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Contributors FRANCES EARLY is assodate professor of history at Mount Saint Vincent University, HaHfax, Nova Scotia, where she teaches North American sodal history and women's studies. She is editor of the recently published nineteenth-century autobiography of FeHx Albert, Immigrant Odyssey: A French-Canadian Habitant in New England (1991). Her article, "Feminism, Peace, and Civil Liberties: Women's Role in the Origins of the World War I Civil Liberties Movement," Women's Studies 18 (1990): 95-115, was the redpient of the Charles DeBenedetti Prize in Peace History for 1989-90. She has pubHshed articles on labor, immigrant, and women's history and is currently writing a book on U.S women's pacifist and civU Hbertarian activism in the World War I era. KlM NIELSEN is a graduate of Macalester CoUege and a doctoral candidate at the University of Iowa. She is currently completing a dissertation on the Post-World War I Red Scare, gender, and redbaiting. KAREN OFFEN is a historian and independent scholar, affiHated with the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford University. She co-edited the 1991 volume, Writing Women's History: International Perspectives (with Ruth Roach Pierson and Jane Rendall), on behalf of the International Federation for Research in Women's History. She is completing books on the woman question in modern France and on European feminism , 1700-1950. THOMAS PrasCH is a doctoral candidate in EngHsh history at Indiana University, currently completing a dissertation on working-class subjects in Victorian photography. His pubUcations include "Contested Ground: Center and Margin in Rushdie's The Satanic Verses," in West Virginia University Philological Papers 38 (1992 [1993]) and "Which God for Africa?: The Islamicist-Christian Missionary Debate in Late Vidorian England," in Victorian Studies 33 (1989), as weU as essays on the London International Exhibition of 1862 in John E. Findling, ed., Historical Dictionary of World Fairs and Exhibitions (1990) and on Peter Henry Emerson, Henry Peach Robinson, and photography in the 1890s in G. A. Cevasco, ed., The Eighteen Nineties: An Encyclopedia of British Literature, Art and Culture (1993). ALF PRATTE is professor in the department of communications at Brigham Young University where he teaches mass media history, opinion writing, and other graduate and undergraduate dasses. A former reporter for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Pratte has also taught at Shippensburg University, 162 Journal of Women's History Spring Hawaü Pacific CoUege, and the Kapiolani Community CoUege of the University of Hawaii. One of the founders of the American JournaHsm Historians Assodation (AJHA), his articles have appeared in Journalism Quarterly and the Journal of Mass Media as well as Media History Digest and other professional and popular pubHcations. He is currently conducting research on media disinformation in the coverage of ritual sex abuse. LINDA SHOPES is a staff historian at the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. She has written, consulted, and lectured widely on both oral history and sodal history subjeds. Recent pubHcations include Elizabeth Fee, Linda Shopes, and Linda Zeidman, The Baltimore Book New Views of Local History (1991); and Linda Shopes and Karen Olson "Crossing Boundaries, Building Bridges: Doing Oral History among Working-class Women and Men," in Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History, ed. Sherna Berger Gluck and Daphne Patai (1992). CAROLE SHAMMAS is Professor of Women's Studies and History at the University of California-Riverside. She is the author of The Preindustrial Consumer in England and America and with Marylynn Salmon and Michel Dahlin, Inheritance in America, Colonial Times to the Present. PEGGY SIMPSON received a bachelor's from the University of North Texas in journaHsm, and is working on a master's degree in Polish economy from the Russian and East European Institute at Indiana University. She has been a journalist for 33 years, for the Associated Press in Texas and Washington and for national magazines and newspapers like the Boston Herald and the Hearst newspapers. She opened a Washington political bureau for Ms magazine in the late 1980s. A free-lance correspondent for the last four years, she also has been teaching a course on U.S. mass media at Warsaw University. JEFFREY WASSERSTROM is assistant professor of history at Indiana University . He has...

