonic to Orwell's. Colum, Mary M. "New Worlds and Old," SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE (NY), Il (30 Jan 1326), 523-24. Review of NO MORE PARADES, which is excellent but not great, portrays life through thin emotions, in which people observe rather than feel, whose intensity is of a nervous and intellectual kind. [HSG] "Conrad in a Romantic Biography," CURRENT OPINION, LXXVIII (Feb 1925), 177-78. Review of JOSEPH CONRAD. Mostly summary, but approving of F's method. "The inner and spiritual truth of its portraiture shines out." "Conrad in the 'Remembrance· of a Collaborator," NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, 7 Dec 1924, p. 3. Review of JOSEPH CONRAD, an intimately personal, discreet, illuminating, impressionistic biography. Praises F. for establishing that Conrad translated from French, rather than Polish, into English and debt to French writers. Contains too much F. and too little Conrad. [hSG] Curie, Richard. "Conrad and Hueffer," DAILY MAIL (Lond), 30 Sept 1924, p. [?]. Review of THE NATURE OF CRIME. An innocuous piece, concerned especially with the idea of collaboration rather than with the book itself 2! de Wyzewa, Théodore]. "Le Roman Anglais en 1907," REVIEW DES DEUX MONDES, XLII (15 Dec 1307), 915. Praises the accuracy and liveliness of the Fifth Oueen trilogy; F. has "une très précieuse combinai son des qua 1i tes essentiel les de 1'hi störien et du romancier." Dodd, Lee Wilson. "Looking Backward," SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE (NY), VIII (5 Mar 1332), 563. Review of RETURN TO YESTERDAY, which is both agreeable and exasperating, has much charm but also passages that make reader indignant. [Douglas, Norman]. "Poetry," ENGLISH REVIEW, XVI (Jan 1914), 302. Review of COLLECTED POEMS by Ford Madox hueffer. "This writing is excellently simple in thought, and the thought is always pure in the true sense of the word." [Author identified from Soho Bibliography of Douglas.] [ESL] Ellmann, Richard. JAMES JOYCE. Lond & NY: Oxford U P, 1959. Mentions F's friendship with Joyce and deals with humorous episode surrounding first publication (in F's review) of part of FINNEGANS WAKE. Joyce considered F. the "god-father" of his book. "Essays and General Literature," ENGLISH REVIEW, XVI (Feb 1914), 440-42. Review of HENRY JAMES criticizing F's mannerisms and irrelevancies but praising the book for having a distinct point of view. "Fiction," ACADEMY, LXV (31 Oct 1303), 469. Review of ROMANCE. Concentrates on Conrad; claims the collaboration between the two men is harmful; "a striking story, but not convincing." "Fiction," ACADEMY, LXI (3 Aug 1301), 33. Review of THE INHERITORS especially concerned with identify of characters in this roman à clef. Objects to dots in hiatus. "Fiction," LOMDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 30 Oct 1303, p. 312. Review of ROMANCE, fraises book but regrets the presence of "constantly recurring little essays on romance" which "prevent a fine tale from fusing quite as it otherwise would...." "Fiction," LOiIDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 16 Mar 130b, p. 33. Review of THE FIFTH QUEEN. F. "has found a new field in which he may travel far; and whether or not his first essay passes the test, it at any rate demands comparison with the highest standards." "Fiction," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 20 Sept 1307, pp. 235-86. Review of AN ENGLISH GIRL. The book is "both clever and disappointing." F. "knows and sees more than he has been able to express," suggests F. needs d i se ipli ne. "Fiction," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 9 Apr 1908, p. 11. Review of THE FIT,*! QUEEN CROWNED. Summary of the trilogy as a whole. It is too static and laborious, overly detailed and minute. "Fiction," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 20 Aug 1900, p. 263. Sympathetic review of MR. APOLLO. The book is a "slight fantasy" giving the author an opportunity to comment interestingly on contemporary affairs. 