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65 "The Autobiography of Mark Rutherford, Dissenting Minister," Athenaeum, No. 2791 (23 Apr 1881), 555. Rev "In parts [it isJ so powerfully told that it cannot be wholly fictitious." Davis, W. Eugene. "William Hale White ("Mark Rutherford'): An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him [Parts I, II]," ELT, X: 2, 3.(1967), 97-117, 150-60. "The Defects of English Prose," Times Literary Supplement (Lond), 15 Jan I920, p. 25. W. H. Hudson and W, unlike more frequently -praised 19th century prose writers, have "a cumulative power that cannot be proved by quotation." They write simply and with "justice" about what they have seen and felt, without forcing. Salgado, Gamini. "The Rhetoric of Sincerity: The Autobiography of Mark Rütherford as Fiction," Renaissance and Modern Essays. Ed by G. R. Hibbard. NY: Barnes and Noble, 196ΤΓ. Pp. 15968 . Autobiography, as its theme (conflict between dream and reality) and fictional method show, is not a document of Dissent but a novel. Its force comes from tension between "actuality and possibility," The book judges "editor" Shapcott as complacent and shallow. W concerned with character and motivation of many characters not just MR. W1s "chief novelistic device" is his "rhetoric of no rhetoric." RICHARD WHITEING We published Wendell V. Harris1 selected annotated bibliography of writings about Whiteing in ELT, VIII: 1 (I965), 44-48. We shall continue to abstract items appearing currently. FRANCIS BRETT YOUNG J. L. D. Leclair (University of Paris) has an annotated bibliography of writings about Young in progress. ISRAEL ZANGWILL Elsie B. Adams (Wisconsin State University, Whitewater) has an annotated bibliography of writings about Zangwlll in progress. BOOKS RECEIVED Listing here does not preclude the publication of a review in a future issue of ELT. Publishers receive two copies of the review. THE ARLINGTON QUARTERLY: A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, COMMENT, AND OPINION, I (Autumn I967). Ed by Maurice I. Carlson; pub by the University of Texas at Arlington at $5.00 per year, or $1.50 per copy. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF STUDIES IN VICTORIAN LITERATURE FOR THE TEN YEARS 1955-1964. Ed by Robert C. Slack. Urbana: University of Illinois P, I967. BRITISH SHORT STORIES: CLASSICS AND CRITICISM. Ed by Stuart L. Astor and Leonard R. B. Ashley. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentlce-Hall, I968. Paper, $3.95. 66 Burgess, Anthony. REJOYCE. NY: W. W. Norton, I968. The Norton Library, N445. $1.95. CLASSICS IN LINGUISTICS. Ed by Donald E. Hayden, E. Paul Alworth and Gary Tate. NY: Philosophical Library, 1967. #10.00. Fleishman, Avrom. CONRAD'S POLITICS: COMMUNITY AND ANARCHY IN THE FICTION OF JOSEPH CONRAD. Ealtlmore: The Johns Hopkins p, 1967. #7.50. GENRE, I (January I968). Ed by Donald Heuston, and Robert L. Vales; pub University of Illinois at Chicago Circle (Box 4348), Chicago, 111. (6068O), at $4.00 per year. Herrick, Robert. THE COMPLETE POETRY OF ROBERT HERRICK. Ed with an Introd and Notes by J. Max Patrick. NY: W. W. Norton, I968. The Norton Library, N435. #2.95. JACOBEAN DRAMA: VOLUME I. Ed with an Introd, by Richard C. Harrier. NY: W. W. Norton Library, N434a. #2.95. Ed with an Introd NY: W. W. Norton E. Billiar, Edward F. in the English Department, Notes, and Variants I968. The Norton Notes, and Variants I968. The Norton JACOBEAN DRAMA: VOLUME H. by Richard C. Harrier. Library, N434b. $2.95. Jonson, Ben. THE COMPLETE POETRY OF BEN JONSON. Ed with an Introd, Notes, and Variants by William B. Hunter, Jr. NY: W. W. Norton, I968. The Norton Library, N436. |2.95. MODERNS AND CONTEMPORARIES: NINE MASTERS OF THE SHORT STORY. Ed by Jonathan Baumbach and Arthur Edelstein. NY: Random House, I968. Paper, #2.95. 0 Hehlr, Brendan. A GAELIC LEXICON FOR FINNEGANS WAKE AND GLOSSARY FOR JOYCE'S OTHER WORKS. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California P, I967. #10.00. Rablnovitz, Rubin. THE REACTION AGAINST EXPERIMENT IN THE ENGLISH NOVEL I95O-I96O. NY: Columbia U P, 1967. $7.50. Rosenfield, Claire. PARADISE OF SNAKES: AN ARCHETYPAL ANALYSIS OF CONRAD'S POLITICAL NOVELS. Chicago and Lond: University of Chicago P, I967. $6.50. SHORT FICTION OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Selected and ed by Charles C. Mlsh. NY: W. W. Norton, I968. The Norton Library, N437. $2.95. THE...

