
How well does TennCare, Tennessee's Medicaid managed care program, meet the needs of blind/disabled Supplemental Security Income (SSI) enrollees? People with disabilities have extensive health care needs and greater barriers to accessing care, so efforts to reduce service use may decrease their health and independence. On the other hand, managed care plans may better coordinate care. Computer-assisted telephone surveys of urban SSI and other urban TennCare enrollees were conducted to assess these issues. SSI enrollees in TennCare had mixed experiences, and they faced problems in areas particularly important to people with disabilities. Relative to other TennCare enrollees, SSI enrollees had similar or slightly worse access to care and satisfaction. A significant minority of SSI enrollees reported unmet needs for care, such as not getting referrals to specialists, prescription drugs, and special medical equipment. Lack of care coordination was a problem for some SSI enrollees.

