University of Nebraska Press


Return and No Blame. Dublin: Beaver Row, 1984.
Reading the Sky. Dublin: Beaver Row, 1986.
The Man Who Was Marked by Winter. Loughcrew: Gallery, 1991; Cheney, WA: Eastern Washington UP, 1991, 1994.
Pillow Talk. Loughcrew: Gallery, 1994.
Mysteries of the Home: A Selection of Poems. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1996.
Dharmakaya. Manchester: Carcanet, 2000; Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest UP, 2002.
Three Irish Poets: Eavan Boland, Paula Meehan and Mary O'Malley. Manchester: Carcanet, 2003.
Painting Rain. Manchester: Carcanet, 2009; Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest UP, 2009.

Limited Editions

Well. Trans. Edoardo Zuccato. Milan: En Plein Edizioni, 1998.
Six Sycamores. With Marie Foley, sculpture and drawings. Belfast: Crowquill, 2004.
Sea. With Thomas Dillon Redshaw and Paulette Myers-Rich. St. Paul, MN: Traffic Street Press, 2007.
Days Like These: Three Irish Poets. [Tony Curtis, Theo Dorgan, Paula Meehan] Eds. Sam Green and Sally Green. Waldron Island, WA: Brooding Heron Press, 2007. [End Page 272]

Plays Published

"Mrs Sweeney." Rough Magic: First Plays. Ed. Siobhán Bourke. Dublin: New Island, 1999. 397-464.
Cell: A Play in Two Parts for Four Actors and a Voice. Dublin: New Island, 2000.
Music for Dogs: Work For Radio [Janey Mack is Going to Die, The Lover, Three Hander]. Dublin: Dedalus, 2008.

Plays Produced

Kirkle. Dir. Susie Kennedy. TEAM Educational Theatre Company. The Ark: A Cultural Centre for Children, Dublin; Dalkey School Project, Dalkey, Co. Dublin, as part of a tour to schools. 3 Feb. 1995.
The Voyage: For Four Actors and a Musician. Dir. Susie Kennedy. TEAM Educational Theatre Company. The Ark: A Cultural Centre for Children, Dublin. 22 Mar. 1997.
Mrs Sweeney. Dir. Kathy McArdle. Rough Magic Theatre Company. Project Arts Centre (project@themint), Dublin. 7 May 1997; The Magic Theatre, San Francisco. 1999.
Cell: A Play in Two Parts for Four Actors and a Voice. Dir. Garrett Keogh. Calypso Productions. City Arts Centre, Dublin. 6 Sep. 1999; Celle [German translation]. Kosmos Theatre, Breganz, Austria. 2004.
The Wolf of Winter. Dir. Andrea Ainsworth. The National Theatre Company. Abbey Theatre (Peacock Theatre), Dublin. 10 Dec. 2003, repeated Jan.2004.

Radio Productions

Mrs Sweeney. Play of the Week. RTÉ. Radio 1. 8 Jun. 1990.
Janey Mack Is Going to Die. Dramatic monologue performed by Ruth McCabe. All Talk. RTÉ. Radio 1, Dublin. 19 Nov. 2001.
Wuthering Heights. Adaptation of novel for the national Leaving Certificate exam. Sunday Playhouse. RTÉ. Radio 1. 11 May 2003, 18 May 2003, 7 Mar. 2004.
The Lover. Dramatic Monologue performed by Lisa Lamb. RTÉ. Radio 1. The Tuesday Play: The Seven Ages of Man. RTÉ Radio 1, Dublin. 18 Jan. 2005; 9 Aug. 2005.
Threehander. Drama performed by Garrett Keogh, Ruth McCabe, and Laura Murphy. RTÉ. Radio 1. Sunday Playhouse. RTÉ Radio 1, Dublin. 23 Oct.2005. [End Page 273]


25. Poetry Reading at The Abbey Theatre, Dublin. Sunday, 2 July 1995. Dublin: The Gallery Press, 1995.
Boland, Eavan, ed. Irish Writers on Irish Writing. San Antonio: Trinity UP, 2007.
Bourke, Angela, ed. The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing Volumes IV and V: Irish Women's Writing. Cork: Cork UP, 2002.
Bourke, Siobhán, ed. Rough Magic: First Plays [includes Mrs Sweeney]. Dublin: New Island Press, 1999.
Brass on Bronze: Errigal Writers and Guest Poets. Letterkenny: Errigal Press, 2005.
Cashman, Seamus, ed. Something Beginning With P: New Poems from Irish Poets. Dublin: O'Brien, 2004.
Caulfied, Carlota, and John Goodby, eds. No Soy Tu Musa: Antología de Poetas Irlandesas Contemporáneas / I'm Not Your Muse: Contemporary Irish Women Poets. Trans. Carlota Caulfied. Madrid: Torremazos Press, Jan.2008.
Crotty, Patrick, ed. Modern Irish Poetry. Belfast: Blackstaff, 1995.
Dawe, Gerald, and Jonathan Williams, eds. Krino, 1986-1996: An Anthology of Modern Irish Writing. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1996.
Dawe, Gerald, and Michael Mulreany, eds. The Ogham Stone: An Anthology of Contemporary Ireland. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration, 2001.
De Angelis, Irene, and Joseph Woods, eds. Our Shared Japan. Dublin: Dedalus, 2008.
Donovan, Katie, et al., eds. Ireland's Women: Writings Past and Present. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1994.
Dorgan, Theo, ed. Mna na hEorpa: Women of Europe, A Celebration by Irish Women Poets. Dublin: Poetry Ireland/Éigse Éireann, 1992.
Dorgan, Theo, and Gene Lambert, eds. The Great Book of Ireland. Dublin: Poetry Ireland/Éigse Éireann and Clashganna Mills Trust, 1991.
Duffy, Carol Anne, ed. Answering Back: Living Poets Reply to the Poetry of the Past. London: Picador, 2007.
———. Out of Fashion. London: Faber & Faber, 2004.
Dunbar, Robert, Gabriel Fitzmaurice, and Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, eds. Rusty Nails & Astronauts: A Wolfhound Poetry Anthology. Dublin: Wolfhound, 2001.
Dunne, Sean, and George O'Brien, eds. The Ireland Anthology. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan: 1997. [End Page 274]
Ennis, John, Randall Maggs, and Stephanie McKensie, eds. The Echoing Years: An Anthology of Poetry from Canada and Ireland. Newfoundland & Waterford: WIT & SKOP, 2007.
Fairleigh, John, ed. Translation of Mihai Ursachi's Poem "Imperium."When the Tunnels Meet: Contemporary Romanian Poetry. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1996.
Fitzmaurice, Gabriel, ed. Irish Poetry Now: Other Voices. Dublin: Wolfhound, 1993.
Fitzpatrick-Simmons, Janice, ed. At Six O'Clock in the Silence of Things: A Festschrift for James Simmons. Belfast: Lapwing & The Poet's House, 1993.
Flammang, Susann, ed. Poets for Africa. Las Vegas: World Harvest, 1986.
Flynn, Brendan, ed. The Clifden Anthology, 2004. Clifden, 2004.
———. The Clifden Anthology, 2007. Clifden, 2007.
France, Linda, ed. Sixty Women Poets. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1993.
Gilbert, Sandra M., ed. Invitations of Farewell: A Book of Elegies. New York: Norton, 2001.
———. et al., eds. Mothersongs: Poems For, By, and About Mothers. New York: Norton, 1995.
Greene, Moira, ed. A Page Falls Open: Stories and Poems by Irish Writers. Co. Clare: County Clare Reading and Writing Scheme, 1993.
Heaney, Marie, ed. Heart Mysteries: 50 Poems from Ireland to Touch the Soul. Dublin: Townhouse, 2003.
———. Sources: Letters from Irish People in Sustenance for the Soul. Dublin: Townhouse, 1999.
Kelly, A. A., ed. Pillars of the House: An Anthology of Verse by Irish Women from 1690 to the Present. Dublin: Wolfhound, 1988.
Kennedy, Patricia, ed. Motherhood in Ireland: Creation and Context. Cork: Mercier, 2004.
Kennelly, Brendan, ed. Between Innocence and Peace: Favourite Poems of Ireland. Dublin: Mercier Press; Chester Springs, PA: Dufour Editions, 1993.
Kennelly, Brendan, and Katie Donovan, eds. Dublines. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1996.
Kerry Poets Podium. Podium II. Kerry: Samhlaiocht Chiarrai—Kerry Arts Festival, 1997.
Kostick, Conor, and Katherine Moore, eds. Irish Writers Against War. Dublin: O'Brien, 2003.
Longley, Michael, ed. 20th-Century Irish Poems. London: Faber & Faber, 2002. [End Page 275]
MacMonagle, Niall, ed. Slow Time: 100 Poems to Take You There. Dublin: Marino, 2000.
———. Real Cool: Poems to Grow Up With. Dublin: Marino Books, 1994.
McBreen, Joan, ed. The White Page: Twentieth-Century Irish Women Poets. Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare: Salmon, 1999; 2007.
McCarthy, Thomas, and Brid Ní Mhóráin, eds. Best of Irish Poetry—Scoth na hEigse, 2008. Cork: Southword Editions, 2007.
McNamee, John, ed. Out to Lunch: Poets from Dublin's Lunchtime Readings Series. Dublin: Bank of Ireland Arts Centre, 2002.
Morgan, Kenneth, and Almut Schlepper, eds. Human Rights Have No Borders: Voices of Irish Poets. Dublin: Marino Books, 1998.
Morris, Niamh, ed. The Living Stream: A Festschrift for Theo Dorgan. Dublin: Why Go Bald? Books, 2000.
Murphy, Maureen O'Rourke, and James MacKillop, eds. An Irish Literature Reader: Poetry, Prose, Drama. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2006.
Ni Laoghaire, Ide, and Mary Webb, eds. Fond Memory: Consoling Words from the Irish Tradition. Dublin: The O'Brien Press, 2005.
O'Brien, George, ed. The Ireland Anthology. London: Macmillan, 2001.
O'Brien, Peggy, ed. The Wake Forest Book of Irish Women's Poetry, 1967-2000. Winston-Salem, NC: Wake Forest UP, 1999.
Ormsby, Frank, ed. The Hip Flask: Short Poems from Ireland. Belfast: Blackstaff, 2000.
Padel, Ruth, ed. The Poem and the Journey: And Sixty Poems to Read Along the Way. London: Chatto &Windus, 2008.
Palacios-González, Manuela, and Arturo Casas, eds. Pluriversos: Seis Poetas Irlandesas de Hoxe. Santiago: Follas Novas Edicións, 2003. [Bilingual (English/Irish-Galician) anthology.]
Parkinson, Siobhan, ed. Home: An Anthology of Modern Irish Writing. Dublin: A.&A. Farmar, 1996.
Patterson, Don, and Jo Shapcott, eds. Last Words: New Poetry for the New Century. Picador, 1999.
Perrson, Ake, ed. This Fellow with the Fabulous Smile: A Tribute to Brendan Kennelly. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1996.
Poetry Now Anthology: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown. Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, 1997, 1998.
Rees-Jones, Deryn, ed. Modern Women Poets. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 2005.
Rice, Adrian, and Angela Reid, eds. A Conversation Piece: Poetry and Art. Newry: Abbey Press, 2002. [End Page 276]
Robertson, Fleur, ed. Remembered Kisses: An Illustrated Anthology of Irish Love Poetry. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1996.
Rowley, Rosemarie, and John Haughton, eds. Seeing the Wood and the Trees. Dublin: Cairde na Coille, Rowan Tree Press, 2003.
Shapcott, Jo, and Matthew Sweeney, eds. Emergency Kit: Poems for Strange Times. London: Faber & Faber, 1996.
Small Gifts of Knowing: New Irish Poetry and Prose. The Literary Review: Special Anthology Issue 40:4 (1997).
Smith, Ken, and Juni Benson, eds. Klaonica: Poems for Bosnia. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1993.
Smyth, Ailbhe, ed.Wildish Things: An Anthology of New Irish Women's Writing. Dublin: Attic, 1989.
Sonzogni, Marco, ed. At the Year's Turning or Volge l'Anno: Responding to Leopardi. Dublin: Dedalus, 1998.
Strand, Mark, and Eavan Boland, eds. The Making of a Poem: A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms. New York: Norton, 2000.
Tóibín, Colm, ed. New Writing From Ireland: A Soho Square Anthology. Winchester, MA: Faber and Faber, 1994.
Van de Kamp, Peter, ed. Turning Tides: Modern Dutch & Flemish Poetry in English Versions by Irish Poets. Ashland, OR: Story Line Press, 1994.
Voices and Poetry of Ireland. With Recordings. London: HarperCollins, 2004. The Whose day Book 2000. Irish Hospice Foundation, 2000.

