In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Ii THE EDITOR'S FENCE 1. The Eleventh ELT Conference. MLA. Chicago. 1967: Criticism (1880-1920): The planned ELT Conference for I967 will concentrate on Criticism, broadly understood, in this period of fusing genres and categories, to include aesthetics, literary history, all the varieties of criticism, appreciations, and reviews. Among specific critics whose work we would like to hear discussed: Pater, Moore, Wilde, Gosse, Symnns, Symonds, Violet Paget, Saintsbury , and perhaps others. Some subjects which might also be considered : theories of realism, form and content, etc. We shall consider papers for publication in ELT prior to the meeting. Papers will NOT be read at the Conference. To be considered for the Conference number of ELT, papers must be in our hands before September 23. 2. Renewals: Our homemade accounting system Informs us that ELT in its new format and at the new rates is enjoying economic good health. It seems very likely that ELT will be one of the very few wholly self-supporting scholarly Journals which do not require membership in an organization. With approximately forty more renewals and new subscribers, we shall be able to publish all the work to which we are committed and make ends meet this year. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Purdue Conference on American Culture: This Conference met for the second time on the Purdue campus, April 21-22, 1967. The lively and imaginatively varied program was enjoyed by about 200 participants. Papers were pre-printed, speakers were freed from the necessity of shuffling papers, debate often was marvelously impassioned. Among the speakers: Frederick Eckman, Herbert M. Schueller, C. Hugh Holman, William H. Gass, Leslie A. Fiedler, Arthur Mizener, and others of similar calibre. Perhaps the highlights of the Conference were Fiedler's fiedlerian improvisation on "The New Western" and Leslie Rout's "Jazz and Negro National· ism," illustrated by Rout and a superb combo of Jazz musicians. 2. Conference in the Study of Twentieth-Century Literature: The seventh session of this conference met April 28-29, 1967, at Michigan State University. The general topic was "Literature, Criticism and Contemporary Experience." Among the speakers: Arthur Efron on "Criticism and Literature in the One-Dimensional Age," Albert Lebowitz on "The Reasonable Man and his Unreasonable Caves," R. V. Cassill on "The Cloud of Certainties," Irving Ehrenpreis on "Althea: The Tenth Hu» in the Twentieth Century." We hope these papers will be published in a Special Conference volume. 3. Berg Professorship: Professor Lionel Stevenson (Duke), a frequent participant in the ELT Conference, will be Berg Visiting Professor at New York University for the academic year I967-68. ...

