In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

THE HENRY JAMES REVIEW Volume II, Number 1 Fall, I980 Table of Contents Announcements........................................................................................1 Who'se Henry James? Further Lessons of the Master. By John Carlos Rowe....................................................................................2 Taine, James, and Balzac: Toward an Aesthetic of Romantic Realism. By Sarah B. Daugherty.........................................................................12 Intimacy and SpectatorshiÏ• in The Portrait of a Lady. By Dennis L. 0 'Connor......................................................................................25 The Drama of Ma i sie's Vi s i on. By M. A. Wi I I iams....................................................36 James's The Sacred Fount: The Phantasmagorical Made Evidential. By James W. Gargano...........................................................................49 "Complicated Music at Short Order" in "Fordham Castle." By Kermit Vanderbi It.............................................................................61 Judith Fetter Iey, The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction. Review by Carren 0. Kaston.................................................68 Stephen DonadÃ-o, Nietzsche, Henry James, and the Artistic Will. Rev ¡ew by Jonathan Brent......................................................................70 Henry Nash Smith, Democracy and the Novel: Popular Resistance to Classic American Writers. Review by George Monteiro..........................................71 Three New Reference Guides to James Studies. Review by William E. Cain..........................................................................................73 Announcements The editors announce that the issue of The Henry James Review for Fall, 1981, will be dedicated to Leon Edel in honor of his seventy-fifth birthday (which will be upcoming in 1982). Articles already in the works for this special issue include an essay on Professor Edel's revision of his Life of Henry James, another on his overall contribution to James studies, and an annotated bibliography of his publications on James. We invite contributions—and proposals for contributions—to the issue. A third edition of A Bibl iography of Henry James by Leon Edel and Dan H. Laurence, with the assistance of James Rambeau, is now in preparation for publication in 1981 by the Oxford University Press. James scholars who may have noted errors or omissions in the second edition are urged to report these at once to Professor James Rambeau, Department of English, 117 Burrowes Building, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. A biographical dictionary of the characters in all of James's fiction is in progress, by Fred B. McEwen, to be published by Garland Publishing. ...