Poems Published in Periodicals

"The Garden of the Sleeping Poet." Willow Springs 12 (Spring 1983): 62.
"Once Again." Willow Springs 12 (Spring 1983): 63-65.
"Reading the Sky." Willow Springs 12 (Spring 1983): 66.
"Shelter." Irish Times 13 July 1985: 12.
"Buying Winkles." Midland Review 3 (Winter 1986): 137.
"Intruders." Midland Review 3 (Winter 1986): 140-41.
"No Go Area." Midland Review 3 (Winter 1986): 139.
"The Pattern." Midland Review 3 (Winter 1986): 138.
"Insomnia." Poetry Ireland Review 27 (1989): 65.
"The Man Who Was Marked by Winter." Connacht Tribune 18 Aug. 1989: 13.
"Two Buck Tim from Timbuctoo." Connacht Tribune 22 Sep. 1989: 18.
"Autobiography." Krino 8/9 (1990): 63-66.
"Illegal Seal Pull." Cyphers 32 (1990): 20-22.
"Legacy." Krino 8/9 (1990): 63-66. [End Page 277]
"My Love About His Business In The Barn." Stet 4 (Winter 1990): 12.
"Night Walk." Krino 8/9 (1990): 63-66.
"Zugzwang." Cyphers 32 (1990): 20-22.
"My Father Perceived as a Vision of St. Francis." Eire-Ireland 26:3 (1991): 51-59.
"The Pattern." Eire-Ireland 26:3 (1991): 51-59.
"The Standing Army." Eire-Ireland 26:3 (1991): 51-59.
"Three Paintings of York Street: Before the Pubs Close, Woman Found Dead Behind Salvation Army Hostel, Children of York Street at Play in the College of Surgeons' Carpark." Eire-Ireland 26:3 (1991): 51-59.
"When You Left the City You Carried." Eire-Ireland 26:3 (1991): 51-59.
"Would You Jump Into My Grave As Quick?" Eire-Ireland 26:3 (1991): 51-59.
"Hermit." MsChief 1 (Spring 1992): 7.
"The Leaving." Colby Quarterly 28:4 (Dec. 1992): 226.
"Song of the Furry Glen." Poetry Ireland Review 36 (1992): 47-48.
"Well." Irish Times 5 Sep. 1992: 31.
"City." (Sequence: "Hearth," "Night Walk," "Man Sleeping," "Full Moon," "On the Warpath.") Seneca Review 23:1-2 (1993): 38-41.
"The Other Woman." Irish Times 19 Mar. 1994: 36.
"Dharmakaya." Fortnight Review (Dec. 1995): 14.
"The Tantric Master." Poetry Review: Beyond the Bell Jar 86:4 (Winter 1996).
"It Is All I Ever Wanted." Poetry Ireland Review 50 (Summer 1996): 43-44.
"Elder." College Green (1997): 5.
"From Berlin Diary, 1991." Literary Review 40:4 (Summer 1997): 731-32.
"Silk." Literary Review 40:4 (Summer 1997): 733.
"Child Burial." Irish Times 20 Oct. 1997: 6.
"Fist." The Stinging Fly 3 (1998): 15.
"The View from Under the Table." The Stinging Fly 3 (1998): 14.
"Those Nights: Fatima Mansions, Dublin 1986." Irish Times 9 Dec. 1998: 18.
"Thunder in the House." Irish Times 19 Dec. 1998: 43.
"The Bog of Moods." College Green (1999): 17.
"Recovery." Verse 16:2 (1999): 64-65.
"Take a Breath. Hold it. Let it go." Verse 16:2 (1999): 65-66.
"A Woman's Right to Silence." College Green (2000): 21.
"On Poetry." Suppl. to Fortnight 385 (May 2000): 15.
"From Source to Sea." Irish Times 4 Nov. 2000: 53.
"From Source to Sea." Amnesty Ireland 111 (Dec. 2000): 15.
"Recovery." Verse 16:2 (2002): 64. [End Page 278]
"Take a Breath. Hold it. Let it go." Verse 16:2 (2002): 65.
"Valentine." Irish Times 9 Feb. 2002: 45.
"Them Ducks Died for Ireland." James Joyce Bloomsday Magazine. Dublin: The James Joyce Centre, 2003.
"Sea: From Scratch." Metre 14 (Autumn 2003): 42.
"Sea: High Tide." Metre 14 (Autumn 2003): 43.
"Sea: Bounden." Metre 14 (Autumn 2003): 43.
"Sea: Handsel." Metre 14 (Autumn 2003): 44.
"Sea: Ashes." Metre 14 (Autumn 2003): 44.
"Deadwood." Irish Times 3 Apr. 2004: 38.
"Hagiography." Brass on Bronze: Errigal Writers. Letterkenny: Errigal Press, 2005.
"Cora, Auntie." The Stinging Fly 2:3 (Spring 2006): 46-47.
"Etch." IASIL Japan 22 (2007): 93
"The First Day of Winter." IASIL Japan 22 (2007): 95.
"On Howth Head." IASIL Japan 22 (2007): 92.
"Payne's Grey." IASIL Japan 22 (2007): 94.
"Shoes." IASIL Japan 22 (2007): 94-95.
"Cora, Auntie." World Literature Today 18:1 (Jan./Feb. 2007): 17.
"Hannah, Grandmother." World Literature Today 18:1 (Jan./Feb. 2007): 16.
"InMemory, Joanne Breen." World Literature Today 18:1 (Jan./Feb. 2007): 20.
"Peter, Uncle." World Literature Today 18:1 (Jan./Feb. 2007): 18-19.
"Teaching Kubla Khan to the Fás Trainees at the Recovery through Art, Drama, and Education Project." An Sionnach 3:1 (Spring 2007): 76.
"A Note for the Useful Idiots." Stony Thursday (2008).
"The Pre-Menstrual Emails." The Yellow Nib 4 (2009).
"In Solidarity." The Stinging Fly 12:2 (Spring 2009).


