- First War
First war resembles a beautiful girlwe all want to flirt with and believe.
Later it's more a repulsive old whorewhose callers are bitter and grieve. [End Page 12]
Shmu'el HaNagid (993-1056 c.e.) was the first major poet of the Hebrew literary renaissance of Muslim Spain. He was also the prime minister of the Muslim state of Granada, commander of the Granadan army, and one of the leading religious figures of his day.
Peter Cole is the author of What Is Doubled: Poems 1981–1998. His latest volume, Things on Which I've Stumbled, was published by New Directions in 2008. Cole's many books of translation from Hebrew and Arabic include The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain 950–1492 (Princeton University Press, 2007). He was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow in 2007.