22 "Fiction," LOKDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 17 Feb 1911, p. 63. Favorable review of THE SIMPLE LIFE (Uy "Daniel Chaucer"), commending F's "gift of irresponsible gaiety." Yet, "Mr, Chaucer, for all his air of lighthearted adventure, is very serious. Else he could not jest so well," Flint, F. S. "Verse," NEWAGE, III, ns (12 May 1910), 40. F. is a dilettante poet, but praises his "individual touch." "Ford Revisited," NEWSV.'EEK, XXXV'III (17 Sept 1951), 94-36. A tepid review of THE GOOD SOLDIER. Plot very unreal. Freudenberg, Anne. "Ford Madox Ford Exhibit," BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, SECRETARY'S NEWS SHEET, No 31 (Oct 1954), 2-5, Published for exhibit of Fordiana from Bartlett and Tetley collections. Garnett, Edward. "Instructive and Amusing," WEEKLY WESTMINSTER, 14 Feb 1925, p. 473. An important review of JOSEPH CONRAD and less severe than Garnett's review in NATION AND ATHENAEUM [çjv]. Also emphasizes F's romanticizing; F. is a Tartarin. "His book is both instructive and amusing, but it is more amusing about Conrad and more instructive about Mr. Ford." .......... "Romantic Biography," NATION AND ATHENAEUM, XXXVI (6 Dec 1924), 366, 368. More severe than WESTMINSTER review [gv] of JOSEPH CONRAD, it attacks F's "impressionistic" method, his inaccuracies for the sake of interest and drama. The book is clever and picturesque. [HEG] Goldring, Douglas. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Goldring, Douglas. "Ford Madox Ford," NEW STATESMAN AND NATION, XVIII, ns (11 Nov 1939), 679-8Ο. See Sackvi1le-West, Edward. "A Bore to End Bores." Gordan, John D. JOSEPH CONRAD: TIiE MAKING OF A NOVELIST. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard U P, 1941. Brief mention of F. in connection with the collaboration. Gordon, Caroline. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Gordon, Caroline. THE PASTIMES OF ALECK MAURY. Lond & NY: Scribner's, 1935. Dedication (only) to F. by a disciple. .......... "To Ford Madox Ford," TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW (Lond & NY), No. 3 (Spring I960), 5-6. Reminiscences of the old TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW (1923-24); prefatory to part of Miss Gordon's new novel, a portion of which is published here. The essay is an act of homage to F. Gorman, Herbert. JAMES JOYCE. Lond & NY: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939. Personal refs to F. in Paris and NY. Greene, Graham. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Greene, Graham. "The Good Life," LONDON MERCURY, XXXIX (Dec 1938), 217-18. Review of PROVENCE. Praises seriousness of F's theme and contrasts F's impressionistic method with Pound's in THE CANTOS, F's being "carried out with infinitely greater technical ability." 23 ...... "The Landowner in Revolt," LONDON MERCURY, XXXV (Feb 1937), 422-2';. Review of GREAT TRADE ROUTE. Summary article, considering F's view of small-hold farming as an unsatisfactory solution to hitler. .......... "A Veteran at Play," LOuDOi! MERCURY, XXXVI (Aug 1337), 389-90. Summarizes characterizations of F's fiction and finds VIVE LE ROY "amusing, romantic, exciting, full of ridiculous and irrelevant inventions...." "The Growth of the English Novel," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 17 July 1330, pp. 5G1-82. Long review of THE ENGLISH NOVEL and three other books. F's book is "clever and willful." Halicka, Alice. HIER; SOUVENIRS. Paris: Editions du Parois, 1346. Passing refs to F. Hemingway, Ernest. THE SUN ALSO RISES. NY: Scribner's, 1326. F. is Mr. Braddocks and Stella Bowen is Mrs. 3raddocks, Ch. Ill is set in nightclub modelled on one F. engaged for his TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW soirées. Herndon, Richard. "The Genesis of Conrad's 'Amy Foster,"' STUDIES IN PHILOLOGY, LVII (July I960), 549-66. Discusses F's contribution to the genesis of Conrad's story. The story in part derived from material in F's THE CINQUE PORTS (1900), despite Mrs. Conrad's denial; from talks with F; from Conrad's own feelings during his Belgian Congo period; from Flaubert's "Un Coeur Simple," etc. [HEG] Hicks, Granville. