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Index Every effort has been made to include in this index all identifiable persons named in essays who lived during or before the long eighteenth century, as well as a small number of widely cited twentieth-century theoreticians. Readers seeking a complete list of contemporary critics should however consult the endnotes of individual essays. Acadians, 55, 63-5,68 n. 9, 68-9 n. 17 accounting, see bookkeeping Addison, Joseph, 82 Adorno, Theodor, 176, 181, 191 η. 23, 285, 306 η. 35 advertising techniques and ethics, 366-67, 368-72 Aeneas, 150-67. See Vergil Alembert, Jean Le Rond d\ 225 Amherst, J. 112 anatomy, 76-78. See also gender; sexuality Apollo, 107, 108, 110 Argyll, Alexander Campbell, fifth duke of, 352, 363 Aristotle, 212, 221 Astell, Mary, 91, 94 atoms, 209, 211, 213, 219-21, 2301 Austen, Jane, 365-84 authorship, and "conception" metaphor, 103-29; as "labor," 112-22; and professionalization, 106, 116-8, 121-2; social function of, 259, 260, 262, 265, 267, 273 Bachelard, Gaston, 311, 335 n. 22 Baggesen, Jens Immanuel, 335, 342 η. 70 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 247 Balzac, Honoré de, 23 Bartholinus, Erasmus, 217 Baudrillard, Jean 307, n. 4, 310, 313,328,329,330,331,332 η. 4, 342 nn. 77, 79 Bayle, Pierre, 8 Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Carón de, 259, 260, 263, 271-2, 275-6 Benjamin, Walter, 147, 165 Berkeley, George, 307-38 Bilderschrift, 323,324,325,327, 331, 340 η. 58 Blair, Hugh 241-2 Blumenberg, Hans, 314, 315, 336-7 nn. 27, 28, 31, 338 n. 41, 339 n. 47 Boerhaave, Hermann, 128 n. 30 bookkeeping, 174-7, 190 n. 19, 191 nn. 24—25; and mercantile capitalism, 175, 188 n. 15, 109 n. 18; and women, 183, 193 n. 40 Borlase, William, 211 Boscovich, Roger, 210, 219-20 Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, 298-9 Boyle, Robert, 187 n. 6, 210, 211, 213-4, 216, 223-6 brain-wombs, 103-29 Brissot, Jacques Pierre, 8 British royal navy, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31-2, 36-7, 39, 44 Brown, Launcelot "Capability," 366, 368, 372-3, 375, 381-2 393 394 / Index Brown, Charles Brockden, 237-55; Arthur Mervyn, 246-52; Clara Howard, 252-4; "The Difference between History and Romance," 238-40; "Historical Characters as False Representations of Nature," 244-5; "Walstein's School of History," 238, 241-4, 246, 249; and Lockean and Common-Sense philosophy, 257 nn. 21-2 Brown, William Hill, 245 Brown, John, 80 Browne, Thomas, 214, 216 Bugge, Thomas, 223 Burns, Robert, 132, 136 Canada, 53-74 capital, capitalism, 344, 350, 352-3, 359, 362-3; see also under bookkeeping Cavendish, Margaret, 213 Caxton, William, 1,18 Certeau, Michel, 330, 342 n. 69 Cervantes, Miguel de, 106 Chambers, Ephraim, 224-6 chance, 198, 203-4 chaos theory, 196-207 Chatterton, Thomas, 136 chemistry, 210, 212, 218-21, 223-30 Chénier, André, 272 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of, 80 Cheyne, George, 226 Cibber, Colley, 107, 119-21 Circe, 137, 142-3 Cleland, John, 79 Cloots, Jean Baptiste (Anacharsis),22 Collins, William, 125 n. 16 Columbus, Christopher, 9 Comédie Française, 259-76 commodity, 343-4, 349, 360 Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, marquis de, 21 Cope, Jean-Baptiste, 56-9, 65 corpuscles, 209, 218-20 cosmopolitanism, 298 Coster, Laurens, 1, 18-9 Cowley, Abraham, 148, 166, 212-3 Cowper, William, 132, 136, 372, 378 Cradock, Joseph, 384 credit, 176, 19On. 21 cross-dressing, 77-101 crystallography, 209-10, 216-7, 220-1, 223, 226, 229-30 Cumberland, Richard 127 n. 29 Curll, Edmund, 3 Dalton, John, 220 Dante Alighieri, 161 Davenant, William, 156 decorum, 156-7 Defoe, Daniel, 5, 106, 169-94, 384; The Compleat English Tradesman, 169,193 n. 40; A Journal of the Plague Year, 169; Moll Flanders, 169-94; Roxana, 169, 188 n. 13; Robinson Crusoe, 169; A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain, 169 Deleuze, Gilles, 326, 337 η. 33, 342 η. 73 Descartes, René, 213^1, 310, 312, 314; Cartesianism, 322, 331, 333 η. 11,337 η. 36, 337 η. 38,339,341 η. 66 DesPeriers, Bonaventure, 15 determinism, 202, 204-5 dialogism, 291, 301 Diderot, Denis, 196, 284-306; and the "moral tales," 285-302; "Les Deux amis de Boufbonne," 2878 ; "Ceci n'est pas...

