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  • Contributors

Alison Booth, Professor of English at the University of Virginia, edits Collective Biographies of Women ( ), an experiment in digital representation of women’s biographical records not restricted to writers. Her most recent book, How to Make It as a Woman: Collective Biographical History from Victoria to the Present (Chicago, 2004), and current project, “Homes and Haunts,” focus on prosopography or collective biography and selective traditions in a transatlantic context. She contributed “Life Writing” to the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to English Literature 1830–1914, ed. Joanne Shattock.

Christina Brooks is a PhD Candidate in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, where she is completing her thesis on the work of Judith Butler.

Victoria Bissell Brown is the L. F. Parker Professor of History at Grinnell College. She is the author of The Education of Jane Addams (U of Pennsylvania P, 2005) and numerous articles on Addams, as well as the co-author, with Timothy Shannon, of Going to the Source: The Bedford Reader in American History (Bedford Books, 2004Bedford Books, 2008). Brown served as book review editor for the Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 2002–2004.

Rita Charon is a general internist in active practice, and literary scholar at Columbia University. She directs the Program in Narrative Medicine at Columbia and publishes and lectures extensively on the outcomes of narrative training in clinical settings. She is working on a book on Henry James.

Matt Cohen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Duke University, and a contributing editor at the Walt Whitman Archive.

Lars Fischer is Lecturer in German History in the German Department, and Honorary Research Fellow in the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Department, at University College London. His study on The Socialist Response to Antisemitism in Imperial Germany was published in 2007 by Cambridge University Press.

Helena Gurfinkel is Assistant Professor of English at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, where she teaches Victorian literature, critical theory, and gender studies. [End Page 823]

Jane Hiddleston is a University Lecturer in French and Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. She has published three books, Understanding Postcolonialism (McGill-Queen’s UP, 2009), Reinventing Community: Identity and Difference in Late Twentieth-Century Philosophy and Literature in French (Legenda, 2005) and Assia Djebar: Out of Algeria (Liverpool UP, 2006). She is currently working on a study of poststructuralism and postcolonial theory.

Ann K. Hoff teaches twentieth century American poetry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her research interests include poetics, autobiography theory, and gender studies. Other recent articles include “‘I Said Lifting Belly’: Gertrude Stein’s Geometric Autobiography,” in A/B: Auto/ Biography Studies (2006), and “‘I Was Convulsed, Pitiably Hideous’: The Convulsive Patient’s Response to Surrealism” in Journal of Modern Literature (forthcoming).

Tareq Y. Ismael is Professor of Political Science at the University of Calgary, Secretary General of the International Association of Middle Eastern Studies, and Editor of the International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies. He has published extensively on the Middle East and international studies. His most recent works include Iraq: The Human Cost of History, with William H. Haddad (Pluto, 2004), The Iraqi Predicament: People in the Quagmire of Power Politics, with Jacqueline S. Ismael (Pluto, 2004), The Communist Movement in the Arab World (Routledge, 2005), and The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party of Iraq (Cambridge UP, 2008).

Jennifer W. Jay, Professor of History and Classics at the University of Alberta, graduated from the University of British Columbia (BA, MA) and the Australian National University (PhD). While her teaching fields include Chinese, Asian, and world history, her research interests focus on medieval and modern China, drama and women’s literature, film, and Chinese Canadian literature.

Katherine R. Jolluck, a specialist on Modern Eastern Europe, has taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Naval Postgraduate School, and is now Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at Stanford University. Her book Exile and Identity: Polish Women in the Soviet Union during WWII, was published by the University of Pittsburgh Press in 2002. She has also written on gender and war, and anti-Semitism in Poland

Alison Landsberg is Associate...