"The Poet as Writing Fellow in Residence: Trinity College Dublin, 1992." Poetry Ireland Review 36 (1992): 42-46.
"Dreaming in the Reichstag." Irish Studies Review 3 (Spring 1993): 13.
"The State of Poetry." Krino 14 (Winter 1993): 47.
"The Gesture and Its Cost." This Fellow with the Fabulous Smile: A Tribute to Brendan Kennelly. Ed. Ake Perrson. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1996. 112-15.
"The Limitations of Art." Irish Times 24 Aug. 1996: 34.
"Out of the Joy." Irish Times 11 Sep. 1999: 46. [End Page 279]
"Extract from a Work of Fiction." The Stony Thursday Book 3 (Autumn 2003): 35-41.
"Poet Paula Meehan Takes a Second Look at her Poem, 'Would you Jump into my Grave as Quick?'" Meet the Writer (Winter 2004). <>.
"Slitting the Songbird's Throat to See What Makes it Sing." The Aesthetic Use of Language. Leaving Certificate English Resource Material, Laois Education Centre. <>.


Allen Randolph, Jody. "The Body Politic: A Conversation with Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 239-71.
———. "Painting Rain: Paula Meehan in Conversation with Jody Allen Randolph" PN Review 2009 (forthcoming).
———. "Paula Meehan." Interviews from a New Ireland. Manchester: Carcanet, 2010 (forthcoming).
Brain, Tracy. "Nobody's Muse: Pillow Talk with Paula Meehan." Irish Studies Review 10 (Spring 1995): 11-15.
Carney, Rob. "An Interview with Paula Meehan." Atlanta Review 2:2 (1995): 49-58.
Donovan, Katie. "Passion's Battles: Katie Donovan Talks to Paula Meehan." Irish Times 11 Aug. 1994: 10.
Dorgan, Theo. "An Interview with Paula Meehan." Colby Quarterly 28:4 (December 1992): 265-69.
Eliass, Dörte. "Interview mit Paula Meehan." Frauen Unterwegs, Magazin für Frauen und Kirche (January 2001): 7-9.
———. Interview mit Paula Meehan. Irland Journal (Jan. 2001): 26-29.
———. Interview mit Paula Meehan. Wiener Zeitung, EXTRA 17:3 (2001): 11.
———. Interview with Paula Meehan. Lichtungen 82:21 (2000): 40-44.
———. Interview with Paula Meehan. Buchkultur 78 (Feb./Mar. 2002): 21.
González-Arias, Luz Mar. "'Playing with the Ghosts of Words': An Interview with Paula Meehan." Atlantis: Revista de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos 22:1 (June 2000): 187-204. <>.
———. "Entrevista con Paula Meehan." Apéndice V.1. Otra Irlanda: La Estética Postnacionalista de Poetas y Artistas Irlandesas Contemporáneas. [End Page 280] Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2000. 287-312.
Hobbs, John. "An Interview with Paula Meehan." Nua: Studies in Contemporary Irish Writing 1:1 (Autumn 1997): 53-68.
Karhio, Anne. "'Imagined Domains': A Conversation with Paula Meehan." Nordic Irish Studies 8:2 (Autumn 2009). Forthcoming.
Kikuchi, Rina. "Extracts from Interviews with Two Irish Poets: An Interview with Brendan Kennelly and An Interview with Paula Meehan." Chiba University Social Sciences and Humanities 6 (2002): 218-25.
MacMonagle, Niall. "Brutal Poetry." Stet 4 (Winter 1990): 13.
Meehan, Dave. "Interview with Paula Meehan." An Exploration of the Relationship Between Poet and Community in the Work of Three Contemporary Irish Poets: Ciaran Carson, Thomas McCarthy, and Paula Meehan. MA Thesis, Dublin City University, 2007.
Mills, Lia. "A Conversation with Paula Meehan." Ms Chief 1 (Spring 1992): 6-7.
O'Halloran, Eileen, and Kelli Maloy. "An Interview with Paula Meehan." Contemporary Literature 43:1 (Spring 2002): 1-27.
Praga, Inés. "Paula Meehan." Ireland in Writing: Interviews with Writers and Academics. Ed. Jacqueline Hurtley, Rosa González, Inés Praga, and Esther Aliaga. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 1998. 71-81; European English Messenger 6:2 (Autumn 1997): 14-20.
Rina, Kikuchi. "Extracts from Interviews with Two Irish Poets: An Interview with Brendan Kennelly and An Interview with Paula Meehan." Chiba University Social Science and Humanities 6 (2002): 218-25.
Sered, Danielle. Untranscribed Interview. Special Collections Archives, Woodruff Library, Emory University (Atlanta, GA), 1999.
Sperry, Amanda. "An Interview with Paula Meehan." News From the Press. Wake Forest University Press (November 2008). < /wfupress/An%20interview%20with%20Paula%20Meehan.html>.

Special Issue

Allen Randolph, Jody, ed. Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009).

