In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Anouncements & Advertisements

Every issue of Postmodern Culture will carry notices of events, calls for papers, and other announcments, up to 250 words, free of charge. Advertisements will also be published on an exchange basis. Send anouncements and advertisements to:

Journal and Book Announcements:

  1. 1. _Contention_: Debates in Society, Culture, and Science

  2. 2. _Differences_: A journal of feminist cultural studies

  3. 3. _Genders_

  4. 4. _Women’s Studies_

  5. 5. _LIT_: Literature Interpretation Theory

  6. 6. _City Images_: Perspectives from Literature, Philosophy, and Film edited by Mary Ann Caws; Gordon and Breach Publishers

  7. 7. _New Perspectives on Women and Comedy_, edited by Regina Barreca; Gordon and Breach Publishers

  8. 8. _New Left Review_: The Claims of Equality, NLR 190

  9. 9. _Nomad_: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Humanities, Arts, and Sciences

  10. 10. _Representations_

  11. 11. _Studies in Popular Culture_

  12. 12. _Science as Culture_

  13. 13. _Capitalism, Nature, Socialism_: A Journal of Socialist Ecology

  14. 14. _Rethinking MARXISM_: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society

  15. 15. _Communication Theory_: A Journal of the International Communication Association

  16. 16. _Public Culture_

  17. 17. _Journal of Beckett Studies_ (New Series)

  18. 18. _Strategies_: A Journal of Theory, Culture and Politics

  19. 19. _ Theory, Culture and Society_

  20. 20. _Poetics Today_

  21. 21. _Surfaces_, an electronic journal

  22. 22. _Discourse_, v.15, n.1—Flaunting It: Lesbian and Gay Studies

  23. 23. _U.S. Latino Literature_: An Essay and Annotated Bibliography; March/Abrazo Press

Calls for Papers and Participants:

  1. 24. _The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication_—call for papers on computer-mediated communication

  2. 25. The Principia Cybernetica Project—a call for papers on cybernetic concepts and principles, evolutionary philosophy, knowledge development, computer-support systems for collaborative theory building

  3. 26. The Disembodied Art Gallery Exhibition, Brighton, England, Summer 1992

  4. 27. Arts and Technology Symposium—a call for compositions, presentations, papers and artwork

  5. 28. ECHT ‘92, Fourth ACM Conference on Hypertext—a call for papers, technical briefings, tutorials, panels, demonstrations, videos, and posters on hypertext and hypermedia

Conferences and Societies:

  1. 29. Penn State University Seminar Series, Issues in Criticism. Historicisms and Cultural Critique, June 25–30, 1992

  2. 30. Penn State Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, July 8–11, 1992

  3. 31. Theory, Culture and Society, 10th Anniversary Conference, August 16–19, 1992

  4. 32. Marxism in the New World Order: Crises and Possibilities at University of Massachusetts-Amherst, November 12–14, 1992

  5. 33. Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulations in Education and Training and The International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, August 18–21, 1992

Networked Discussion Groups:

  1. 34. VIOLEN-L, a networked discussion group for the study of violence, human rights, and public policies on violence

  2. 35. SOVHIST, a networked discussion group for the study of Soviet history from 1917–1991

  3. 36. AMLIT-L, a networked discussion group for the study of American literature

  4. 37. INMYLIFE, a networked discussion group for the study of Beatle era popular culture


_CONTENTION_ Debates in Society, Culture, and Science


“. . . simply a triumph from cover to cover.”
*Frederick Crews*

“. . . extremely important.”
*Alberta Arthurs*

“. . . the most exciting new journal that I have ever read.”
*Lynn Hunt*

“. . . superb.”
*Janet Abu-Lughod*

“. . . an important, exciting, and very timely project.”
*Theda Skocpol*

“. . . an idea whose time has come.”
*Robert Brenner*

“. . . serious and accessible.”
*Louise Tilly*

Subscriptions (3 issues) are available to individuals at $25.00 and to institutions at $50.00 (plus $10.00 for foreign surface postage) from the Journals Division, Indiana University Press, 601 N. Morton, Bloomington, IN 47404. Phone: 812-855-9449. Fax: 812-855-7931.



A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies

Edited by Naomi Schor and Elizabeth Week

Volume 3, Number 1
Politics/Power/Culture: Postmodernity & Feminist Political Theory
Edited by Kathy E. Ferguson and Kirstie M. McClure

Volume 3, Number 2
Queer Theory: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities
Edited by Teresa de Lauretis

Volume 3, Number 3
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Feminism in Colonization
Joan W. Scott: Commentary
Ann-Louise Shapiro: Love Stories: Female Crimes of Passion
in Fin-de-siecle Paris.
Mary Lydon: Calling Yourself a Woman:
Marguerite Yourcenar & Colette.
Eric O. Clarke: Fetal Attraction:
Hegel’s An-aesthetics of Gender.
Neil Lazarus: Doubting the New World Order:
Marxism and the Claims of Postmodern Social Theory.
Interview with Antoinette Fouque

Subscriptions: $28 (individuals), $48 (institutions...