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Huddleston, Sisley. IN AND ABOUT PARIS. Lond: Methuen, 1927. Dedication (only) to F. "It V/as the Nightingale," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 7 June 1934, p. 407. Generally unfavorable review of IT VÕ AS THE NIGHTINGALE; F. is irrascible and disagreeable in his comments. James, Henry. THE WINGS OF THE DOVE. NY: Scribner's, 1902. F. is Said to be model for Merton Densher, one of the principal characters of James' novel. Jerrold, Walter. HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN KENT. Lond: MacmiI Ian, 1907. Dedication to F; quotes two of F's poems (pp. 197-98, 205-06). Karl. Frederick R. "Joseph Conrad's Literary Theory," CRITICISM, Il (Fall I960), 317-35. When "Conrad forsook the theories he worked out with Ford...his work became thin and uninteresting, losing the range and texture of his best fiction." Conrad and F. transformed English prose as Flaubert transformed French; they evolved "a kind of unwritten manifesto of the 'New Novel,'" the technique of progression d'effet. The opening paragraph must contain "the basic rhythm" of the novel (discusses ROMANCE). F. influenced Conrad in technique of "refraction of chronological time sequences." [HEG] Knoll, Robert E. ROBERT MCALMON, EXPATRIATE PUBLISHER AND WRITER. Lincoln, Neb: University of Nebraska P, 1959. Brief refs to F. and TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW. 24 Lawrence, Ada and Gelder, Stewart. EARLY LIFE OF D. H, LAWRENCE. Lond: Seeker, I932. Mentions F. in connection with Lawrence's first appearance in ENGLISH RE'/1EW. Lid, Richard W. 1On the Time-Scheme of THE GOOD SOLDIER," EFT, IV, 2 (1961), S-IO. "List of New nooks and Reprints: Biography," LOHDOH TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 30 Mar I9II, p» 123. Review of AHCIENT LIGHTS approving opening chapters but critical of latter part which is dull. "A Literary Musketeer," LONDOH TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 12 Nov 1931, p. 830. Review of RETURN TO YESTERDAY, but essentially a survey of contents. "The Literary V.'eek," ACADEMY, LXV (3 Oct 1303), 315. Brief mention of [STORIES FROM MAUPASSANT. Trans by E. M. (Mrs. F. M. Hueffer). Intro by Ford Madox Hueffer], Notes F's introduction concerning the trans of colloquial words into vernacular English. McAlmon, Robert. BEING GENIUSES TOGETHER. Lond: Seeker & Warburg, 1938. Various refs to F. as seen by McAlmon in Paris during 1920s, Macauley, Robie. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. MacShane, Frank. "Ford Madox Ford and His Contemporaries: Techniques of the Novel," EFT, IV, 1 (I96I), 2-11. Paper delivered at the MLA Conference on English Fiction in Transition (1880-1920), Dec I960, [¡-!EG] .......... "The Transatlantic Review," LONDON MAGAZINE, VII (Dec I960), 44-59. A brief history of the founding of the TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW, its incorporation, F's "financial mismanagement," F's soliciting contributions; some discussion of its contents, F's relationship with his contributors; F's reluctance at first to print a section of Joyce's "Work in Progress"; the attempts of Hemingway and Pound to influence the magazine, resulting in an emphasis on American material. [HEG] Masterman, Lucy. C. F. G. MASTERMAN. Lond: Nicholson & Wilson, 1939. Mrs. Masterman's biography of her husband, Liberal M. P., a junior minister in Asquith's cabinet, and a good friend of F., gives various refs to F, and an account of the propaganda office over which Masterman presided and for which F. wrote two books. "The Magazines," SPECTATOR, CI-CIV (5 Dec 1908 through 5 Feb 1910). Review of THE ENGLISH REVIEV/. Mostly summaries of contents, but comments occasionally that writing is unworthy, offensive, unpleasant, preposterous, meaningless, etc. "The Magazines," NEWAGE, V, ns (13 May 1909), 62. Praises current issue of THE ENGLISH REVIEV/, especially W. Lewis and Hudson but deplores contribution of Stephen Reynolds. Mizener, Arthur. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. 