Reviews and Criticism

Allen Randolph, Jody. "Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry." Women's Review of Books 17:8 (May 2000). [End Page 281]
———. "Irish Engagements with the American Lyric." PN Review (Fall 2009).
———. "New Ireland Poetics: The Ecocritical Turn in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry." Nordic Irish Studies 8:1 (Spring 2009).
———. "Paula Meehan: A Selected Bibliography." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009).
———. "The Problem with Paradigms: From the Postcolonial to the Planetary in Irish, South African and Caribbean Literature." Poetic Ecologies: Nature as Text, Text as Nature in English Language Verse. Ed. Franca Bellarsi. Bruxelles: Peter Lang, 2009.
———. "Text and Context: Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 5-16.
Amiot, Pascale. "Les Paradoxes de l'Intime dans la Poésie de Paula Meehan." Regards sur l'intime en Irlande. Ed. Thierry Dubost. Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2008.
Andrews, Rachel. "More to It than Fairy Stories." Sunday Tribune [Ireland] 4 Jan. 2004.
Auge, Andrew J. "The Apparitions of 'Our Lady of the Facts of Life': Paula Meehan and the Visionary Quotidian." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 50-64.
Boland, Eavan. "Foreword." The Man Who Was Marked by Winter. Cheney, WA: Eastern Washington UP, 1994. xiii.
———. "Introduction." Three Irish Poets: Eavan Boland, Paula Meehan and Mary O'Malley. Manchester: Carcanet, 2003. ix-xviii.
———. "Paula Meehan: "The Statue of the Virgin at Granard Speaks." Irish Writers on Irish Writing. San Antonio: Trinity UP, 2007. 277-78.
———. "Unfinished Business: The Communal Art of Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 17-24.
Brain, Tracy. "Dry Socks and Floating Signifiers: Paula Meehan's Poems." Critical Survey 8:1 (1996): 110-17.
Brennan, Patrick. "Addiction Heroine." Archive. Calypso Productions. Dublin.
———. "Fairytale in Wolf's Clothing." Irish Examiner 30 Dec. 2003.
———. "Fiction Comes Alive—O." The Tribune [Ireland] 16 May 1997.
———. "The Wolf of Winter. The Peacock, Dublin." Irish Examiner 1 Jan. 2004.
Browne, Harry. "First Trip Proves Ark Floats." Review of Kirkle. Irish Times 3 Oct. 1995: 12.
Buckley, Karina. "The Wolf of Winter." Culture Ireland: The Sunday Times [Ireland] 4 Jan. 2004, 31. [End Page 282]
Burns, Jim. Review of Dharmakaya. Ambit 166 (Autumn 2001).
Carr, Mary. "Keeping it in the Family." Time Out 6 Mar. 1997.
Carson, Ciarán. "Painting Rain For Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 140-41.
Clancy, Luke. "Paula's Prison." The Evening Herald [Ireland] 6 Sept. 1999. <>.
Clarke, Jocelyn. "Mrs Sweeney." The Tribune Magazine [Ireland] 18 May 1997.
Clutterbuck, Catriona. "The Artistry of Freefall." Review of Dharmakaya. Metre 10 (Autumn 2001): 110-14.
Colgan, Gerry. "Highlights." Weekend: The Week Ahead: Irish Times 3 May 1997.
———. "The Wolf of Winter. Peacock Theatre, Dublin." Irish Times 16 Dec. 2003.
Collins, Lucy. "A Way of Going Back: Memory and Estrangement in the Poetry of Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 127-39.
Conboy, Katie. "Cutting a Pattern: Paula Meehan's Poetry." Verse 16:2 (1999): 60-63.
Conley, Susan. "Questions & Answers: Andrea Ainsworth." Wow! 15 Dec. 2003.
———. "The Wolf of Winter." Wow! 21 Dec. 2003.
Corcoran, Neil. After Yeats and Joyce: Reading Modern Irish Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. 10, 123.
Denman, Peter. "Three Poets to Adorn any Gallery." Review of Pillow Talk. Sunday Tribune 14 Aug. 1994: B10.
Donovan, Katie. "All at Sea." Review of The Voyage. Irish Times 22 Mar. 1997: 40.
———. "Art of Darkness." Graph 11 (1992): 17.
———. "Hag Mothers and New Horizons." Southern Review 31:3 (Summer 1995): 503-14.
———. "Mother of All Tragedies." Arts: Irish Times 6 May 1997.
Dwyer, Ciara. "No Place in the Sun for Theatre" [Review of Mrs Sweeney]. Irish Independent 1 June 1997.
East, Louise. Review of The Voyage. Irish Times 27 Mar. 1997: 14.
Eliass, Dörte. "Die Dublin-Karte eines Kindes. Paula Meehan im Porträt." Irland Journal. Moers, 2001.
———. "Introduction." Paula Meehan: Die Dublin-Karte eines Kindes. Rüsselsheim: Göttert, 2001.
Evans, Eibhlín. "Moving into the Space Cleared by Our Mothers." Critical Survey 8:2 (1996): 198-209. [End Page 283]
Falci, Eric. "Meehan's Stanzas and the Irish Lyric After Yeats." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 226-38.
Fennell, Desmond. "Poetry With Vision." Review of The Man Who Was Marked by Winter. Irish Independent 20 July 1991: 12.
Fogarty, Anne. "'Hear Me and Have Pity': Rewriting Elegy in the Poetry of Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 213-25.
Fricker, Karen. Review of The Wolf of Winter. Dir. Andrea Ainsworth. Peacock Theatre, Dublin. Guardian 7 Jan. 2004.
Fuyuji, Tanigawa. "Paula Meehan: Konnichi no Shijin / Paula Meehan: Our Contemporary Poet." Yeats Studies 28 (1997): 85-94.
———. "Paula Meehan: Shihou no Igi to Sono Haikei / Paula Meehan: The Significance of Her Poetics and Its Background." Keruto no Nagori to Ireland Bunka / Remains of the Celts and Irish Culture. Ed. Furomoto Taketoshi. Hiroshima: Keisuisha (1999): 218-39.
Gonzalez, Alexander G. Irish Women Writers: An A-to-Z Guide. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005.
González-Arias, Luz Mar. "Acts of Union: El discurso del amor en el texto poético de autoras irlandesas (1980-2005)." Postcolonial and Gender Perspectives in Irish Studies. Ed. Marisol Morales Ladrón. Coruña, Netbiblo, 2007. 65-82.
———. Cuerpo, mito y teoría feminista: Revisiones de Eva en autoras irlandesas contemporáneas / Body, Myth and Feminist Theory: Contemporary Revisions of the Myth of Eve by Irish Women Writers. Oviedo: Ediciones KRK, 1998.
———. "'In Dublin's Fair City': Citified Embodiments in Paula Meehan's Urban Landscapes." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 34-49.
———. "Eavan Boland, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill y Paula Meehan: reposesiones corporales y textuales de la identidad nacional." Otra Irlanda: La Estética Postnacionalista de Poetas y Artistas Irlandesas Contemporáneas / Another Ireland: The Postnationalist Aesthetics of Contemporary Irish Women Poets and Visual Artists. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2000. 103-284.
———. "Mapas Urbanos, Cartografías de Poder: Espacio, Clase, y Género en la Poesía Dublinesa Reciente." Arenal 9:1 (Jan.-Feb. 2002): 29-58.
———. "Más allá del mito de la belleza: El cuerpo anoréxico como significante plural del texto literario irlandés." I+D+F. Ed. Esther Álvarez López and María del Carmen Rodríguez Fernández. Oviedo: Ediciones KRK, 2005. 155-71. [End Page 284]
———. "Nacionalismo y Feminismo: La Conceptualización del Cuerpo Femenino en la Literatura Irlandesa Contemporánea." Exilios Femeninos. Huelva, Spain: Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer; Universidad de Huelva, 2000. 35-43.
———. "Postcolonial Locations: Ireland." The Routledge Companion to Postcolonial Studies. Ed. John McLeod. London-New York: Routledge, 2007. 108-19.
Gorman, Sophie. "When a Cell is not a Joyless Prison." The Irish Independent 14 Sept. 1999.
Guerin, Karine. "Three Women and a Living Room." The Buzz: The Big Issues [Ireland] 6 June 1997: 70.
Haberstroh, Patricia Boyle. "Dharmakaya Dublin." Review of Dharmakaya. Irish Literary Supplement 21:1 (Spring 2002): 5.
———. "New Directions in Irish Women's Poetry." Women Creating Women: Contemporary Irish Women Poets. Dublin: Attic, 1995; Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1996. 197-221.
———. "Prologue: Not Your Muse." My Self, My Muse: Irish Women Poets Reflect on Life and Art. Ed. Patricia Boyle Haberstroh. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2001. 1-2.
Harmon, Maurice. "A Note on Paula Meehan." ABEI Journal—The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies 1 (June 1999).
———. "To Draw Conclusions . . ." Review of Dharmakaya, by Paula Meehan; Selected and New Poems, by Eamon Grennan; Floods, by Maurice Riordan. Poetry Ireland Review 68 (Spring 2001): 42-45.
Hirsiaho, Anu. "Cobwebby States, Chilled Vaults?: The Nation State in Contemporary Irish Feminist Poetry." Secret Spaces, Forbidden Places: Rethinking Culture. Ed. Fran Lloyd and Catherine O'Brien. New York: Berghahn, 2000. 155-68.
Holdridge, Jefferson. "The Wolf Tree: Culture and Nature in Paula Meehan's Dharmakaya and Panting Rain." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 156-68.
Howard, Ben. "The Pressure of Humanity." Shenandoah 46:1 (Spring 1996): 109-23.
———. "Why Did the Buddhadharma Come to Ireland? Buddhist Themes in Recent Irish Poetry." An Sionnach 1:2 (Fall 2005): 65-75.
Jackson, Eileen Denn. "The Lyricism of Abjection in Paula Meehan's Drama of Imprisonment." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 169-79.
Karhio, Anne. "The City in a Raindrop: The Urban Ecology of Paula Meehan." Urban and Rural Landscapes: Language, Literature and Culture in [End Page 285] Modern Ireland. Eds. Irene Gilsenan Nordin, Carmen Zamorano Llena, and Una Cunningham. 2010 (forthcoming).
Kawai, Rie. "Hands as a Reflection of the Human Soul in Dharmakaya." Journal of Irish Studies—IASIL Japan 22 (2007): 96-104.
Kelly, Connor. "On Michael Hartnett and Paula Meehan." Poetry Review: The Poetry Map 85:4 (Winter 1995): 31-32.
Kennelly, Brendan. Journey Into Joy: Selected Prose. Ed. Åke Persson. Newcastle upon Tyne: Bloodaxe, 1994. 63-65.
Kirkpatrick, Kathryn. "'Between Breath and No Breath': Witnessing Class Trauma in Paula Meehan's Dharmakaya." An Sionnach 1:2 (Fall 2005): 47-64.
———. "Between Country and City: Paul Meehan's Eco-Feminist Poetics." Out of the Earth: Eco-Critical Readings of Irish Texts. Ed. Christine Cusick. Cork: Cork UP, 2009 (forthcoming).
———. "Class Matters." Review of Dharmakaya. Irish Literary Supplement 21:2 (Fall 2002): 5.
———. "A Murmuration of Starlings in a Rowan Tree": Finding Gary Snyder in Paula Meehan's Eco-Political Poetics." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 195-207.
———. Review of Paula Meehan's Dharmakaya. Shenandoah 51:2-3 (Summer/Fall 2001): 193-95.
KJ. "Poetry." Review of Pillow Talk. Times Literary Supplement 3 Mar. 1995.
Kurdi, Maria. "Updating Male Texts, Humour and Theatricality: The Representation of Marginalised Irish Womanhood in Paula Meehan's Mrs Sweeney." EPONA: E-journal of Ancient and Modern Celtic Studies 1:2 (2007): 1-9.
Lojo, Laura. "The Poetics of Motherhood in Contemporary Irish Women's Verse." Writing Bonds: Irish and Galician Contemporary Women Poets. Eds. M. Palacios and L. Lojo. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009 (forthcoming).
Lojo-Rodríguez, Laura M. "Corporeidad y lenguaje en la poesía irlandesa actual." Palabras extremas: Escritoras gallegas e irlandesas de hoy. Ed. M. Palacios and H. González. A Coruña: Netbiblo, 2008: 49-63.
Lowery, Elizabeth. "On Rita Ann Higgins and Paula Meehan." Poetry Review: Beyond the Bell Jar 86:4 (Winter 1996).
MacReamoinn, Seona. "Street Talk Takes to the Stage." Tribune Magazine 4 May 1997.
Maguire, Moira J. "The Changing Face of Catholic Ireland: Conservatism and Liberalism in the Ann Lovett and Kerry Babies Scandals." Feminist Studies 27:2 (Summer 2001): 335-58. [End Page 286]
Mahaffey, Vicki. "Heirs of Yeats: Éire as Female Poets Revise Her." The Future of Modernism. Ed. Hugh Witemeyer. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1997. 101-18.
Mahoney, Elizabeth. "Citizens of its Hiding Place: Gender and Urban Space in Irish Women's Poetry." Ireland in Proximity: History, Gender and Space. Ed. David Alderson, et al. New York: Routledge, 1999. 145-56.
———. Review of Pillow Talk, by Paula Meehan; The Prince of the Quotidian, by Paul Muldoon. Krino 18 (1995): 125-27.
Mahony, Christina Hunt. Contemporary Irish Literature: Transforming Tradition. New York: St Martin's, 1998; London: Macmillan, 1999. 6, 11, 56.
