In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Ill THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. Eleventh ELT Conference. MLA. Chicago. 1967: Criticism (1880I920TI ' " Conference 54 Palmer, Room 5 Friday, December 29 10:30-11:45 a.m. Discussion will center on attitudes toward literature and criticism common to the period and on specific critics from among the following : Wilde, Johnson, Symons, Moore, "Vernon Lee," Gosse, and Salntsbury. Λ selected checklist of works by these critics follows a somewhat heady prologue on the "gay science." 2. Conference Papers: Before or After? This year, rather than printing papers on the subject of the Conference prior to our meeting, we are reserving some space In Volume XI, Nos 1 and 2 (1968) for post-Conference notes and papers. We hope this Innovation will provide still greater freedom from owllshness and the lecture-room atmosphere. We also hope that the Conference Itself will provide the freedom for speculation and intelligent "wiggle-waggle" out of which good papers will emerge. 3. Coming Soon in ELT: We have ready for publication In future numbers an annotated bibliography of writings about Arthur Machen (Wesley Sweetser), an article on The Mayor of Casterbrldge (Ruth Marie Faurot), a commentary on Hardy's correspondence with German translators (Carl Zlegler), a note on Lord JIm (Dudley Flamm), an article on Esther Waters (Paul Sporn), an article on Wilfred Owen which challenges Joseph Cohen's earlier piece (Gertrude K. White) and Cohen's reply, an article on H. G. Wells (William J. Schelk), and an article on Mary Webb's poetry (W. Eugene Davis). An annotated bibliography of writings about Edmund Gosse (J. D. Woolf) Is in the final stage of editing. 4. The Major Bibliographies: The annotated bibliography of writings about Joseph Conrad, under the supervision of Bruce Teets, will probably be fully complied and abstracted by January. We hope to begin final editing in the spring. The annotated bibliography of writings about Thomas Hardy has mounted to 5.000 entries. Abstracting Is well under way. However, because of the scope of this project, we shall continue to need much help from scholars who can participate in this work on a continuing basis. We welcome volunteers willing to abstract from 100 entries up; some entries , we hasten to add, come to nothing more than one- or twoparagraph reviews. Anyone able and willing to contribute may write to the Edltor, ELT, Heavllon Hall, Room 442, Furdue University, W. Lafayette, Ind. (47907). We are trying to make arrangements with a press to undertake the publication in book form of a series of these bibliographies. Since these volumes are definitive reference works, we believe they should be in the bibliographical section of every university and public library side by side with CBEL and other more specialized scholarly bibliographies. ...

