In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Sounds of Joyce

"The Music of Joyce's Vernacular Voices"

    Margot Norris, University of California, Irvine

"Joyce's Noises"

    Maud Ellmann, University of Notre Dame

"'The Twining Stresses, Two by Two': The Prosody of Joyce's Prose"

    Vincent J. Cheng, University of Utah

These three essays were originally conceived and presented (in earlier versions) at a panel titled "The Sounds of Joyce"—as part of the Modern Language Association Convention's special program (in Philadelphia, December 2006), initiated by Marjorie Perloff, on "The Sounds of Poetry." That panel provided the authors both the impetus and the opportunity, as careful readers of James Joyce, to consider and explore the striking qualities of Joyce's sounds and rhythms.


