In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 21 (2009)

Alvarez, Julia, Once upon a Quinceañera: Coming of Age in the USA, rev'd, 3: 202–07.

Angulo-Olaiz, Francisca, "The Role of Pap Smears in Negotiating Risk: Latinas' Perceptions of Trust and Love in Sexual Relationships with Men," 3: 166–90.

Anne McCaffrey: A Life with Dragons, Robin Roberts, rev'd, 2: 220–23.

Asencio, Marysol, "Migrant Puerto Rican Lesbians: Negotiating Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnonationality," 3: 1–23.

Ayala, Jennifer, reviewer, 3: 202–07.

Báez-Hernández, Sonia, "Breast Cancer: A New Aesthetics of the Subject," 3: 143–65.

Ball, Kelly Hudgins, reviewer, 1: 209–10.

Barrett, Campbell D., Donald J. Cantor, Elizabeth Cantor, and James C. Black, Same-Sex Marriage: The Legal and Psychological Evolution in America, rev'd, 1: 217–23.

Bennett, Alina, reviewer, 1: 209–10.

Bernhagen, Lindsay, reviewer, 1: 209–10.

Bilimoria, Diana, and Abigail J. Stewart, "'Don't Ask, Don't Tell': The Academic Climate for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Faculty in Science and Engineering," 2: 85–103.

Black, James C., Donald J. Cantor, Elizabeth Cantor, and Campbell D. Barrett, Same-Sex Marriage: The Legal and Psychological Evolution in America, rev'd, 1: 217–23.

Blaetz, Robin, ed., Women's Experimental Cinema: Critical Frameworks, rev'd, 2: 217–20.

Blake, Debra J., Chicana Sexuality and Gender: Cultural Refiguring in Literature, Oral History, and Art, rev'd, 3: 197–202.

Bliss, Katherine Elaine, and William E. French, eds., Gender, Sexuality, and Power in Latin America since Independence, rev'd, 3: 197–01.

"Breast Cancer: A New Aesthetics of the Subject," Sonia Báez-Hernández, 3: 143–65.

Broad, K. L., reviewer, 1: 217–23.

Burack, Cynthia, Sin, Sex, and Democracy: Anti-Gay Rhetoric and the Christian Right, rev'd, 2: 196–98.

Cantor, Donald J., Elizabeth Cantor, James C. Black, and Campbell D. Barrett, Same-Sex Marriage: The Legal and Psychological Evolution in America, rev'd, 1: 217–23.

Cantor, Elizabeth, Donald J. Cantor, James C. Black, and Campbell D. Barrett, Same-Sex Marriage: The Legal and Psychological Evolution in America, rev'd, 1: 217–23.

Carrillo, Rosario, "Expressing Latina Sexuality with Vieja Argüentera Embodiments and Rasquache Language: How Women's Culture Enables Living Filosofía," 3: 121–42.

Carter, Shannon K., "Gender and Childbearing Experiences: Revisiting O'Brien's Dialectics of Reproduction," 2: 121–43. [End Page 230]

Catalano, George D., Donna Riley, Alice L. Pawley, and Jessica Tucker, "Feminisms in Engineering Education: Transformative Possibilities," 2: 21–40.

Chabram-Dernersesian, Angie, and Adela de la Torre, eds., Speaking from the Body: Latinas on Health and Culture, rev'd, 3: 207–10.

Chang, Doris T., "Reading Sex and Temperament in Taiwan: Margaret Mead and Postwar Taiwanese Feminism," 1: 51–75.

Charles, Anne, reviewer, 1: 204–08.

Chassen-Lopez, Francie, reviewer, 3: 222–24.

"The Chicana Canvas: Doing Class, Gender, Race, and Sexuality through Tattooing," Xuan Santos, 3: 91–120.

Chicana Sexuality and Gender: Cultural Refiguring in Literature, Oral History, and Art, Debra J. Blake, rev'd, 3: 197–201.

"Coalescing: The Development of Girls' Studies," Mary Celeste Kearney, 1: 1–28.

"Coming Out of the Sexual Harassment Closet: One Woman's Story of Politics and Change in Higher Education," Susan K. Gardner, 2: 171–95.

Courting Equality: A Documentary History of America's First Legal Same-Sex Marriages, Patricia A. Gozemba and Karen Kahn, photographs by Marilyn Humphries, rev'd, 1: 217–23.

de la Torre, Adela, and Angie Chabram-Dernersesian, eds., Speaking from the Body: Latinas on Health and Culture, rev'd, 3: 207–10.

Deeb-Sossa, Natalia, and Heather Kane, "Not Avoiding a 'Sensitive Topic': Strategies to Teach about Women's Reproductive Rights," 1: 151–77.

Desjardins, Mary, and Gerd Gemünden, eds., Dietrich Icon, rev'd, 1: 213–17.

Dietrich Icon, eds. Gerd Gemünden and Mary Desjardins, rev'd, 1: 213–17.

Diwan, Naazneen, reviewer, 1: 209–10.

"'Don't Ask, Don't Tell': The Academic Climate for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Faculty in Science and Engineering," Diana Bilimoria and Abigail J. Stewart, 2: 85–103.

"Editorial Introduction," Rebecca Ropers-Huilman, 1: vii–x.

"El Ambiente According to Her: Gender, Class, Mexicanidad, and the Cosmopolitan in Queer Mexico City," Anahi...

