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The Henry James Review Spring 1983 to her supervisor, Diane Miller. Another change that you will notice as you read this issue is that we have adopted (and slightly adapted) the new method of citation exemplified in recent issues of PMLA. AU notes are end-notes, and they are restricted to substantive comments. All citations are brief parenthetical references to a list of works printed at the end of each article. Our adaptation of the MLA system is that we have added a separate "Key to Works by Henry James" at the end of each essay. Authors preparing work for submission to the HJR are urged to study the current issue as well as recent issues of PMLA and to style their manuscripts accordingly. ANNOUNCEMENTS HJS Meetings in 1983 President Daniel Fineman has arranged two James Society sessions for next December's MLA meeting in New York, plus a separate business session. One meeting, on psychological approaches to HJ, will be moderated by Michael Sprinker. Papers will be read by Dennis Foster, W. A. Johnsen, Mimi Kairschner, Bruce Robbins, Mark Seltzer, and Susan Winnett. HJS Meeting in 1983 William T. Stafford, James Society President for 1984, has issued an early caU for papers on the topic "Feminist Attitudes Toward Henry James." Papers of nine to eleven pages should be sent to Professor Stafford (English Department, Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, IN 47906) by December 1, 1983. Participants will be strictly limited to twenty minutes each. rently working on The American, they plan to concord The Portrait of a Lady, Spoils of Poynton, Wings of the Dove, The Ambassadors , and The Golden Bowl in the first stages of their project and eventually to cover the entire canon. The concordances, using the same programs which generated the concordances to Jane Eyre, The Good Soldier, and Joseph Conrad's novels and short stories (all published by Garland), should be essential research tools for the study of any aspect of James's style. Professor Bender is the general editor of the Joseph Conrad concordance series and author of a number of essays on computergenerated textual studies. Professor Higdon is author of Time and English Fiction and executive editor of the Cambridge Joseph Conrad Edition currently in progress . Bender and Higdon have previously collaborated on the concordance to Joseph Conrad's Under Western Eyes. James Seminar Catherine M. Kenney will chair the first meeting of the new James Seminar at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest MLA, which will be held November 3-5, 1983, in Minneapolis; the program will be on "New Directions and Reassessments in James Criticism," including papers on James's drama, on his last years, and on his criticism. A Henry James Concordance Using the computer facilities at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and Texas Tech University, Professors Todd K. Bender and David Leon Higdon have begun a concordance of the novels of Henry James. CurVolume IV 157 Number 3 ...

