In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. Groups Status: Almost all those who have given their energy and time to ELT, often as silent partners, have said that they would much prefer we retain our Conference status. Those who have collaborated with us for over eight years prefer the informality of the Conference and the opportunity for discussion which is lacking in MLA Sections, Discussion Groups, and General Topics Groups. We plan, therefore, at least for some time to come to continue in our present blissful state. 2. Photo-Offset: As we shall announce in every number from this one through the last number of I966, we tentatively plan on photo-offset reproduction in 1967. This will mean a more durable and a more readable journal. If all goes well, we shall have a wrap-around cover, from k8 to 6k pages printed on both sides, stitched through the center fold, and with the same page and print-size we now use. We shall only reduce the size of the print if production costs necessitate this procedure. Subscription rates will, of course, be higher. The new rates will be announced in due course. For the present, we shall accept renewals at the present rate only through Vol 9 (I966). V/e shall, of course, honor all subscriptions already paid at present rates beyond I966. 3. Reprints: V/e have contracted with Kraus Reprint Corporation for the reprinting, sale, and distribution of the first four volumes (1957/58-1961) of ENGLISH FICTION [now LITERATURE] IN TRANSITION. The Kraus Corporation has just announced that these first four volumes will soon be available. Orders for these reprints should be placed with and payment made to Kraus Reprint Corporation, 16 East Wth Street, New York, N. Y. IOOI7. We are pleased to join the good company on the Kraus list of MODERN FICTION STUDIES, TWENTIETH CENTURY FICTION, EXPLICATOR, CRITIQUE, ACCENT, AMERICAN LITERATURE, and many other important journals. Eventually, we plan to have further volumes similarly reprinted. 4. The Ninth Annual ELT Conference: Chicago: The theme of our Conference in December will be the Georgian and Trench Poets. Several papers we shall publish in ELT and a number of recent books on the Georgians and the War Poets will serve as the focus for our discussion. Because of limited space, MLA restricts attendance at Conferences to about 35 persons. We shall honor requests for admission in the order in which they are received up to the limit set by MLA. Address your requests to Helmut E. Gerber, Discussion Leader. ELT Conference, English Department, Purdue University. 5. Futures: The first number of ELT in Volume 9 (1966) is now being planned. Tentatively , it will include an unpublished story by George Gissing, an article identifying a pseudonymous piece as by George Moore, an article on a newly identified source for Moore's ESTHER WATERS, a previously uncollected and apparently unlisted translation by Arthur Symons from Romany, and articles on DRACULA, DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE, and "Saki." The second number of Volume 9 (1966) is tentatively scheduled to include an annotated bibliography of writings about Havelock Ellis, a note on E. M. Forster, an article on Mary Webb, an article on Gosse's FATHER AND SON, and other matters as space permits. The second number of our Special Series, an unpublished diary of Gosse's visit to America in Winter, 1884-1885, will probably appear in I966. It wi11 be reproduced by photo-offset and stitched in a wrap-around cover. This particular i tern should also be of some interest to students of American literature. 6. Welcome, Phi 1ip Armato: Mr. Armato, who took his A. B. at the University of Wisconsin and is now working toward his M. A. at Purdue University, will be our Graduate Assistant this year. We assume that the recently passed Federal law apparent Iy designed to assure that ladies will not be discriminated against on grounds of sex also has its corollary for males. After Jaquel i ne Eisen, Marie Tate, Maisie Pearson, and Carol Porter, Phil Armato has fortunately come along to put us on the right side of the law. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Purdue University Studies: We have watched this series...

