University of Minnesota Press
Figure 10. Gerardo (Alí Bernal, top, center), the male lead in Alma provinciana (Soul of the Province, 1926). The young man from the city sings of the rural landscape of Santander province. Rosa (played by Maga Dalla) is a humble country girl who leads the wealthy college boy to set his life in order. Courtesy of Archivo de Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano.
Figure 10.

Gerardo (Alí Bernal, top, center), the male lead in Alma provinciana (Soul of the Province, 1926). The young man from the city sings of the rural landscape of Santander province. Rosa (played by Maga Dalla) is a humble country girl who leads the wealthy college boy to set his life in order. Courtesy of Archivo de Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano.
