In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Notice to Contributors The Editors invite submission of article-length manuscripts (not exceeding 35 pages in length), famous quotations relating to women's history (sexist or simply antiquated), and reports suitable for publishing in the International Trends in Women's History and Feminism section. Please send four copies to: Editors, THE JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY, c/o AfroAmerican Studies Department, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405. Please include a stamped self-addressed post card acknowledging receipt of your manuscript. We regret that we are unable to return manuscripts. Those manuscripts accepted for publication will require one additional hard copy and one 5V4" or 3W IBM compatible disk. (We are unable to accept Macintosh disks.) Style Hard copy printouts of files should be double-spaced throughout, with footnotes appearing at the end. The author's name and address should appear on a separate page in order to facilitate blind review. Reports on work in progress and short annotated documents or interviews are also welcome, in addition to more traditional scholarly articles. While author's preferences will be considered, it is the Editors'policy to refer to women by their last names and to use African-Americans to designate U.S. citizens of African descent. Gender-specific terms should not be used to refer to mixed groups (e.g., using "mankind" to refer to all people) or to personify such groups as male (e.g., "the historian's perception of his role . . ."). Footnotes should follow the short form of the University of Chicago Manual of Style. Some examples: Jones, Jacqueline. " 'My Mother Was Much of a Woman': Black Women, Work, and Family under Slavery." Feminist Studies 8 (Summer 1982): 235-70. Evelyn Blackwood, "Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native American Tribes," Signs 10, no. 1 (1984): 27. Bard, Janet, Women of the Reformation, rev. ed. (New York: Basic Books, 1963). Second and later references need only refer to the author, title of the work, and page numbers. Do not use op. cit. One should use ¡bid. to refer to the same work as that cited immediately above. ...