25 Morey, John H. "Joseph Conrad and Ford Madox Ford. A Study in Collaboration." DISSERTATION ABSTRACTS, XXi (I960), I568, Studies THE IHhERITORS (1901), ROMANCE (1903), and THE HATURE OF A CRIME (1924) as collaborative works and claims of the two writers as to the contribution of each. [Ph.D, thesis reported in progress, EFT, I, No. 3 (1958), now completed at Cornell..] [HEG] Morris, Lloyd. "Ford's Masterpiece Now Reappears," MEW YORK HEARLD TRI3UNE BOOK REVIEW, 1 Oct I95O, p. 4. Very sympathetic review of PARADE'S END; finds similarities with Proust and Kafka; it is a prophetic book. ...... "Mr. Ford's Saga," SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE (MY), III (4 Dec I926), 365. Very favorable review of Tietjens novels, "There are those of us...who believe that he has carried the traditional English novel to its greatest formal achievement." .......... "A Remarkable Literary Figure of Our Era," NEW YORX HERALD TRIBUNE BOOK REVIEW, 22 May 1949, pp. 1, 18.. In a review of Goldring's biography, comments on F's literary sense, his devotion to literary tradition, his versatility, etc. F. had a clear idea of his own sort of success. "New Novels," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 2 Oct 1924, p. 610. The story of THE NATURE OF THE CRIME is ridiculous but art of the two authors is praiseworthy. "New Novels," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 16 June 1932, p. 444. Review of VJHEiJ THE WICKED MAN. Comments on F's technique a? "the intiusive method" which has "abandoned any principle of succession in time." The effects are bewildering, though the incidents "are so vividly and vigorously told that the interest never flags." "New Novels," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 14 Sept 1333, Ï• , 608. Review of THE RASH ACT. Objects to method as one imposing "an unnecessary strain on the attention," A study of :;many wasted, meaningless lives..,." Newbolt, Henry. NEW PATHS ON HELICON. Lond: T, Nelson, [1927-1. Brief mention of F's work. Norman, Charles. THE MAGIC-MAKER: E. E. CUMMINGS. NY: Maoni lian, 1958, Various mentions of F, especially as he appeared in N. Y, during the 1920s and 1930s. "Note on Collaboration," ACADEMY, LXI (20 July 1901), 43, Speculates as to who wrote what in THE INHERITORS. Paterson, Isabel. "The Heir of All the Ages," NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE 300KS, 26 Feb I933, p. 4. Review of THE RASH ACT. F's novel shows that people cannot stand prosperity. "The essence of living is achieving and becoming." "Poetry," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, l8 Apr 1918, p. 137- Very brief notice of ON HEAVEN, regretting F's preface, but commending the verse, especially "Footsloggers." Porter, Katherine Anne. "Homage to Ford," THE DAYS BEFORE. NY: Harcourt, Brace, 1952. Pp. 109-10. [Listed in EFT, I, 2, Ï• , I3, under NEW DIRECTIONS: NUMBER 7, but not annotated,] Appreciation of F, as a man dedicated to his profession, no matter what the hardships of his life. [¡-!EG] 2Ó Pound, Ezra. "Madox Ford at Rapallo," HOOD (St, Louis, Mo.), Ho. 24 (Fall 1950), [not seen]; rptd PAVANNES AHD DIVAGATIOHS. NY: Hew Directions, 1350. Po. 153-55. Gives dialogue between F. and Pound on the proper training for a young wr iter. .......... "Status Rerum," POETRY, I (Jan 1913), 125-26. Important article on F. and other poets. "Mr. hueffer believes in an exact rendering of things. He would strip words of all 'association' for the saks of getting a precise meaning...." Pratt, Theodore. "Visit with the Master," STORY (Palma de Mallorca), (Oct 1932), [not seen]; rptd A STORY ANTHOLOGY. MY: Vanguard, 1933» Pp. 195-209. Short story based on F, whom author visited in 1931 in Provence. The novelist in the story closely resembles F0 Prescott, Orville. "Books of the Times," NEW YORK TIMES, Io Sept 1950, p. 21. Review of PARADE'S END. Mostly a novel about morality and ethical decisions. Praises it for emotional tension, understanding of people and technical skill but finds intricate time shifts excessive. Stream-of-consciousness and deliberate ambiguity a hindrance to principal narrative. [HSg] Pritchett, V. S. "Impressions of the 'Impressionists,'" LONDON