Displacement, Gender, and the Challenges of Parenting after Hurricane Katrina
- NWSA Journal
- Johns Hopkins University Press
- Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 2008
- pp. 69-105
- 10.1353/ff.2008.a256897
- Article
- Additional Information
In emergency situations and in the aftermath of disaster, parents are essential in caring for children. Yet very little has been written explicitly about the experiences of mothers and fathers—either as individuals or partners—in postdisaster contexts. With the understanding that parenting is a gendered endeavor that occurs in a society stratified by race and class, this article focuses on the responses of mothers and fathers to Hurricane Katrina. This article draws on data gathered in Louisiana through observations, focus groups, and in-depth interviews with parents and other adults responsible for the care of children. Through a qualitative analysis, this research examines the strategies that mothers and fathers used to deal with the challenges of parenting in the aftermath of Katrina, the role of advocates who worked on behalf of families, the importance of kin networks, and the uniqueness of New Orleans and what the city means for families struggling to recover after the storm.