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Bibliography The following list of articles published in English during the past decade is presented to assist readers in keeping up with the latest scholarship and to facilitate an assessment of those areas in which more research needs to be done. In particular, readers may notice fewer historical studies appearing in multi-disciplinary feminist journals in recent years. Because of the volume of studies published on women, this list is limited to discussions of Womf« and Family. Future issues will provide bibliographies in other areas of women's history, including Wbmfn and Sexuality. Women and Family General Andreeva, I. S. "Sociophilosophical Problems of Sex, Marriage, and the Family." Soviet Review 22, 1 (1981-82): 20-43. Babb, Ellen and MiIIy St. Julien. "Public and Private Lives: Women in St. Petersbury at the Turn of the Century." Tampa Bay History 8 (Spring/Summer 1986): 4-27. Courtwright, David. "New England Families in Historical Perspective." Dublin Seminar for New England Folkiife (1985): 11-23. Couturier, Edith. "Women and the Family in Eighteenth-Century Mexico: Law and Practice." Journal of Family History 10, no. 3 (Fall 1985): 294-304. Easton, Barbara. "Feminism and the Contemporary Family."Socialist Review 8, 3 (May-June 1978): 11-36. Fuchs, Rachel G., Paul E. Knepper. "Women in the Paris Maternity Hospital: Public Policy in the Nineteenth Century."Social Science History 13,2 (Summer 1989): 187-203. Hareven, Tamara K. "Family History at the Crossroads." Journal of American History 12, 1-3 (1987): ix-xxiii. Hughes, Diane Owen. "Representing the Family: Portraits and Purposes in Early Modern Italy." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 17, no. 1 (Summer 1986): 7-38. Kelley, Mary. "The Sentimentalists: Promise and Betrayal in the Home."Signs 4, no. 3 (Spring 1979): 434-46. Kertzer, David I. "The Joint Family Household Revisited: Demographic Constraints and Household Complexity in the European Past." Journal of Family History 14, 1 (1989): 1-16. Levine, David. "Illiteracy and Family Life During the First Industrial Revolution ." Joumal of Social History 14, no. 1 (Fall 1980): 25-44. Newton, Judith. "Family Fortunes: 'New History' and 'New Historicism'." Radical History Review 43 (Winter 1989): 5-22. 264 Journal of women's History Winter Norberg, Kathryn. "Women, the Family, and the Counter-Reformation: Women's Comfraternities in the 17th Century." Western Society for French History 6 (November 1978): 55-62. Phillips, Roderick. "Women's Emancipation, the Family and Social Change in Eighteenth-Century France." Journal of Social History 12, no. 4 (Summer 1979): 553-67. Rapp, Rajna Ellen Ross, and Renate Bridenthal. "Examining Family History." Feminist Studies 5, no. 1 (Spring 1979): 174-200. Ryan, Mary P. "The Explosion of Family History." Rfrifios in American History 10,4 (Dec. 1982): 181-195. Rynder, Constance. "B Amy Grace Maher and Toledo's Crusade for Child Welfare Reform, 1916-1926." Northwest Ohio Quarterly 55, 4 (Fall 1983): 105-125. Smith, Daniel Blake. "The Study of the Family in Early America: Trends, Problems, and Prospects." William and Mary Quarterly 39,1 (Jan 1982): 3-28. Tilly, Louise A. "Women's History and Family History: Fruitful Collaboration or Missed Connection?" Journal of Family History 12, nos. 1-3 (1987): 303-18. Toliver, Susan D. "20/20 Vision: A Perspective on Women's Changing Roles and the Structure of American Families, Past and Future." Frontiers 9,1 (1986): 25-31. White, Deborah G. "Female Slaves: Sex Roles and Status in the Antebellum Plantation South." Journal of Family History 8, 3 (Fall 1983): 248-61. Childbirth and Fertility Bean, Lee L., Géraldine P. Mineau, Douglas L. Anderton, and Yung-chang Hsueh. "The Fertility Effects of Marriage Patterns in a Frontier American Population." Historical Methods 20 (Fall 1987): 161-71. Biggs, C. Lesley. "The Case of the Missing Midwives: A History of Midwifery in Ontario from 1795-1900." Ontario History 75, 1 (March 1983): 21-35. Bridgforth, Lucie Robertson. "The 'New' Woman in an Old Role: MaternalChild Health Care in Memphis [1919]." Wfsf Tenneesse Historical Society Papers 40 (1986): 45-54. Briggs, John W. "Fertility and Cultural Change Among Families in Italy and America." American Historical Review 91 (Dec 1986): 1129-45. Cutright, Phillips and Edward Shorter. "The Effects of Health on the Completed Fertility of Nonwhite and White...