MERCURY, XXXVII (Mar 1933), 550-51. Review of MIGHTIER THAM THE SWORD praising F. for his gusto and brilliant originality. His particular method has "not been equalled by any other writer." ...... "To Eat the Nightingale," BYSTANDER (Lond), [vol ?] (7 Dec 1 938), 390. F. has reversed one maxim, that the business of art is to impose order on chaos. .......... "With a Double Turn of the Screw," NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, 16 Sept 1951, P. 5. Review of THE GOOD SOLDIER (NY: Knopf, 1350, one of the most important novels of the century, "a story of passion carried to within sight of the highest classical pitch." Praises F. for drawing character and creating incidents. 3ook is a "tragedy written in ironical terms and punctured by comic shocks of uncommon ferocity." Ending too pat. [HSG] "A Question of Fact," QUARTERLY REVIEW, CCLXX (Apr 1338), 376-7S. Review of MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. Queries reliability of F's memory, especially regarding Henry James. Redman, 3. R. "Ford Madox Ford in his True Colors," SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE (NY), XXXlI (25 June 1943), 11. Unenthusiastic review of Goldring's biography. Questions F's honesty and value of his work. Reynolds, Stephen. LETTERS OF STEPHEN REYNOLDS. Ed. Harold "right. Lond: Hogarth, 1923. Occasional refs to Reynold's position as F's assistant on ENGLISi: REVIEW. Sackvilie-West, Edward. "A Bore to End Bores," NEW STATESMAH AND NATION, XVIII, ns (4 Nov 1939), 654. Savage review of THE MARCH OF LITERATURE. "Books like this lie about the centuries like so many puddings gone cold and uneatable." 27 The "fantastic shadow" of Ezra Pound falls continually across the book. [Douglas Goldring, "Ford Madox Ford," ibid (11 Nov 1333), 679-80, defends F's book vs. West for its originality.! TMacS, HEG] Sauvage, Noel. "An Admirer's View of Provence," NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, 24 Mar 1335, p. 9. Review of PROVENCE. Significant for F's autobiography and philosophy. F. describes everything in minute detail. Gives reminiscences of his childhood; also anecdotes of famous literary people in London. [ESL] Schorer, Mark. See Strauss, Harold ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Scott, W. T. "The Literary Summing-up," SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE (NY), XXXIII (30 Dec 1950), 6-3, 28-29, A general survey of literature during the 1950s with comment on the F,' revival. Shanks, Edward. "Collected Poems by Ford Madox Ford," POETRY AHD DRAMA, I (Dec 1913), 492-93. Contrasts F. as critic with F. as poet and finds a certain evanescent quality in both. The poems are characterized as "queer, refreshing, puzzling." The collected verse illustrates "no change in Mr. Hueffer, only a progressive individuality and clearness." .......... "A Literary Panorama," JOHN 0'LONDON'S WEEKLY, 6 Oct 1939, p. 4. Long, favorable notice of THE MARCH OF LITERATURE. The book proves F. "must have been better than most professors," though it would not have occurred to him to give him a professorship, as did Olivet College. "Short Notices," EGOIST, V (May 1913), 75. Review of ON HEAVEN, commending only the title poem. Skinner, R. T. "Oliver Madox Hueffer," SCOTSMAN (Edinburgh), 27 June 193', p. [?]. Obituary notice of Oliver Madox Hueffer with refs to F. .......... THE SCHOOLMASTER LOOKS BACK. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1947. Memories by F's schoolmaster at Praetorius School in Folkstone. Brief mention of Hueffer brothers and other children at the school. "Some Recent Books," QUARTERLY REVIEW, CCLXXIV (Jan 1340), 171-87, espec 178-79. Review of THE MARCH OF LITERATURE. Slates the book which "may be taken as the pleasant irregular talk of a clever but somewhat superficial man...." Defends the academics from F's attacks and concludes by calling F. "rather a little spoiIt." "The Soul of London," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 9 June 1905, p. 184. Long review of THE SOUL OF LONDON but one complaining that F's aesthetic temperament limits the validity of his observations. Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. NY: Knopf, 1950. A pamphlet issued prior to publication of PARADE'S END. Gives account of publication and statements about F. and his work by Graham Greene, Robie Macaul=îy, Morton Zabel, Mark Schorer, William Troy, Douglas Goldring, Herschel Brickell, Lionel Trilling, Arthur Mizener, Caroline Gordon, Glenway Wescott, Allen Tate, Granville Hicks, W. C. Williams, Carl Van Doren. 2 ο Ï… "Sunshine in the South," LOHDOH TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMEHT, 5 Hov 1933, p. 711. Very favorable review of PROVENCE. The purpose of the book is "the passionate championship of the good in man." "A Sympathetic Vivisection of Mr. henry James," OUTLOOK (Lond), XXXIII (17 Jan 1914), Gl. The book is "as nearly flawless as anything in the nature of literary criticism can be"; praises F. for the "dozens of obiter dicta" in the book because "they will vex the souls of innumerable dunces.,.." Tate, Allen. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Tate, Allen. "Random Thoughts on the 1320's," MINNESOTA REVIEW, I (Fall I960), 46-56, espec 51-54. A personal reminiscence of the 1920s. F. got Tate a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1927. Tells of F's "immense literary culture," his writing THE GOOD SOLDIER in French without consulting the English text, his helping other writers, etc, [HEG] Trilling, Lionel. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Troy, William. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. Troy, W. E. "Mr. Ford's Tale of the Napoleonic Epoch," MEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW, 28 Oct 1928, p. 7. A "holiday flight" from the Tietjens books. A "magnificent sortie with the past." "Uncle Toby on Kanchenjunga," TIME, LVI (25 Sept 1950), 102. Review of PARADE'S END. Long summary of F's career coupled with assessment of the tetralogy. "It is first and foremost an artist's dream, always larger than life, more drenched with passion and drama." "Vagaries of the Master," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 18 Dec 1948, p. 708. A chilly review of THE LAST PRE-RAPHAELITE (Goldring). "To be great is to be misunderstood: The converse has no rational basis." Van Doren, Carl. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. V/ard, A. C. FOUNDATIONS OF ENGLISH PROSE. Lond: Bell, 1931. Mentions F. in passing. Washburn, C. C. "Sophistication," XIXth CENTURY AND AFTER, XCVIII (Oct 1925), 605-I3. [Noted in EFT, I, 2, p. 18, but supplemented here.] Compares SOME DO MOT with Michael Arlen's THE GREEN HAT and finds the sophistication of each essentially empty. Characters repeatedly doing unexpected, unconventional things becomes wearisome. Also notes similarity with Hutchinson's IF WINTER COMES. [KEG] Wescott, Glenway. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S END. West, Edward SackviIe. See Sackvi1le-West, Edward. Williams, Charles. "Mightier than Most Poets," TIME AND TIDE, XIX (12 Mar 1933), 350. Review of MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD by an admirer. "There is no other living writer whose work is more generally effective than Mr. Ford Madox Ford's. I have been aching for years, I now realize, to write that sentence.' 29 Williams, W. C. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S EMD. Wise, Thomas J. A CONRAD LIBRARY. Lond: Pvtly ptd, 1923. Contains a number of comments by Conrad transcribed on fly-leafs of books owned by VJise; also outline of ROMANCE as it was first drawn up by Conrad and F. and before it underwent alterations in collaboration. Wolfe, Humbert. "A Writer's Writer," OBSERVER (Lond), 27 Feb 1338, p. [?]. Review of MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. Praises F's gusto and seriousness of attitude as an artist. When "Mr. Ford sits down to his desk he writes as though he'd left a sword upstairs...." Wright, Harold, ed. LETTERS OF STEPHEN REYNOLDS. Lond: Hogarth, 1923. See Reynolds, Stephen. LETTERS OF STEPHEN REYNOLDS. Wyzewa, Ttheodore] de. See de Wyzewa, T[héodore]. Zabel, Morton. See Strauss, Harold, ed. FORD MADOX FORD: PARADE'S EMD. ...

