In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Cumulative Subject Index

Volume 31 Subject and Volume 31 Author Indices

The cumulative subject index lists articles (chronologically) by what, to my best judgment, represents the various general categories (listed alphabetically) of participants, behaviors, and procedures studied. I have also noted (parenthetically) any appropriate specific descriptors. In addition, specialized articles (such as reviews) are listed separately as well as within the categories just described. Thus, all articles are listed more than once to allow for cross-referencing. Each listing for the articles takes the form: Volume number (Issue number) Number of the first page of the article (Specific descriptors, if any), e.g., 31(2)121(10 year olds) might appear under the general category of School-Aged Children in the Participants section of the cumulative subject index. Because these listings represent my judgments, any misrepresentations are my responsibility. The author index contains an alphabetical listing of each author in Volume 31 with first authors listed along with their co-authors (if any), the title of the article, and the pages where the article appears. Co-authors are also integrated alphabetically with the first authors with a reference to the first author and the page numbers of the article.

Daniel E. Hursh

Senior Editor

Subject Index ETC Volume 31 Participants

Adolescents: 31(2)223(at risk – Program Description); 31(4)445(incarcerated or committed youth).

Autistic Children: 31(1)27(elementary); 31(3)297(preschoolers); 31(3)381(sex education – Review Article); 31(3)433(functional behavior assessment for – Book Review).

Behavior Disordered Children: 31(3)307(K-12); 31(4)567(elementary); 31(4)583(identification and treatment of anxiety in – Review Article); 31(4)549(girls).

Children: 31(3)395(five to eight year olds with obsessive compulsive disorder – Discussion Article).

Elementary School Students: 31(2)153(first and third graders); [End Page 617] 31(2)167(first and third graders); 31(3)267(second graders); 31(4)465(kindergarteners through fifth graders).

Handicapped Children: 31(3)333(preschooler with developmental delays).

Infants/Toddlers: 31(2)213(16 month old).

Learning Disabled Children: 31(1)55(high school); 31(2)203(high school).

Middle School Students: 31(2)119 (urban and suburban).

Parents: 31(1)73(at risk for child maltreatment – Review Article); 31(1)111(early childhood education and care– Book Review).

Preschool/Kindergarten Children: 31(2)183(Head Start).

Professionals: 31(4)523(single case researchers).

School-Aged Children: 31(2)239(cultural sensitivity to – Discussion Article); 31(3)417(response to intervention as a set of principles – Discussion Article).

Teachers: 31(1)1(elementary); 31(1)39(high school); 31(1)111 (early childhood education and care– Book Review); 31(2)119 (middle school); 31(3)333(preschool); 31(3)351(classroom management – Review Article); 31(4)465(kindergarten through fi.h grade); 31(4)495(elementary).


Academic: 31(1)55(secondary content areas); 31(2)119(active engagement and quiz performance); 31(2)153(math problems and on-task behavior); 31(2)167(math fluency and on-task behavior); 31(2)203(choosing, completing, and correct responding on assignments); 31(3)267(decoding skills); 31(3)307(academic processing speed) ; 31(4)445(and mental health needs and special education status); 31(4)561(on-task).

Functional Living Skills: 31(2)213(tub standing); 31(2)223(service learning – Program Description).

Parent: 31(1)73(child maltreatment – Review Article); 31(1)111 (early childhood education and care– Book Review).

Professional: 31(4)523(quality indicators in single case research).

Social: 31(1)27(social skills); 31(1)39(tardies); 31(2)119(disruptions); 31(2)183(Social Skills Rating Scale for Teachers); 31(3)297(compliance with instructions); 31(3)333(play); 31(3)381(sex education – Review Article); 31(3)395(obsessive compulsive disorder – Discussion Article); 31(4)465(antisocial behavior); 31(4)583(anxiety – Review Article); 31(4)549(emotional and behavioral disabilities).

Teacher: 31(1)1(Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports); [End Page 618] 31(1)111(early childhood education and care – Book Review); 31(2)119 (praising, reprimanding, instructing, or listening); 31(3)333(facilitating play); 31(3)351(evidence-based classroom management practices – Review Article); 31(4)465...
