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146 HENRY HANDEL RICHARDSON: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WRITINGS ABOUT HER Compiled and Annotated by Verna D. Wittrock (Purdue University, Calumet Campus) [Note: Professor Wittrock has compiled the following bibliography and annotated very nearly all of it. Unsigned items may be assumed to be her abstracts. We have had some assistance from Charles Green of Arlington State University, Texas, and from several members of our staff, whose names appear after the items for which they are responsible. In the course of a very difficult editing task, many persons have contributed much time and energy: H. E. Gerber, E. S. Lauterbach, and Eugene Davis, of our editorial staff; Marie T. Tate and Mrs. Maisie Pearson, our graduate assistants; Mrs. H. E. Gerber, who typed the bulk of the manuscript; and Charles Green, who searched out many items at Texas Christian University and the University of Texas Libraries. We have also made much use of the resources of the University of Chicago, Chicago Public, Newberry, University of Illinois, and Purdue University Libraries. Despite so much help, a considerable number of items could not readily be located during the past two years. We have prepared a search list for unlocated items which includes about 70 periodical and newspaper items and about 65 books. This list is being sent to approximately 300 persons in the United States, England, the Continent, Australia and several other Commonwealth countries. We shall appreciate as much help as possible in getting together full bibliographical data, library locations, and abstracts for these items so that we can eventually publish a supplement to the following bibliography.—HEG and ESL.] "Among Musical Students," NEW YORK TIMES SATURDAY REVIEW, 30 Jan 1909, p. 54. Rev of MAURICE GUEST (Duffield) which calls the novel "compact, wel1-constructed, dramatic." Andraud, Robert. "L'Australie dans les Romans de Henry Handel Richardson," ETUDES ANGLAISES, III (Apr-June 1939), 132-41. The Mahony trilogy ¡s not like some modern works an incontinent outpouring of words; the whole novel is unified. The tragedy resembles ancient drama, arising from conflict within. HHR's not always favorable representation of Australia is alive with her Instinct for truth. She avoids romantic excesses, brings out effectively the sombre grandeur of the mountains, plains, the texture of the landscape. Usually, however, HHR is concerned not with brilliant effects but with the essential character of the landscape. HHR does not present the usual run of romantic Australian convicts, typical bushrangers the aborigine, the gold seekers. The squatters are presented effectively. Ballarat is shown to be growing toward bourgeois standards. HHR's technique is not to intervene personally but to present individual realities as they occur. In this pessimistic novel, perhaps only Mary has the author's approval as representing reconciliation, a middle way appropriate to an infant colony. [Green] "Anmeldelser," BOGENS VERDEN, XIV (Dec 1932), 287. Rev of MAURICE GUEST: EN ROMAN OM UNGDOM OG KAERLIGHED (A Novel of Youth and Love), trans by Gudrun Lohse (Copenhagen: Hagerup, 1932). The youths in the story are rather brilliant young music students and, therefore, unusually susceptible to hysteria. This sort of temperament plays a part in Maurice's suicide. 147 "Australia Honors Author," NEW YORK TIMES, 11 Dec 1930, p. 11. Recounts the awarding of a gold medal to "Henry Handel Richardson" by the Australian Literature Society for the best novel by an Australian in 1929. "Australian Fiction," LONDON TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, 16 Mar 1951, p. 158. Rev of Nettie Palmer's HENRY HANDEL RICHARDSON (qv). HHR was "a great tragic writer in the European realist tradition of Flaubert and Dostoevsky. . . . She was not an Australian regional novelist" but one of the inner spirit whose raw material was often herself. B., W. "Notes on Novels," NEW REPUBLIC, LXII (5 Mar 1930), 80-81. Rev of AUSTRALIA FELIX, which calls attention to HHR's "careful, strong-ribbed prose." The whole host of minor characters, the whole scope of Australian society are individualized; yet the reader gets a sense of panorama as well. Baker, Sidney John. AUSTRALIA SPEAKS. Sydney: Shakespeare Head, 1953. Pp. 21, 257. In THE FORTUNES OF RICHARD MAHONY, HHR expresses something of the Australian pioneers' determination to put an end to the class system. HHR's...

