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180 E. M. FORSTES (1879-1970) "an advocate of reason who recognizes the provenance of Intuition" - Frederick P. W. McDowell "the beautiful simplicity of heart" - Anon. TLS "a person of very strong and continuing affections" Rose Macaulay "sympathy In justice, reason In conviction, moderation In loyalty, vivacity In passion" - Korton Dauwen Zabel "humanity, decency, sensitivity, generosity, tolerance"Alan Brlen "Liberty, humanity, humility and mutual comprehension are the things he loves; tyranny, pride and prejudice are what he loathes." - Orlo Williams "The gentleness, the tolerance, the sensibility, the quiet perspicacity, the unfailing humour, the respect for private life, the hatred of brutality. . . - these are the qualities manifested In the man as well as the virtues extolled In his writing." - Tony Tanner "the wisdom and sadness of the historian rather than the antic and frenzy of the poet deluded by the splendor of his own fantasies" - A. Donald Douglas "the calculation of a talent knowing Its limitations, In the service of a genius which made no compromises at all" - P. N. Furbank "the strangest, the most persistent and the most dominant reputation In contemporary literature" - John Fuller "But In the long perspective It will matter very little whether or not Förster»s liberal humanism and moral philosophy were specifically applicable to his own time. What will matter Is that with splendid narrative and symbolic evocation he has expressed the polarities of man's experience of the universe from his encounter with absolute negation to his entry Into ultimate affirmation." - George Ξ. Thomson ...

