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177 power runs the risk of extinguishing the disinterested discriminations of the Intellect. In his political activity Leonard Woolf tried to bridge the ideals of liberalism and the crude realities of political power, and to effect a synthesis of these conflicting elements. He did not turn from the realities of politics as one of his mentors Goldsvorthy Lowes Dickinson was tempted to do when he once said that he was unable to formulate clearly "the relation of ideals to passion and interests." This is the relation that the pragmatic Leonard Woolf never lost sight of. He evidently wanted to do more than he did, but he was more successful, I am sure, than he judges himself to have been. NOTES 1 The preceding volumes in Leonard Woolf» s autobiography are these» Sowing» An Autobiography of the Years 1880 to 3904 (Lond» Hogarth P; NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, I960); Growing» An Autobiography of the Years 1904 to 3,911 (Lond» Hogarth P, 196T7 WTHarcourt , Brace & World, 196zT;Beglnnlng Agalns An Autobiography çf Çhe Years 1911 to 1918 (Londs Hogarth P; NYs Särcourt. Brace & World. 1964)s Downhill All the Wayt An Autobiography of the Years 1919 to 1939 (Londs Hogarth P; NYs Harcourt, Brace & World, Ι967ΤΓ For an account of these books, especially as they relate to E. M. Forster and to Bloomsbury, see my article, "Recent Books on Forster and on Bloomsbury," ELT. XIIs 3 (I969), l4043 . 2 "The Challenge of Our Time," Two Cheers for Democracy (NYt Harcourt, Brace & World, 1951), PP· 56-57. University of Iowa Frederick P. W. McDowell BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. ANDREW MARVELL. A CRITICAL ANTHOLOGY. Ed by John Carey. Baltlmoret Penguin Books, I969. $2.25 paper, Barnes, William. A GLOSSARY OF THE DORSET DIALECT WITH A GRAMMAR. Mount Durand, St. Peter Port, Guernseyt The Toucan P, 1970. $2.60. Barton, Thomas L. and Anna M. Beachner. TEACHING ENGLISH IN THE TWO-YEAR COLLEGE. Menlo Park, Calift Cummings Publishing Co, 1970. Beum, Robert, and James W. Sire. PAPERS ON LITERATURE MODELS AND METHODS. NYt Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. Buczkowskl, Leopold. BLACK TORRENT. Trans by David Welsh. Cambridge, Mass, and Londt The M. I. T. P, I969. $5.95. Césaire, Aime. RETURN TO MY NATIVE LAND. Trans, by John Berger and Anna Bostock. Intro by Mazlsl Kunene. Baltimore» Penguin Books, I969. $0.95 paper. Clark, John B. POHM AND FRENZY IN SWIPT*S TALE OP A TUB. 178 Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1970. $8.00. Coustlllas, Pierre. GEORGE GISSING AT ALDERLEY EDGE. Lond: Enltharmon P, I969. £ 1. 12.6 Coustlllas, Pierre. GISSING'S WRITINGS ON DICKENS. Lond: Enitharmon P, I969. £1.10. DICKENS THE CRAFTSMAN: STRATEGIES OF PRESENTATION. Ed, with foreword , by Robert B. Partlow, Jr. Carbondale, 111: Southern Illinois UP, 1970. #6.95. Dygat, Stanislaw. CLOAK OF ILLUSION. Trans, by David Welsh, Cambridge, Mass, and Lond: The M.I.T. P, I969. $5.95. EDMUND SPENSER. A CRITICAL ANTHOLOGY. Ed. by Paul J. Alpers. Baltimore: Penguin Books, I969. $2.25 paper. Eliot, George. FELIX HOLT THE RADICAL. With Intro by George Levlne . NY: W.W. Norton, 1970. N517. $1.85 paper. ELIOT IN PERSPECTIVE. A SYMPOSIUM. Ed by Graham Martin. NY: Humanities Press, 1970. $10.00. FIVE GERMAN TRAGEDIES. Trans with an Intro by F. J, Lamport. Baltimore: Penguin Books, I969. $2.95-paper. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. A CRITICAL ANTHOLOGY. Ed by J. A. Burrow. Baltimore: Penguin Books, I969. $2.25 paper. Glsslng, George. ISABEL CLARENDON. Ed with a critical Intro by Pierre Coustlllas. In two volumes. Brighton Sussex: The Harvester P, I969. $12.60 the set. Hayman, David. ULYSSES: THE MECHANICS OF MEANING. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.s PrentIce-Hall, 1970. Hlchens, Robert. THE GREEN CARNATION. Ed with an Intro by Stanley Welntraub. Lincoln, Nebr: University of Nebraska P, I970. $1.95 paper. JOHN WEBSTER, A CRITICAL ANTHOLOGY. Ed by G. K. and S. K. Hunter. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 19¿9. $2.25 paper. Joost, Nicholas and Alvln Sullivan. D. H. LAWRENCE AND THE DIAL. Carbondale, 111: Southern Illinois University P, 1970. $8.50. Konwicki, Tadeusz. A DREAMBOOK FOR OUR TIME. Trans by David Welsh. Cambridge...

