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  • Books Received/Livres reçus

This list acknowledges receipt of recent works bearing on the scientific study of language. Although reviews are solicited regularly, we do not guarantee that all books received will be reviewed. Individuals interested in submitting a review should make prior arrangements to that effect with the book review editor. Electronic copies of reviews are sent to the publishers of the works in question. Receipt of individual books cannot be acknowledged nor can books be returned to the publisher.

La liste qui suit recense les ouvrages récemment reçus relatifs à l'étude scientifique du langage. Quoique nous sollicitions régulièrement des comptes rendus, nous ne pouvons garantir que tous les livres reçus en feront l'objet. Toute personne désireuse de soumettre un compte rendu est priée d'obtenir l'accord préalable du rédacteur des comptes rendus. Les éditeurs des ouvrages recensés recevront une copie électronique des comptes rendus. Nous ne pouvons faire parvenir aucun accusé de réception ni retourner les livres aux éditeurs.

Agha, Asif. 2006. Language and social relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xv + 427. US $34.99 (softcover).
Agren, Malin. 2008. À la recherche de la morphologie silencieuse : Sur le développement du pluriel en français L2 écrit. Dans la collection Études Romanes de Lund 84. Lunds: Språkoch litteraturcentrum Franska, Lunds Universitet. Pp. 315 (broché).
Allan, Keith. 2007. The western classical tradition in linguistics. London: Equinox. Pp. xv + 351. US $29.95 (softcover).
Amberber, Mengistu, ed. 2007. The language of memory in a crosslinguistic perspective. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. xi + 284. US $142.00 (hardcover).
Arffman, Johanna. 2007. La coordination et les phrases juxtaposées en français. Helsinki: Département des langues romanes, Université de Helsinki. Pp. 172. 20,00 € (broché).
Ariel, Mira. 2008. Pragmatics and grammar. In the series Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xviii + 343. US $45.00 (softcover).
Arnbjörnsdóttir, Birna. 2006. North American Icelandic: The life of a language. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. Pp. 165. $34.95 (softcover).
Auer, Anita. 2009. The subjunctive in the age of prescriptivism: English and German developments during the eighteenth century. In the series Palgrave Studies in Language History and Language Change. Houndmills/New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. xiv + 221. US $85.00 (hardcover).
Austin, Peter K., and Andrew Simpson. 2007. Endangered languages. Hamburg: Buske Verlag. Pp. 306. € 48.00 (softcover).
Austin, Peter K., ed. 2008. Living, endangered, and lost: One thousand languages. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press. Pp. 288. US $29.95 (hardcover). [End Page 425]
Baker, Brett J. 2008. Word structure in Ngalakgan. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Pp. xvi + 332. US $45.00 (softcover).
Baker, Mark C. 2008. The syntax of agreement and concord. In the series Cambridge Studies in Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xviii + 273. US $41.99 (softcover).
Baker, Paul. 2008. Sexed texts: Language, gender and sexuality. London: Equinox. Pp. vii + 300. US $24.95 (softcover).
Barton, David. 2007. Literacy: An introduction to the ecology of written language. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Pp. xi + 245. US $39.95 (softcover).
Bayley, Robert, and Ceil Lucas, eds. 2007. Sociolinguistic variation: Theories, methods, and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. xvi + 405. US $37.99 (soft-cover).
Beaver, David I., and Brady Z. Clark. 2008. Sense and sensitivity: How focus determines meaning. In the series Explorations in Semantics. Oxford/Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Pp. xiv + 307. US $53.95 (softcover).
Bénéteau, Marcel et Peter W. Halford. 2008. Mots choisis : Trois cents ans de francophonie au Détroit du lac Érié. Ottawa: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa. Pp. 532. $45,00 (broché).
Bickerton, Derek. 2008. Bastard tongues. New York: Hill and Wang. Pp. xi + 270. US $26.00 (hardcover).
Bickmore, Lee. 2007. Cilingu phonology. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Pp. xvi + 537. US $49.00 (softcover).
Blake, Barry. 2007. Playing with words: Humour in the English language. London: Equinox. Pp. xii + 181. US $19.95 (softcover).
Boeckx, Cedric. 2008. Aspects of the syntax of agreement. New York/London: Routledge. Pp. xi + 266. US $125.00 (hardcover).
Boersema, David. 2009. Pragmatism and...

