In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Subject Index 473 INDEX TO VOLUME EIGHT SUBJECTINDEX Adolescents 214-226 Affiliated Systems Corporation (TX) 449 African American continuity of care for 170-185 coronary artery disease and 270-82,285-90 health care administrators 153-169 hypertension and 3,4-17 smoking and 303-9,270-82,352-62 stroke and 2-2-9,303-9 Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) 25-35 AIDS 373-5,416-22,446-59 Alabama 202-213 Alcohol control policies public opinion and 18 Ambulatory care 214-226 pediatric 202-213 Andersen-Aday model of utilization 217 Angiograms 285-90 Arizona Medicaid waivers 40 Asthma hospitalized children and 83-98 Atherosclerosis 285-90 B Barbershop program 414 Biomedical research 311-7,318-21 Black. See African American Body weight 352-62 Breast cancer 186-201 Bridges to the Future: Baccalaureate and Doctoral 314 Bypass graft surgery 285-90 Chattanooga (TN) 292-9 CHD in Blacks Project 248 Childhood illnesses 202-213 Children hospitalization for asthma and 83-98 welfare reform and health of 25-35 Church health promotion 300-1,373-5,292-9 Cigarette smoking cessation 303-9,322-42 Clinical Practice Guidelines on Smoking Cessation 306 Clinical trials 318-21 Commonwealth Fund of Wbrking Americans 345 Community welfare reform and 25-35 Community outreach 247-9 Community programs 3 Community-academic partnership 5-17 Community-based heart health program 330 Community-oriented primary care (COPC) 517 ,36-55 Community/migrant health centers 153-169 Continuity of care 170-185 Coronary artery disease 270-82,285-90 Coronary Artery Surgery Study 286 Coronary heart disease 250-67,322-42,247-9 Coronary microvasculature 250-67 D Dayton (OH) 5-17 Diabetes 322-42 Diagnosis 424-34 Diet and nutrition 303-9 Dietary Intervention Study of Hypertension 359 Drinking. See Alcohol abuse; Alcoholism Drug therapy 405-8,424-34 Cancer breast mammography and 186-201 Cardiovascular disease 270-82,303-09 Center for Health Communities (Dayton, OH) 5-17 Charleston Heart Study 327 Economic status HTV risk and 416-22 Education multidisdplinary health professions 11 Elicitation interviews 186-201 Emergency department utilization 202-213 Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved · Vol. 8, No. 4 · 1997 474 Index to Volume 8 Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) 39 Employment 99-113 Encampments 70-82 Epidemiology 250-67,424-34 Ethnicity 416-22 Exercise 322-42,303-9 Families 25-35 "Familism" 100 Family planning access to services 141-152 services and insurance 141-152 Family Therapy Institute (Victoria, BC) 405-8 Family-supporting wages 25-35 Fee-for-service Medicaid program 202-213 Female. See Women Firehouse program 414 Focus groups 186-201 Follow-up care visits 83-98 Fresh Start program 296 The Future of Public Health 349 Garlic 412 Georgia Heart Association School High Blood Pressure 413 Give God a Hand Program 368 H Hawaii Medicaid waivers 40 Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation (1990) Surgeon General's Report 306 Health care access to 83-98,170-185,214-226 family planning services 141-152 unstable housing and 70-82 ambulatory 214-226 continuity of 170-185,214-226 indigent 36-55 public 345-50 reform 377-82 regular/usual source of 214-226 utilization 83-98,170-185,214-226 Andersen-Aday model of 217 emergency department 202-213 Health care administrators African American 153-169 Hispanic 153-169 Health insurance. See Insurance (health) Health maintenance organizations 36-55. See Managed care Health promotion church and 300-1 Health services utilization of 83-98 Health status urban encampment residents and 70-82 Healthy Heart Community Prevention Project 366-71 Heart disease 270-82,303-9. See also Cardiovascular disease: Premature; Coronary care; Coronary heart disease High blood cholesterol 247-9 High blood pressure 247-9,303-9. See also Hypertension Hispanic Americans 170-185 Hispanics. See Latino health care administrators 153-169 women 99-113 infection 4-17 risk and economic status and 4-17 HMO 384-7 HMO Act (1973) 384 Holistic 373-5 Home remedies 412 Homeless clinic 437-45 Homelessness 70-82,416-22,437-45 Hospital urban public 186-201 Hospitalization children asthma and 83-98 Housing. See also Unstable housing Houston 446...

