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ill tatively scheduled the publication of the Hardy project for Summer , 1971. W. Eugene Davis and H. E. Gerber plan to complete most of the abstracting by the end of Summer, 1969. We would appreciate help with some elusive items, especially from persons planning to be in England this summer or from those near good periodical and newspaper holdings. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Robert L. Calder (Leeds) is completing a doctoral dissertation on the writings of William Somerset Maugham. 2. Mrs. Dara (Jerusha) McCormack is writing a thesis (Brandeis) on John Gray. She will, we expect, prepare an annotated bibliography of writings about Gray and perhaps a primary one for ELT. 3. Bernard Wlnehouse (1^5, Cheviot Gardens, London N. W. 2) has a Ph.D. thesis in progress at London University on Israel Zangwlll, Mr. Wlnehouse writes that his work will be a literary biography covering Zangwlll's career from its beginnings to about 1900. He would be pleased to correspond with others working on Zangwlll. k. K.P.S. Jochum (University of Illinois) is preparing his University of Frankfurt dissertation on W. B. Yeats's plays for publication by Gehlen*Verlag (Bad Homburg) in a series of monographs on English literature. 5. Harold F. Kosher, Jr.φ(Cincinnati), who has been a Fulbright Lecturer at the Université de Toulouse, is currently at work on Gustave Flaubert and on some translations. ...

