In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE HENRY JAMES REVIEW Volume 9, Number 1 Winter, 1988 Table of Contents Anarchism and Gender: James's The Princess Casamassima and Conrad's The Secret Agent. By Eileen Sypher..................1 "A Fine BewUderment": The Influence of Henry James's William Wetmore Story on The Golden Bowl. By Marijane Rountree Davis......................................17 James Studies 1983-1984: An Analytic Bibliographical Monograph. By Richard A. Hocks, Karen R. Hamer, and W. Dale Brown...............................................35 Announcements Erratum: In Alfred Habegger's "The Lessons of the Father: Henry James Sr. on Sexual Difference," Vol. 8, No. 1, p. 17,1. 38 should read nugatory, not negatory. Maher Discount: Archon Books, publisher of Jane Maher's Biography of Broken Fortunes: Wilkie and Bob, Brothers of William, Henry, and Alice James, is offering a twenty percent discount on the book to members of the Henry James Society (aU individual subscribers to the Henry James Review). List price is $22.50. The price at discount is $18.00. To order, you need only write to N. Camey, Order Department, Archon Books, P. O. Box 4327, 925 Sherman Avenue, Hamden, Connecticut 06154, identifying yourself as a James Society member. The Library of America continues to offer James Society members a forty percent discount on James volumes in the series; to order, write to Cheryl Hurley, Executive Director, The Library of America, 14 East 60th Street, New York, New York 10022, again identifying yourself as a James Society member. You may request biUing from the Library of America. If you enclose payment, however, you should add $2.00 for shipping and handling for the first volume in your order and $1.00 for each additional volume. ...