Maxton, Hugh. "The Elusiveness of Thomas Kinsella." Review of Her Vertical Smile and Songs of the Psyche, by Thomas Kinsella; Return and No Blame, by Paula Meehan; The Wishbone, by Paul Muldoon. Books Ireland 97 (1985): 153.
McBreen, Joan, ed. "Paula Meehan." The White Page/An Bhileog Bhan—Twentieth Century Irish Women Poets. Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare: Salmon, 1999. 162.
McCarthy, Patricia. "Loanwords." Review of The Ghost Train, by Frank Ormsby; Rosa Mundi, by Theo Dorgan; Pillow Talk, by Paula Meehan; Where the Rocks Float, by Mary O'Malley. Agenda 33:3-4 (1996): 286-302.
McCarthy, Thomas. "'None of us well fixed'—Empathy and its Aesthetic Power in Paula Meehan's Poetry." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 65-74.
McCormack, W. J. Review of Return and No Blame. Books Ireland (Oct. 1985): 153.
McKenna, Bernard. "Battle Dressed to Survive: The Poetry of Paula Meehan." Contemporary Irish Women Poets: Some Male Perspectives. Ed. Alexander G. Gonzalez. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999. 79-102.
McMullan, Anna. "Unhomely Stages: Women Taking (a) Place in Irish Theatre." Druids, Dudes and Beauty Queens. Ed. Dermot Bolger. Dublin: New Island, 2001. 72-90.
McMullen, Kim. "'Snatch a song from a stranger's mouth': The Stage Plays and Radio Dramas of Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 90-113.
Merriman, Victor. "Songs of Possible Worlds: Nation, Representation and Citizenship in the Work of Calypso Productions." Theatre Stuff: Critical Essays on Contemporary Irish Theatre. Ed. Eamonn Jordan. Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2000: 280-91.
Miko. "Mrs Sweeney." Sunday Times [Ireland] 11 May 1997. [End Page 287]
Mills, L. "I Won't Go Back to It: Irish Women Poets and the Iconic Feminine." Feminist Review 50 (1995): 69-88.
Moroney, Mic. "Wake-up Jabs." Review of Cell. Dir. Garrett Keogh. Calypso Productions. City Arts Centre, Dublin. Guardian 25 Sep. 1999.
Morris, Meaghan. "Humanities for Taxpayers: Some Problems." New Literary History 36:1 (Winter 2005): 111-29.
Mulhall, Anne. "Memory, Poetry and Recovery: Paula Meehan's Transformational Aesthetics." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 142-55.
Murphy, Trish. "InsideOut." The Event Guide [Ireland] 8 Sept. 1999.
———. "Mrs Sweeney." The Event Guide [Ireland] 14-27 May 1997.
Myers, Kimberley. "The Sexual Dialectic of Eavan Boland, Paula Meehan, and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill." South Carolina Review 32:1 (Fall 1999): 51-58.
Napier, Taura S. "'Companions of the Cheshire Cheese': Epistolary Lives of Contemporary Irish Poets." Journal of European Studies 32:2-3 (June/Sep. 2002): 177-92.
Newmann, Kate. "All Sorts of Untils." Review of Marconi's Cottage, by Medbh McGuckian; The Man Who Was Marked by Winter, by Paula Meehan. Irish Review 12 (Spring/Summer 1992): 173-74.
Ní Chuilleanáin, Eiléan. Review of The Fly and the Bedbug, by Leland Bardwell; Return and No Blame, by Paula Meehan; Edible Anecdotes, by Julie O'Callaghan. Poetry Ireland Review 11 (Autumn 1984): 19-23.
———. Review of The Man Who Was Marked by Winter. Poetry Ireland Review 34 (Spring 1992): 112-15.
Nobuaki, Tochigi. "Paula Meehan: An Introduction." Contemporary Irish Poetry: Voice as Alternative, Tokyo: Shicho-sha, 2001. 59-68.
Nowlan, David. "Life Driven to Its Literal Extremes." Review of Mrs Sweeney. Irish Times 8 May 1997: 12.
O'Grady, Thomas. "Akhmatova on the Liffey: Paula Meehan's Lyrical Craft." Colby Quarterly 35:3 (September 1999): 173-83. Homemaking: Women Writers and the Politics and Poetics of Home. Ed. Catherine Wiley and Fiona R. Barnes. New York: Garland, 1996. 312-33.
———. "Review of Contemporary Irish Women Poets." Verse 14:3 (Spring 1998): 147-55.
O'Kelly, Emer. "Children's Theatre With Teeth." Sunday Independent [Ireland] 21 Dec. 2003.
———. "The Troubles of Lil." The Guide of the Sunday Independent [Ireland] 11 May 1997. [End Page 288]
O'Malley, Mary. "City Centre." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 27-33.
O'Reilly, Anne F. "Mrs Sweeney, Paula Meehan (1997)." Sacred Play: Soul Journeys in Contemporary Irish Theatre. Dublin: Carysfort, 2004. 241-47.
O'Reilly, Catriona. "Elegies With a Sense of Humour." Review of Dharmakaya. Irish Times 16 Sep. 2000: 48.
O'Toole, Fintan. "A Slice of Life On a Decorated Platter." Second Opinion [Review of Mrs. Sweeney] Irish Times 20 May 1997: 10.
———. Critical Moments: Fintan O'Toole on Modern Irish Theatre. Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2003.
Ohno, Mitsuko. "Hokusai, Basho, Zen and More: Japanese Influences on Irish Poets." Journal of Irish Studies (IASIL Japan) 17 (2002): 15-31.
———. Yamada, K., K. Mase, R. Hara, K. Ito, M. Yokoseki, T. Imai, and Y. Tanaka. "Imawo kataru Ireland josei shijintachi: Tynan kara Boland, Ní Dhomhnaill soshite Meehan he / Voices of Contemporary Irish Women Poets: From Tynan, to Boland, Ní Dhomhnaill and Meehan." Evergreen (Aichi Shukutoku University) 18 (1996): 49-105.
Onkey, Lauren. "Paula Meehan (1955-)." Modern Irish Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Alexander G. Gonzalez. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. 219-22.
Palacios-González, Manuela. "Contemporary Irish and Galician Women Poets: An Ecocritical Perspective." CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture. Special Issue: Comparative Literature & Culture: A Galician Overview 11:2 (2009).
———. "La luna en el cristal: Poetas irlandesas y naturaleza." Palabras extremas: Escritoras gallegas e irlandesas de hoy. Ed. M. Palacios and H. González. A Coruña: Netbiblo, 2008: 15-28.
"Paula Meehan." Contemporary Authors Online. Gale, 2003.
Pierce, David. Light, Freedom and Song: A Cultural History of Modern Irish Writing. Yale UP, 2005: 275-76.
Poloczek, Katarzyna. "'Against Love Poetry?' Contemporary Irish Women's Love Poems." Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Anglica 7. Ed. Maria Edelson. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2007: 111-24.
———. "Beyond the Borders of Body and Language. Moving On, Shapeshifting. Irish Women's Location in Paula Meehan's Poetry." Dissolving the Boundaries. Ed. D. Filipczak. Łódź:: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2001. 51-56.
———. "Identity as Becoming: Polymorphic Female Identities in the Poetry of Boland, Meehan and Ní Dhomhnaill." Liminal Borderlands in Irish [End Page 289] Literature and Culture. Ed. Irene Gilsenan Nordin and Elin Holmsten. Oxford, Bern: Peter Lang, 2009. 131-50.
———. "Integrating the Split Irish Female Selves in the Poetry of Paula Meehan, Mary O'Donoghue, Moya Cannon and Mary O'Malley." The Cultural and Literary Representations of Mental Illness. Ed. Katarzyna Szmigiero. Piotrków: Naukowe Wydawnictwo Piotrkowskie, 2009 (forthcoming).
———. "Ironies of Language and Signs of Existence in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry: Sinéad Morrissey's Between Here and There, Paula Meehan'sDharmakaya and Eavan Boland's Code." Ironies of Art/Tragedies of Life. Ed. Liliana Sikorska. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2005. 275-300.
———. "Paula Meehan's Pillow Talk - the Chronicles of Shapechanging." Studies and Monographs, From the Peripheries to the Centre: Essays in (Anglo-) Irish Literature. Ed. J. Burzynska and D. Stanulewicz. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2001. 113-29.
———. "Sharing Our Differences: Individuality and Community in the Early Work of Paula Meehan." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 75-89.
Praga Terente, Inés. "Una voz por opia: mujer y poesía en Irlanda." Una belleza terrible: La poesía irlandesa contemporánea (1940-95). Barcelona: PPU, 1996: 241-70.
Pugh, Sheenagh. Review of Mysteries of the Home, by Paula Meehan; The Wild Iris, by Louise Glück; Captive Audience, by Paul Henry. The North 20 (1997): 39-41.
Quinn, Antoinette. "Pilgrim Soul." Review of The Man Who was Marked by Winter. Irish Literary Supplement 11:2 (Fall 1992): 20.
Roche, Anthony. Review of The Prince of the Quotidian, Paul Muldoon; Pillow Talk, Paula Meehan; Selected and New Poems, Michael Hartnett. Poetry Ireland Review 45 (Spring 1995): 63-68.
Sale, James. "The Write Design Club." Review of Mysteries of the Home, by Paula Meehan; Dream City Cinema, by Stephen Knight; Kissing a Bone, by Maura Dooley; Blizzard, by Matthew Francis. PN Review 23:6 [116] (July/August 1997): 61-62.
Schrage-Früh, Michaela. "'My Being Cries Out to be Incarnate': The Virgin Mary and Female Sexuality in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry." The Body and Desire in Contemporary Irish Poetry. Ed. Irene Gilsenan Nordin. Dublin: Irish Academic, 2006. 123-43.
———. "'Transforming that Past': The Healing Power of Dreams in Paula Meehan's Poetry." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 114-26. [End Page 290]
Sedlmayr, Gerold. "Sexuality, Monstrosity and Mythology in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry." The Body and the Book. Writings on Poetry and Sexuality. Ed. Glennis Byron and Andrew J. Sneddon. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2008.
Shields, Kathleen. "New and Old Styles." Review of The Man Who Was Marked by Winter. Connacht Tribune 6 Sep. 1991: 20.
Shouldice, Frank. "Dubliners: Family Affair for Anto and Mick." Review of Mrs Sweeney. Irish Independent 13 May 1997: 41.
Sirr, Peter. "Power, Anger and the Ordinary." Review of Selected and New Poems, by Michael Hartnett; Pillow Talk, by Paula Meehan." Irish Times 8 Oct. 1994: 36.
Smith, Michael. "The World Pictures in Words." Review of As If It Matters, by Eamon Grennan; The Man Who Was Marked by Winter, by Paula Meehan; Sunday School, by Gerald Dawe. Irish Times 14 Sep. 1991: 31.
Smyth, Ailbhe. "Declining Identities." Irish Writing in the Twentieth Century: A Reader. Ed. David Pierce. Cork: Cork UP. 1118-28. Reprinted from Critical Survey 8:2 (1996).
———. "Dodging Around the Grand Piano: Sex, Politics and Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry." Kicking Daffodils: Essays on 20th Century Women Poets. Ed. Vicki Bertram. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1997. 57-83.
Steele, Karen. "Refusing the Poisoned Chalice: The Sexual Politics of Rita Ann Higgins and Paula Meehan." Homemaking: Women Writers and the Politics and Poetics of Home. Ed. Catherine Wiley and Fiona R. Barnes. New York: Garland, 1996. 313-34.
Tanikawa, Fuyuji. "On Paula Meehan." Yeats Studies: The Bulletin of the Yeats Society of Japan 28 (1997): 87-94.
Tillinghast, Richard. "St Francis in Finglas." Reviews of Painting Rain, by Paula Meehan and Downstate, by David Gardiner. Irish Times 16 May 2009.
Tinley, Bill. "The Limitations of the Self as a Poetic Subject." Review of Pillow Talk. Irish Literary Supplement 14:1 (Spring 1995): 33.
Tochigi, Nobuaki. "Paula Meehan: A Brief Introduction." Gendaishitecho 42:5 (1999); 151-55. [In Japanese.]
Trotter, Mary. "A Sort of Nationcoming: Invasion, Exile, and the Politics of Home in Modern Irish Drama." Theatre Symposium 9 (2001): 95-106.
Villar-Argáiz, Pilar. "'Act Locally, Think Globally': Paula Meehan's Local Commitment and Global Consciousness." Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 180-93. [End Page 291]
———. "Between Tradition and Modernity: Twenty-First Century Ireland in Recent Work by Irish Women Poets." Nordic Irish Studies 7:2 (Fall 2008): 117-34.
Welch, Robert. "Meehan, Paula." The Oxford Companion to Irish Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996. 362.
Welsch, Camille-Yvette. "New Irish Poets." Review of Dharmakaya, by Paula Meehan; Like Joy in Season, Like Sorrow, by Mary Dorcey; The Soldiers of Year II, by Medbh McGuckian; The Girl Who Married the Reindeer, by Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin. Women's Review of Books 20:9 (June 2003): 17.
West, Derek. "Cell." Irish Times 9 Sept. 1999.
Zamorano Llena, Carmen. "Overcoming Double Exile: (Re)Construction of 'Inner-Scapes' in Contemporary Irish Poetry." Nordic Irish Studies 3:1 (2004): 157-67.


