In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BlBUOGRAPHY The foUowing Ust of articles pubtished in English during the past decade is presented to assist readers in keeping up with the latest scholarship and to facilitate an assessment of those areas in which more research needs to be done. In particular, readers may notice fewer historical studies appearing in multi-disciplinary feminist journals in recent years. Because of the volume of studies published on women, this Ust is Umited to discussions of Theory and Woman's Suffrage. Future issues wül provide bibliographies in other areas of women's history, induding Women in the American West. THEORY Construction/Deconstruction/Reconstruction Alcoff, Linda. "Cultural Feminism versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory." Signs 13 (Spring 1988): 405-436. Alexander, SaUy. "Women, Class, and Sexual Différence." History Workshop 17 (Spring 1984): 125-149. Banner, Lois W. "A Reply to 'Culture et Pouvoir' from the Perspective of United States Women's History." JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY 1 (Spring 1989): 101-107. Barrett, Michèle. "Rethinking Women's Oppression: A Reply to Brenner and Ramas." New Left Review no. 146 (1984): 123-128. Bennett, Judith M. "Comment on TUIy: Who Asks the Questions for Women's History?" Social Science History 13 (Winter 1989): 471-478. Bock, Gisela. "Women's History and Gender History: Aspects of an International Debate." Gender & History 1 (Spring 1989): 7-30. Boris, Eileen. "Looking at Women Historians Looking at 'Difference'." Wisconsin Women's Law Journal 3 (1987): 213-238. Brenner, Johanna and Maria Ramas. ''Rethinking Women's Oppression." New Left Review no. 144 (1984): 33-71. Cott, Nancy F. "Whaf s In a Name? The Limits of 'Social Feminism'; or, Expanding the Vocabulary of Women's History." Journal of American History 76 (December 1989): 809-829. Evans, Richard. "Modernization Theory and Women's History." Archiv fur Sozialgeschichte 20 (1980): 492-514. © 1991 Journal of Women's History, Vol 2 No. 3 (Winter) 148 Journal of Women's History Winter Gordon, Linda. "Famüy Violence, Feminism, and Sodal Control." Feminist Studies 12 (FaU 1986): 453-478. GuUickson, Gay L. "Comment on TiUy: Women's History, Sodal History, and Deconstruction." Social Science History 13 (Winter 1989): 463-470. Irving, Katrina. "(Stül) Hestitating on the Threshold: Feminist Theory and the Question of the Subjed." NWSA Journal 1 (Summer 1989): 630-643. Jarratt, Susan C. "The First Sophists and Feminism: Discourses of the 'Other'." Hypatia 5 (Spring 1990): 27-41. Kerber, Linda K. "Women and Individualism in American History." Massachusetts Review 30 (Winter 1989): 589-609. Kessler-Harris, Alice. "Gender Ideology in Historical Reconstruction: A Case Study from the 1930s." Gender & History 1 (Spring 1989): 31-49. Lerner, Gerda. "Reconceptuatizing Differences Among Women." JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY 1 (Winter 1990): 106-122. Loesberg, Jonathon. "Deconstruction, Historidsm, and Overdetermination : Dislocations of the Marriage Plot in Robert Elsmere and Dombey and Son." Victorian Studies 33 (Spring 1990): 441-464. McCarthy, BuI and John Hagan. "Gender, Detinquency, and the Great Depression: A Test of Power-Control Theory." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue canadienne de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie 24 (May 1987): 153-177. McKinnon, Catherine. "Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda for Theory." Signs 7 (1982): 515-541. Mirkin, Harris. "The Passive Female: The Theory of Patriarchy." American Studies 25 (FaU 1984): 39-59. Motz, Marilyn Ferris. "Garden as Woman: Creation of Identity in a Turnof -the-Century Ohio Town." NWSA Journal 2 (Winter 1990): 35-51. MuUaney, Marie Marmo. "Gender and the SodaUst Revolutionary Role, 1871-1921: A General Theory of the Female Revolutionary Personality ." Historical ReflectionslReflexions Historiques 11 (Summer 1984): 99-152. Newton, Judith. "Famüy Fortunes: TSiew HiStOr/ and TSfew Historicism'." Radical History Review 43 (Winter 1989): 5-22. Newton, Judith. "History as Usual? Feminism and the "New Historicism'." Cultural Critique no. 9 (Spring 1988): 87-122. Offen, Karen. "Thoughts on 'Culture et Pouvoir des Femmes/ " JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY 1 (Spring 1989): 89-91. 1991 Bibliography 149 Painter, NeU Irvin. "French Theories in American Settings: Some Thoughts on TransferabUity." JOURNAL OF WOMEN'S HISTORY 1 (Spring 1989): 92-95. Patel, Sujata. "Construction and Reconstruction of Women in Gandhi." Economic and Political Weekly 23 (February 20,1988): 377-387. Perrot, Michelle...

