In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editorial / Éditorial
  • Gillian Calder (bio) and Rebecca Johnson (bio)

Welcome to the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law’s Special Issue on “Law, Film and Feminism.” As you will see in the coming pages, our authors are grappling with their questions of law and feminism through the powerful medium of film. It seemed only fitting that an introduction to this volume should do the same. So, grab a bowl of popcorn—and check us out at < >. See you at the movies. . .

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue au numéro spécial de la Revue Femmes et Droit intitulé « Droit, Cinéma et Féminisme ». Comme vous le constaterez vous-mêmes dans les pages qui suivent, nos auteures discutent des questions de droit et de féminisme telles que représentées dans le média puissant du film. Il nous semble donc opportun de faire la même chose dans l’introduction à ce numéro. Alors, préparez-vous un bol de maïs soufflé–et venez nous retrouver à l’adresse < >. Rendez-vous au cinéma. . . [End Page i]

Gillian Calder and Rebecca Johnson
Victoria, BC, April 2009
Gillian Calder

Gillian Calder is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Victoria. Since her appointment in July 2004, Calder has taught constitutional law, family law, civil liberties, and advanced family law. Her current research interests include law’s regulation of women, work, and family; the provision of social benefits through Canadian law; feminist, constitutional, and equality theories; and the relationship between performance and law and penguins.

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson is a professsor of law at the University of Victoria, where she teaches law and film, criminal law, and business associations. Her research currently focuses on practices of dissent, embodiment, and the discourses and practices of power operating at the intersection of law and popular culture.