Frizzell, Karen. "The Art and Craft of Paula Meehan, Irish Poet." MA Thesis. Creighton University, 2002.
García, Ama Rosa. "The Sense of Place en la poesía de Paula Meehan." MA thesis. Universidad de Burgos, 1999.
González-Arias, Luz Mar. "Narraciones genésicas cristianas y celtas: sexualidad, género y tradición en la Irlanda contemporánea" [Christian and Celtic Myths of Origins: Sexuality, Gender and Tradition in Contemporary Ireland]. MA Thesis. Universidad de Oviedo, 1997.
———. "(Post)nacionalismo y género: Iconografía de Mother Ireland en la poesía de Eavan Boland, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill y Paula Meehan" [(Post)Nationalism and Gender: Mother Ireland Iconography in the Poetry of Eavan Boland, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill and Paula Meehan]. Diss. Universidad de Oviedo, 1999.
Gurdin, Kristen Marie. "With Opened Eyes: A Critical Analysis of TEAM Educational Theatre Company." MLitt thesis. Trinity College Dublin, 1999.
Hill, Shonagh. "Corporeal Creations of 'other possibleworlds': Storytelling through the Body in Paula Meehan's Mrs Sweeney and Mary Elizabeth Burke-Kennedy's Women in Arms." "Embodied Mythmaking: Irish Women Playwrights Use of Mythology." Diss. Queens University Belfast, 2010 (forthcoming).
Jackson, Eileen Denn. "The Body Sonic: Performance of the Voice in Paula Meehan's Lyrical Theatre." Diss. Trinity College Dublin, 2007. [End Page 292]
Kikuchi, Rina. "Living Voices from Dublin: Poetry of Brendan Kennelly, Eavan Boland and Paula Meehan." Diss. Chiba University, Japan, 2002.
Maloy, Kelli Elizabeth. 'Out of the Shambles of Our History': Irish Women and (Post)Colonial Identity. Diss. West Virginia University, 1998.
Más Sempere, Mari Carmen. "Paula Meehan: 'The Troubles' in her life." MA thesis. Universidad de Alicante, 2001.
Meehan, Dave. "An Exploration of the Relationship between Poet and Community in the Work of Three Contemporary Irish Poets: Ciaran Carson, Thomas McCarthy, and Paula Meehan." MA thesis. Dublin City University, 2007.
Meehan, Paula. "The Earth Compels." MFA thesis. Eastern Washington University, 1983.
Poloczek, Katarzyna. "Shapechanging as Identity Search in the Poetry of Eavan Boland, Paula Meehan and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill." Diss. University of Lódź, 2002.
Wall, Drucilla M. "Identity and Authenticity: Explorations in Native American and Irish Literature and Culture." Diss. Department of English, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2006. <>.
Walter, Katharina. "Representations of Maternity in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry." Diss. National University of Ireland, Galway, 2010 (forthcoming).

