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2Oi+ BIBLIOGRAPHY, NEWS, AND NOTES Complied and Edited by H. E. Gerber and Philip Armato This listing Includes unabstracted references to all pertinent articles and reviews we have published In Volume IX, Nos 5-6 (I966) and Volume X, Nos 1-4 (I967), as well as abstracts of Items published elsewhere on the authors we have been listing regularly. We list only authors on whom we have published a selected bibliography , a bibliography In depth, or on whom a major project Is In progress . Bibliographies wanted: Since relatively little current research appears on the following authors, we shall list their names here In the future and await offers from our readers to prepare selected, In most cases, annotated bibliographies of writings about them, or to prepare, In a few cases, bibliographies In depth. From time to time, as our backlog diminishes, we shall add other names. Max Beerbohm John Davys Beresford Walter Besant Gilbert Cannan William de Morgan W. L. George H. Rider Haggard Maurice Hewlett Sheila Kaye-Smlth Rose Macaulay William McFee Compton Mackenzie W. B. Maxwell Leonard Merrick C. E. Montague Arthur Morrison Oliver Onions Edwin Pugh Frank Swlnnerton Arthur Symons ARNOLD BENNETT We published James G. Hepburn's selected annotated bibliography of writings about Bennett In EFT, I: 1 (1957), 7-12, and additional Items In various numbers since then. We shall continue to abstract Items appearing currently. BBC presented a biography of Bennett as part of the Centenary celebration of Bennett's birth In I867. There have also been lectures on him and a display of his water-colors. Beard, D. R. "The Arnold Bennett Society," Arnold Bennett Centenary ., I867-I967. City of Stoke-on-Trent, T90T. PTT-5. The ~ Society founded 15th June, 195^· helps conserve the Arnold Bennett Museum, collects Bennett materials, and provides lecturers on B's life and work. On May 27, i960, the Society unveiled a black basalt bas relief of B's head, mounted on a brick plinth, In the new Market Place Gardens, Burslem. [JGK] Brugmans, Llnettft F. "Introduction," Correspondance André Gide Arnold Bennett: Vingt ans d'amltle Littéraire. Paris: Librairie Minardv l9o\. pp. 12-52, First conta~cTs: "Les quatorze lettres qu',échangèrent,Ap*e Gide et Arnold Bennett pendant les années qui précédèrent la Grande Guerre, de I9II a 191^, contiennent allusions à leurs oeuvres, projets de rencontre , nouvelles, remerciements et Invitations; elles expriment un mutuel désir de recontre, qui va grandissant dès que les éOrlvalns se connaissent davantage." At this early 205 stage of correspondence their mutual love of Dostoyevskl drew them together. Glde's reticence and B's heavy work load kept the two men from Immediately meeting, but Valéry Larbaud graciously acted as aij Intermediary between them. "Glde suggéra ... a Larbaud d'écrire une,Introduction à la nouvelle Le Mamador des Cinq Villes si généreusement offerte, pur y presenter Bennett,a ses lectures; cette nouvelle parut en effet dans le numero d'août de la Nouvelle Revue française." The friendship of B was very helpful to Glde^In his literary debut: "Ce fut Bennett . . . qui conseilla à Glde la lecture de Tom Jones dès leur toute premiere rencontre. Selon nous, l'Influence de ce livre sur Les Caves du Vatican est evidente." War fetters: "L'exchange eplstoTalre . . . reflete surtout les événements de l'heure: Intérêt commun des deux amis pour les victimes du conflit, nouvelles diverses, allusions aux nombreux articles qu' Arnold Bennett écrivait sans desemparer." Under the Influence of B, Glde learned of and wished to translate The Autoblography of Mark Rutherford by Hale White; however, this project was abandoned and Glde translated Conrad's Typhoon Instead. After the war Glde visited England and exchanged 9 cordial letters with B: ^'Remarquons que ces lettres ne font presques aucune allusion a la littérature, preoccupation majeure - en tout temps - de Glde comme de Bennett." The 25 letters exchanged by Glde and B during the years 1920-25 "furent pour eux une source d'Inspiration et un motif d'admiration mutuelle." The two men met again In 1920 and Glde marvelled at B's knowledge of foreign literature, warm friendship...

