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  • Biographies of Contributors

Martin Jungius received his Ph.D. in political science at the University of Konstanz in 2005; his dissertation was awarded the Guillaume Fichet-Octave Simon Prize in 2008. Dr. Jungius's publications include Der verwaltete Raub: Die 'Arisierung' der Wirtschaft in Frankreich in den Jahren 1940 bis 1944 (2008), and "'Arisierungsnetzwerke'—Akteurskonstellationen, Arbeitsteilung und Interessenskonflikte bei der 'Arisierung' größerer Unternehmen in Frankreich, 1940–1944" (with Aurélie Audeval, Marie Muschalek, and Jörg Raab), Francia 32–33 (2005).

Astrid Klocke is Associate Professor of German at Northern Arizona University, where she teaches German literature, culture, and film. She has presented numerous conference papers on satire, humor, and Holocaust literature, and has published a chapter translation from Edgar Hilsenrath's novel Bronkys Geständnis in Metamorphoses 16, no. 2 (2008) and an article entitled "Beyond Satire: Edgar Hilsenrath's Novel Der Nazi und der Friseur," in Victoria Hertling, Wulf Koepke, and Jörg Thunecke, eds., Hitler im Visier: Literarische Satiren und Karikaturen als Waffe gegen den Nationalsozialismus (2005).

Sabine Mecking is a Research Fellow at the Department of History of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Dusseldorf. Her research focuses on government in the twentieth century and the political culture of the Federal Republic of Germany. Her publications include "Immer treu": Kommunalbeamte zwischen Kaiserreich und Bundesrepublik (2003), and (co-editor with Andreas Wirshing) Stadtverwaltung im Nationalsozialismus: Systemstabilisierende Dimensionen kommunaler Herrschaft.

Emiliano Perra received his doctorate from the University of Bristol. At the Universities of Bristol and Cardiff he has taught courses on the history and memory of the Holocaust, and he is now recipient of the Rome Fellowship offered by the British School at Rome. His research interests lie within the area of contemporary cultural representations of the Holocaust, with a particular focus on the Italian context. His publications include "Narrazioni di un trauma: L'Olocausto dalla storiografia al cinema," Discipline Filosofiche 16, no. 1 (2006); and "Il Vaticano e la Shoah nel dibattito pubblico italiano: La ricezione presso la stampa de Il Vicario, Rappresaglia e Amen," Acta Italianistica Ultraiectina (forthcoming).

Wolfgang Seibel is Professor of Political and Administrative Science at the University of Konstanz. His publications include "The Strength of Perpetrators: The Holocaust in Western Europe, 1940–1944," Governance 15 (2002); "A Market for Mass Crime? Inter-Institutional Competition and the Initiation of the Holocaust in France, 1940–1942," Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 5 (2002); (with Jörg Raab) "Verfolgungsnetzwerke," Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 55 (2003); and (co-editor with Gerald D. Feldman) Networks of Nazi Persecution: Bureaucracy, Business, and the Organization of the Holocaust (2005). [End Page 607]


