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Index Every effort has been made to include references to all identifiable persons living before or during the long eighteenth century, as well as to often cited twentieth-century critics and commentators, and to provide a selective listing of relevant concepts and keywords. Readers may also wish to consult the endnotes of each essay for more comprehensive information. Symbols '15, The, 66 '45, The, 76 Abolitionist poetry, 105,121 Act of Union, 79 Adaptation, 6-8,12 Adventurer, 277,325 Aesthetics, 56,75 Alexander, David, 238,266 Allegory, 57,66 Altick, Robert D., 261,268 Anti-clerical humor, 273,281-284, 307-309 Anti-intellectual humor, 301 Antislavery poetry, 98-99,102,105, 107,110,116 Astell, Mary, 151-152,154-155,157, 159,162-163,167 Reflections Upon Marriage, 152, 167 AstraeaRedux, 78,80 Atlantic, 2-7,10-11,19-20,23 Audience (see public, spectators), 173-175,177-179,181-183,185186 ,192 B Backscheider, Paula R., 74,80 Ball, John, 253,267 Barash, Carol, 74 Barker, Jane, 55-57,59-65,67-68, 70,72-79 Barker-BenfiekLGJ., 237,266 Battestin, Martin, 288,304,306,323, 325-329,331-332 Behn,Aphra, 5-19,21-23,61,75,79 Bindman, David, 41,52 Blake, William, 111-116,122-124 Blush, 33-34,39,50 Bonnecourse, Balthazar de, 8-10,12, 22 Boucher, Francois, 33,49 Bowers, Toni, 61,74-75 Brilhac, 8 Brooks, Peter, 77 Bulwer, John, 29,48 Burke, Edmund, 84-92,95 Burney, Frances, 34,50 Burney, Francis Evelina, 276, 278, 285, 324 Bums, Robert, 68,78 Campbell, Jill, 293-294,327-328 339 340 / Index Candlemas, 66,71,77 Caribs, 13-15,17,23 Carter, George, 236,238-240,243,258 Casanova, Giacomo, 34,50-51 Cash, Arthur Hill, 266 Castrato, 197-200,202,204-206, 209-214,216-220,222-223,226227 Castro, Anges de, 8, 22 Catholic, 56,61,65-66,68,73,77 Cervantes, Miguel de Don Quixote, 300-302 Charity, 87-89 Charles 1, 63,76-77 Charles II, 63-64,67,71,76,80 Cheek, Pamela, 37,51 Chetwood, William Generous Free-Mason, 292,327 Clarissa, 153-154,158-166,170-171 Clark, I. H., 251-252,267 Clergy, contempt for, 282 Colley, Linda, 62,76 Collier, Jeremy, 295,309,317,319 Colonel Jack, 58 Conjugal Lewdness, 158, 170 Connoisseur, 277,279,281,325 Contract theory, 152,154, 159,168169 Cowper, William, 40,52,54,107-110, 115,121-122 Cromwell, 63 Curll, Edmund, 276,314,318,331 D Dashwood, Francis, 282,284 Defoe, Daniel, 74,79,157-158,160, 170 Roxana, 157,158,170 Délavai, Francis Blake, 276-278 Dijkstra, Bram, 261,269 Dodington, George Bubb, Baron Melcombe, 276 Donovan, Josephine, 73 Dryden, John, 71,77-78,80 Duelos, Charles Pinot, 35,50 Duke of Monmouth, 64 Dunciad, 74 D'Urfey, Thomas, 289,296 Duty of Wives to Husbands, 160 E Eaves, T. C. D., 234,266 Eden, Frederick Sir, 91-92,96 Eicke,LeighA., 74 75 Ellis, Markman, 247,267 Ellis, Sarah Stickney, 260-261,268 Erskine-Hill, Howard, 75 Essay on Criticism, The, 57 Experience, 152,162,165 Fantastic, 175,178,187-190,192, 194-195 Farce and Stage Comedy, 282,287, 292-295,299-302,305-313,316319 ,321-332 Fielding, Henry, 133,135,144,149, 329 & Cervantes, 300-302,310 & eighteenth-century debates about laughter, 271, 286-300 & "Good Nature", 273,278,321 & hunting, 287,289 & religion, 273, 303-323 & satire, 293-294, 296 & superstition, 305-307, 320 & the comic stage, 287,292, 294-295, 297-302, 305-313, 316-319, 321, 331 & the poor, 288-292, 296-297, 300 Characteristic ambivalence of, 299 Clergy, representation of, 271332 Index / 341 Contemporary reception of, 272-273, 286, 305-306, 318319 Narrative voice, 288-292 Froblems with "saintly" characters, 289-292 Works: Amelia, 296, 307, 314, 329 "Apology for the Clergy" papers (Champion), 321-323 Author's Farce, 287,318,331 Champion, 286, 304, 311,320, 322-323, 326, 328, 330, 332 Covent-Garden Tragedy, 295, 327 "Essay on the Knowledge and Characters of Men", 298,328 "Essay on the Remedy of Affliction", 314 Examples of the Interposition of Frovidence, 304 Grub-Street Opera, 297,305, 311 Jacobite...

