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Bibliography The foUowing list of artides published in EngUsh during the past decade is presented to assist readers in keeping up with the latest scholarship and to f acuÃ-tate an assessment of those ares in which more research needs to be done. In particular, readers may notice fewer historical studies appearing in multi-disdpUnary feminist journals in recent years. Because of the volume of studies published on women, this list is limited to discussions of Religion and SexuaUty. Future issues wül provide bibUographies in other areas of women's history, induding Sodal Reform and Community Organizing. RELIGION Catholirism Arenal, Electa, and Stacey Schlau. "Stratagems of the Strong, Stratagems of the Weak: Autobiographical Prose of the Seventeenth-Century Hispanic Convent." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 9 (Spring 1990): 25-42. Babinsky, EUen. "Marguerite Porete: An Intrepid Beguine of the Late Thirteenth Century." Austin Seminary Bulletin 104 (Odober 1988): 5-15. Barton, Marcella Biro. "Saint Teresa of AvUa: Did She Have Epüepsy?" Catholic Historical Review 68 (Odober 1982): 581-598. Beauchamp, Virginia Walcott. "The Sisters and the Soldiers." Maryland Historical Magazine 81 (Summer 1986): 117-133. Berten, Virginia. "The Sisters of St. Ursula, Seventy-Five Years of Service." Queen City Heritage 43 (Fall 1985): 40-48. Betel, Lisa M. "Women's Monastic Endosures in Early Ireland." Journal of Medieval History 12 (March 1986): 15-36. Bonner, Thomas, Jr. "Christianity and CathoUdsm in the Fiction of Kate Chopin." Southern Quarterly 20 (Winter 1982): 118-125. Bradshaw, Sue. "CathoUc Sisters in China: An Effort to Raise the Status of Women." Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques 8 (FaU 1981): 201214 . Brown, Judith C. "Lesbian SexuaUty in Renaissance Italy: The Case of Sister Benedetta Carline." Signs 9 (Summer 1984): 751-758. Brundage, James A. " 'Alias! That Evere Love Was Synne': Sex and Medieval Canon Law." Catholic Historical Review 72 (January 1986): 1-13. © 1992 Journal of Women's History, Vol. 3 No. 3 (Winter) 142 Journal of Women's History Winter Bukowczyk, John J. "Mary the Messiah: PoUsh Immigrant Heresy and the MaUeable Ideology of the Roman CathoUc Church, 1880-1930." Journal of American Ethnic History 4 (Spring 1985): 5-32. Burns, Jeffrey M. "CathoUc Laywomen in the Culture of American Catholicism in the 1950s." U.S. Catholic Historian 5 (Summer/FaU 1986): 385-400. Byrne, Patricia. "Sisters of St. Joseph: The Americanization of a French Tradition." U.S. Catholic Historian 5 (Summer/FaU 1986): 241-272. Camp, C. V. "The Wise Women of 2 Samuel: A Role Model for Women in Early Israel." Catholic Biblical Quarterly 43 (1981): 14-29. Camp, Richard L. "From Passive Subordination to Complementary Partnership : The Papal Conception of Women's Place in Church and Sodety since 1878." Catholic Historical Review 76 (July 1990): 506-525. CampbeU, Debra. 'Tart-Time Female Evangelists of the Thirties and Forties : The Rosary CoUege CathoUc Evidence GuUd." U.S. Catholic Historian 5 (Summer/FaU 1986): 371-383. Casteras, Susan P. "Virgin Vows: The Early Victorian Artists' Portrayal of Nuns and Novices." Victorian Studies 24 (Whiter 1981): 157-184. Chandler, Kenneth J. "Rose PhUippine Duchesne: An American Saint." Gateway Heritage 9 (Summer 1988): 26-31. Coates, CoUn. "Authority and Ulegitimacy in New France: The Burial of Bishop Saint-Valuer and Madeleine de Vercheres vs. the Priest of Batiscan." Histoire socialelSocial History 22 (May 1989): 65-90. Creamer, Sister Mary Michad. "Mother Catherine Spalding—St. Catherine Street, Louisvüle, Kentucky." The Filson Club History Quarterly 63 (April 1989): 191-223. Danylewycz, Marta. "Changing Relationships: Nuns and Feminists in Montreal, 1890-1925." Histoire socialelSocial History 14 (November 1981): 413-434. Donovan, Grace. "An American CathoUc in Vidorian England: Louisa, Dutchess of Leeds, and the CarroU Famüy Benefice." Maryland Historical Magazine 84 (FaU 1989): 223-234. --------. "The Caton Sisters: The CarroUs of CarroUton Two Generations Later." U.S. Catholic Historian 5 (Summer/FaU 1986): 291-303. --------. "Immigrant Nuns: Their Partidpation in the Process of Americanization : Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 1880-1920." Catholic Historical Review 77 (April 1991): 194-208. 1992 Bibliography 143 Dygo, M. "The PoUtical Role of the Cult of the Virgin Mary in Teutonic Prussia in the Late 14th Century and the 15th Century." Journal of Medieval History 15 (March 1989): 63-80...