Theater Education Packs

Murphy, Sharon. "Team Educational Theatre Company Presents Kirkle." Teachers' Resource Pack. Dublin: TEAM Educational Theatre Company, 1997.
O'Donnell, Ian. Cell: Information and Action on Irish Prisons. Dublin: Calypso Productions in association with Public Communications Centre and Irish Prison Reform Trust, n.d. <>.
O'Shea, Brenda. "Team Educational Theatre Company presents The Voyage." Pupil Activity Pack. Dublin: TEAM Educational Theatre Company, 1995.
"The Wolf of Winter Fairytale Fantasy by Paula Meehan, directed by Andrea Ainsworth." Teachers' Resource Artformations. The Peacock Theatre and the Abbey Outreach/Education Department. Dublin: The Peacock Theatre, 2004. [End Page 293]

Poems Online

"Autobiographie." <>. [In German]
"Zu Hause." <>. [In German.]

Online Resources

Irish Writers Online—Paula Meehan. <>.
Kraemer, Christine Hoff. "If These Were Silenced, the Very Stones Would Cry Out: Meehan's Virgin Speaks." <>.
Meehan, Paula. 1999. "Slitting the Songbird's Throat to See What Makes it Sing." The Aesthetic use of Language. Leaving Certificate English Resource Material, Laois Education Centre. <>.
Nersesian, Beth. "Reflection on Paula Meehan's Poetry Reading." Interdependence: Poetry and Prose. Ed. Sarah Groeneveld and Katie Rea. Santa Barbara: Westmont C, Feb. 2007. <>.
The Playwrights Database—Paula Meehan. <>.
"Poet Paula Meehan Takes a Second Look at her Poem, 'Would you Jump into my Grave as Quick?'" Meet the Writer. (Winter 2004). <>.
RADE. Home page. Ireland. <>.
Wake Forest University Press—Paula Meehan. < /wfupress/catalog/meehan-paula.html>.

Radio Resources

Note:Many of the RTÉ resources listed below can be viewed or listened to online through the RTÉ Libraries and Archives Web Site at <>.

The Arts Show: Including the Poet Paula Meehan." RTÉ. Radio 1. 29 Dec. 1992.
"Andrew McAllister takes a look at the work of Irish women poets with Katie Donovan, Edna Longley and Paula Meehan." BBC Radio 4. 25 May 1993.
"Christmas Miscellaney: Writers John McGahern, Mary Morrissy and Paula Meehan." Radio 1. 24 Dec. 1993.
Crowley, Carrie. Interview. "Paula Meehan." Snapshots. RTÉ Radio 1. 23 Feb. 2003. [End Page 295]
Crowley, Elaine. Interview segments. "The Act of Poetry is a Rebel Act." Michael Hartnett. West Limerick 102 FM. 10 Oct. 2009, 17 Oct. 2009, 24 Oct. 2009, and 31 Oct. 2009.
"Dublin Re-Joyces! Live Broadcast from the new James Joyce Centre in Dublin, with appearances by writers Joe O'Connor and Anne Enright, poet Paula Meehan, playwright Sebastian Barry and tenor Tony Malone." BBC Radio 2 and Radio Ulster. 16 June 1995.
Duffy, Joe. Interview. "Liveline." Liveline. 20 Dec. 2007.
Dungan, Myles. Interview. "Three Irish Poets." Rattlebag. RTÉ Radio 1. 18 Aug. 2003.
The Enchanted Way. RTÉ Radio 1. 21 Apr. 2001; 30 Nov. 2002; 21 Dec. 2002; 29 Mar. 2003.
Geraghty, Des. Interview. "Music of Words." Music of Words. RTÉ Radio 1. 9 June 2005.
"GerardManley Hopkins." Writer and the Community. RTÉ Radio 1. 28 Dec.1980.
"International Women's Day." Concert Original Recordings. RTÉ Radio 1. 8 Mar. 1999.
"IrishWomen Poets." Stanza. BBC Radio 4. 25 May 1993.
Kay, J. Interview. "Word on the Street—Dublin." Word on the Street. BBC Radio Ulster. 7 Mar. 2004.
"Mrs Sweeney." Mrs Sweeney. RTÉ Radio 1. 8 Jun. 1999.
"Painted from Memory: Paula Meehan Presents a Personal Tribute and Celebration of the Life and Work of the Great Russian Poet Anna Akhmatova . . . Includes a Recording of Akhmatova Reading." RTÉ. Radio 1. 4 Dec. 1999.
"Painted from Memory: Paula Meehan Presents the Poetry of Christopher Smart." RTÉ. Radio 1. 11 Dec. 1999.
"Painted from Memory: Paula Meehan Presents the Poetry of Gary Snyder." RTÉ. Radio 1. 18 Dec. 1999.
"Paula Meehan Discusses Her Play The Wolf of Winter." Rattlebag. RTÉ Radio 1. 1 May 2003; 18 Nov. 2003; 17 Dec. 2003.
"A Poem for Ireland—Paula Meehan presents some of her new work." Postscript. BBC. Radio 3. 16 Mar. 1998.
"Poetry Programme." Poetry Programme. RTÉ Radio 1. 17 May 2007.
"Poet's Chair." Playback. RTÉ Radio 1. 18 Sep. 1991.
"The Poets who Starred on Rattlebag in 2003, including Eavan Boland and Paula Meehan." Rattlebag. RTÉ. Radio 1. 1 Jan. 2004.
Reflections Programme. RTÉ. 21 Dec. 2007.
Rocks, Sean. Interview on Painting Rain. The Arts Show. RTÉ Radio 1. 15 April 2009. [End Page 296]
Sheehy, Kay. Interview. Rattlebag. RTÉ Radio 1. 12 Sep. 2000.
Speaking Volumes. RTÉ Radio 1. 31 Oct. 1995.
Sunday Miscellany. RTÉ Radio 1. 27 Jul. 2003; 29 Aug. 2003.
Title Unavailable. BBC Radio 4. 13 Mar. 2004.
Trinity 400 20th Century Literary Figures. RTÉ Radio 1. 1 Jun. 1992.
"With Love from Me to You. 3: Paula Meehan from Dublin and Bulgarian Kapka Kassabova Discuss the Links Between their Two Emerging Capitals." BBC. Radio Ulster, 19 Apr. 2006.
Woods, Vincent. Interview. The Arts Show. RTÉ Radio 1. 4 Nov. 2008; 7 Nov.2008.

Film and Television Resources

Connolly, Fintan, Dir. Áosdana. Documentary film. Fubar Film. 2009.
Crowe, Catriona, Roy Foster, and Eamonn McCabe. The View. Review of Painting Rain. RTÉ 1. 19 May 2009.
Crowley Elaine, Dir. Paula Meehan: Living the Craft. Documentary film. Institute of Art, Design and Technology. 27 Feb. 2009 (5 min); 18 May 2009 (15 min).
"Cursai Ealaine Highlights 1997." Cursai Ealaine. RTÉ 1. 25 Dec. 1997. Cursai Ealaine. RTÉ 1. 12 Oct. 1997.
Doyle, Sé Merry, Dir. Alive Alive O—A Requiem for Dublin. Documentary Film. RTÉ 1. 2001.
"Four Irish Writers: Eavan Boland, Paul Durcan, Paula Meehan, Colm Tóibín." Video/DVD. Prod. HoCoPoLitSo at the Howard Community College TV Studio, 2007.
"The Gallery Press." Undercover. RTÉ 1. 4 Jun. 1998.
A Handful of Snow—Team Theatre—Theatre in Education. RTÉ 1. 26 June 1996.
Kenny, Pat. Interview. Kenny Live. RTÉ 1. 8 Dec. 1990.
Martin, Gus. Interview. "No Second Troy." Ollscoil—Act of Reading. RTÉ 1. 19 Nov. 1992.
"Reading the Sky." RTÉ 1. 2 Mar. 1995.
"Re-imagining Ireland." Network 2. 16 Mar. 2004.
Rice, Rodney. Interview. Trinity 400 Documentary. Documentary Film. RTÉ 1. 13 Mar. 1992.
"Three Poets." Undercover. RTÉ 1. 9 Apr. 1998.
"The Wolf of Winter." The View. RTÉ 1. 16 Dec. 2003. [Includes a clip of the actual performance.]
"The Writing Life:Michael Collier hosts Paula Meehan." Video/DVD. Prod. HoCoPoLitSo at the Howard Community College TV Studio, 2008. [End Page 297]

