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Notice to Contributors The editors invite submission of article-length manuscripts (not exceeding 10,000 words including endnotes, 35 pages in length). We are interested in articles based on original empirical research as well as reflections on conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues in women's history. The Journal welcomes letters to the editor in response to recent articles. Please send four copies of manuscripts along with an abstract of your article, no more than 150 words giving the argument and significance of your article, to: Leila J. Rupp, Editor, Journal of Women's History, c/o Department of History, The Ohio State University, 106 Dulles HaU, 230 West 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1367. We regret that we are unable to return manuscripts. Those manuscripts accepted for publication wiU require a computer file on disk (word processing file on a 3.5" MS-DOS IBM-compatible disk, preferably in Microsoft Word 6.0 or 7.0). Style Each manuscript or letter to the editor mwsf be on one-sided pages and double-spaced throughout, including quoted material. Endnotes should be used and appear double-spaced on pages foUowing the text. The author's name and addresses (department and/or home address and e-maü address) should appear on a separate page in order to facilitate anonymous review. WhUe the authors' preference wiU be considered, it is the editors' poticy to refer to women by their last names and to use "African Americans " to designate U.S. citizens of African decent (hyphenate "AfricanAmerican " when used as an adjective). Gender specific terms should not be used to refer to mixed groups (i.e., using "mankind" to refer to all people) or to personify such groups as male (i.e., "the historian's perception of his role..."). Authors should foUow the University of Chicago Manual of Style, preferably the 14th edition. Direct quotations in the manuscript (text and endnotes) require corresponding page numbers in the endnotes. Please refer to the foUowing citation examples. 1 Jacqueline Jones, '"My Mother Was Much of a Woman': Black Women, Work, and Family under Slavery," Feminist Studies 8 (Summer 1982): 23570 . [article in journal with no issue number must have season before date] 1998 Notice to Contributors 235 2 Evelyn Blackwood, "Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native American Tribes," Signs 10, no. 1 (1984): 27. [article in journal with issue number does not require a season before date] 3 Janet Bard, Women of the Reformation, rev. ed. (New York: Basic Books, 1963). [most recent edition] 4 Ann D. Gordon and Mari Jo Buhle, "Sex and Class in Colonial and Nineteenth -Century America," in Liberating Women's History: Theoretical and Critical Essays, ed. Berenice A. CarroU (Urbana: University of IUinois Press, 1976), 278-300. [article in coUection] 5 Mary P. Ryan, Women in Public: Between Banners and Ballots, 1825-1880 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990), 122-31. [book citation] 6 Ann J. Lane, ed., Mary Ritter Beard: A Sourcebook (1977; reprint, Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988), 1-8. [reprint edition] Second and later references need only refer to the author or editor, short title of the work, and page numbers. Please do not use op cit. One should use ibid, to refer to the same work as that cited in the endnote directly above. Call for Reviewers The editors also invite you to help maintain the high standards of the Journal by adding your name to our list of expert reviewers to referee manuscripts for potential publication. Scholars who review manuscripts wiU have their name published in the Journal at the end of the year in which they submitted the review. To add your name to the tist, please send us your current academic affiliation and/or contact information (including an e-maü address where appticable ) and the topic areas in which you feel qualified to review to: Managing Editors, Journal of Women's History, c/o Department of History, The Ohio State University, 106 Dulles Hall, 230 West 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1367, or feel free to e-maü your information to . ...