Poetry Adaptations and Performances

Alive Alive O. Film Documentary. Dir. Sé Merry Doyle. Prod. Bernadine Carraher. Co-Prod. Arts Council of Ireland and the Irish Film Board. Photog. Donal Gilligan, John T. Davis, Michael O'Donovan. Poems: Paula Meehan. Music: Ger Kiely. Traditional Songs: Frank Harte. (52 mins) RTÉ, 2001.
Dance Strokes II—The Wounded Child. Perf. Rubato Dance Works. Chor. Fiona Quilligan. Dance and Voice. Fiona Quilligan and Paula Meehan. Music. Fergus Johnston. Design. Tim Morris and Lily vanOost. RHA Gallagher Gallery, Dublin, 1992.
Dance Strokes III—Bull Dance. "Crete—A Journey" by Paula Meehan. Chor. Fiona Quilligan. Dance and Voice. Fiona Quilligan. Music. Raymond Deane/Brian Fleming. Design. DIT College of Architecture. Developed for the Round Room Mansion House. RHA Gallagher Gallery Dublin, March 1994. Rubato Dance Works 10th Anniversary, 1996.
Dublin 15: Poems of the City. Audiocassette and CD. Prod. Pat Boran and Peter Sirr. Dublin: Irish Writers Centre, 1997.
Graffiti Tongue. Perf. Christy Moore, vocals, guitar, bodhrán. Featuring song version of Meehan's poem "Folk Tale." United Kingdom: Columbia/SonyMusic/Newberry, 1996.
HeXtet: Through the Ear of a Raindrop. Musical adaptation of poem "No Go Area." Musical adaptation John Wolf Brennan. England: Leo Records, 1998.
Justice for the Forgotten: Poems and Songs. MP3. "Baby Doherty" (uncollected poem) by Paula Meehan. Prod. Ciaran Warfield. Perf. Black Box Theatre Company. Commemorative Concert to mark the 30th anniversary of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings. Liberty Hall, 10 May 2004.
Live Sax. Perf. Rubato Dance Works. Chor. Fiona Quilligan. Dance and Voice. Fiona Quilligan and Paula Meehan. Music Martin O'Leary. Design Benedict Byrne. Projects Arts Centre, Dublin, 1991.
Reading the Sky. Experimental film featuring the poetry of Paula Meehan. Dir. Darragh Byrne. Dublin, 1993.
The Music of Words. Perf. Voice-Poet, Paula Meehan. Music-Fiddle, Liam O'Connor. RTÉ Radio 1, Dublin. 9 June 2005.
The Old Burying Ground. Commissioned poem for music/song cycle, Her Void: A Cemetery Poem. Musical adaptation Evan Chambers. Kerrytown Concert House, Ann Arbor, MI. 17 Sept. 2007. U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 10 Dec. 2007; Carnegie Hall, New York. 28 Feb.2008. [End Page 298]
The Well. Perf. New Balance Dance Company. Chor. Adrienne Brown. Dance. Emma O'Kane. Dance adaptation of Meehan's poem "Well." Dublin. 1994.



Kareva, Doris, trans. Rogha Dánta: A Selection of Poetry by Mary O'Malley, Medhb McGuckian, Paula Meehan, Eavan Boland, Vona Groarke, Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill and Eiléan Ni Chuilleanain. Tallinn, Estonia: Verb, 2005.


Masson, Jean-Yves. Anthologie de la Poésie Irlandaise du XXe Siècle (1890-1990). La Grasse: Éditions Verdier, 1996.


Palacios-González, Manuela, and Arturo Casas, eds. Pluriversos: Seis poetas irlandesas de hoxe. Santiago: Follas Novas Edicións, 2003. [Bilingual (English/Irish-Galician) anthology of Irish women poets including Eavan Boland, Mary Dorcey, Medbh McGuckian, Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill, Paula Meehan, Anne LeMarquand Hartigan.] 65-111.


Eliass, Dörte, ed. and trans. Paula Meehan: Die Dublin-Karte eines Kindes, Rüsselsheim: Christel Göttert Verlag, 2001.
———. Poems in Neue Sirene 9 Munich, 1998.
———. Poems in Lichtungen 77:19, Jg. Graz, 1999.
———. Poems in Lichtungen 82:21, Jg. Graz, Jul. 2000.
———. Poems in Portal published by the Expo Pavilion Ireland for the Hannover Expo 2000. Ed. Pat Boran.
———. Translation of Mrs Sweeney, play. Theaterstück. Unpublished. 2001.
———. "Autobiographie." <>.
———. Cell: A Play in Two Parts. Vienna: Kaiser Verlag. Sep. 2002.
———. "Kinderbegräbnis." [Child Burial] Hebammen-info 1:3 (15 Jan. 2003).


Zahradníková, Hana, trans. "Zlatý déšt'; Nejen routa v mé zahrádce." [Laburnum; Not alone the rue in my herb garden . . .]. Vzdálené Tóny [End Page 299] Naděje / The Distant Music of Hope—Ceol Dóchais Ó Chéin: Antologie irské poezie. Ed. Ivana Bozděchová, Ondřej Pilný and Justin Quinn. Brno: Host, 2000. 347-55.


Nic Eoin, Máirín. "Marbhna do Pháiste," "Adhlacadh Páiste." ["Elegy for a Child," "Child Burial"] Special Issue: Paula Meehan. An Sionnach 5:1&2 (Spring/Fall 2009): 208-12.


Iorio, Giovanna, trans. Dopo lungo silenzio: poesia irlandese contemporanea. Faenza: Mobydick, 1997.


Tochigi, Nobuaki. "Thunder in the House," Contemporary Poetry Handbook. Tokyo: Shicho-sha, Oct. 2001. 84-85.
———. "Autobiography," "A Child's Map of Dublin," "Laburnum," "Lullaby," "My Father Perceived as a Vision of St Francis." Contemporary Irish Poetry: Voice as Alternative. Tokyo: Shicho-sha, 2001. 80-86.
———. "Death of a Field," "Hannah, Grandmother," "In Memory, Joanne Breen." "Not Weeding," Contemporary Poetry Handbook. Tokyo: Shicho-sha, 2007. 175-78.


Núñez Muñoz, Charo. "Leyendo el Cielo." Diario de Poesía Buenos Aires, primavera de 1993. <>. 14 June 2008.
Caulfied, Carlota, trans. No soy tu musa: Antología de poetas irlandesas contemporáneas / I'm Not Your Muse: Contemporary Irish Women Poets. Ed. Carlota Caulfield and John Goodby. Madrid: Torremazos Press, 2008. 115-35.
Jody Allen Randolph

Jody Allen Randolph, guest editor of this issue, served as Assistant Dean of the British Studies at Oxford Programme at St. John's College, Oxford, and has taught at the University of California at Santa Barbara, University College Dublin, and Westmont College. She has edited or co-edited special issues of journals on Eavan Boland, Derek Mahon, and Michael Longley. Recent publications include Eavan Boland: A Source book (Carcanet, 2007), selected for a Poetry Book Society Special Commendation and the London Independent Best Books of 2007, and Eavan Boland: A Critical Companion (Norton, 2008). She is currently at work on Interviews from a New Ireland, a series of interviews with Irish writers and visual artists forthcoming from Carcanet Press in 2010.


Thanks are due to Sarah Groeneveld at the University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jennifer Lorden at Keble College, Oxford; and Shonagh Hill at Queen's University Belfast who worked as research assistants on the bibliography and on this Special Issue on Paula Meehan for An Sionnach—also to Anne Karhio at National University of Ireland, Galway, who worked as a research associate on both projects. Particular thanks are due to filmmaker and documentarian [End Page 300] Elaine Crowley at the Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire, who helped verify and expand the broadcast sections of the bibliography. Special subject librarians aided key aspects of the project, including Isolde Harpur at Trinity College Dublin, Gearóid Ó Luing at the National Library of Ireland, Eric Robinson at the New York Public Library, Sylvia Curtis at University of California at Santa Barbara, Diane Ziliotto at Westmont College Library, and Mariam Valencia at the Poetry Library Southbank Centre, London. Thanks are due to Jo Wheatley and John Glendon at RTÉ Archives, to RTÉ producers Seamus Hosey and Bernadette Commerford, and to Andy O'Mahony; to Broadcast Archivist Niamh Mac Namara and Martin Dodds at BBC Northern Ireland Cultra Archives; and to Brigid Ui Shearraigh at TG4 Archives.

My work on this bibliography as well as on bibliographies on Eavan Boland, Derek Mahon, Michael Longley, and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill began many years ago at the Irish Times Library, where I remain indebted to librarians John Gibson, Tony Lennon, Esther Murnane, Irene Stevenson, John Vincent, and Marie Morgan who taught me much about standard and non-standard research strategies. Both ACIS and IASIL were helpful in answering and publicizing queries related to the bibliography, including Dawn Duncan, Thomas Dillon Redshaw, and Richard Bizot.

To my colleagues on the An Sionnach Special Issue on Paula Meehan, Eileen Denn Jackson, Kim McMullen, Luz Mar González-Arias, Michaela Schrage-Früh, and Pilar Villar-Argáiz, I owe thanks for providing citations missing from the bibliography. I am greatly indebted to George Thompson, special subject librarian emeritus at New York University, who for many years made it possible for me to work in the New York University library, and to playwrights Robert Potter and Ellen Anderson for providing research library access in California. I am grateful to Lucy Collins and Nicholas Daly for arranging library access at University College Dublin. To Michael Schmidt and Judith Willson at Carcanet Press who provided materials for this and other bibliographies. To Jefferson Holdridge and Candide Jones at Wake Forest University Press for providing materials and streamlining permissions. To fellow bibliographer Paul Delaney for advice on organizing production and performance details. To Kevin Casey for providing valuable comments on early and late drafts. To Theo Dorgan for answering queries and when he couldn't providing names of those who could. To Paula Meehan for her patience and generosity in answering queries, reviewing drafts, locating materials, and flagging omissions. [End Page 301]
